
Former and current Clinton associates who are called or may be called to testify against the First Couple have 4 options:NEW

Top Ten List of Good things that have Happened

My personal Top 10 list of good things about the Klinton presidency: 

10) White House staff makes a great case study for amnesia research.

09) Over 400 elected Democrats have switched parties since Zippy 
    took Office.

08) Set a fine example of how NOT to fire a whole travel dept. 

07) With pals like Tyson, you too can make a 10,000% return in 
    cattle futures!
06) Invented the term "Bimbo Eruptions Unit".

05) Reminded us that organized crime is alive  and well and 
    living at Teamsters & DNC headquarters.

04) Had more Chinese nationals in the White House than Nixon ever did!. 

03) Set new  records for FBB's (Friends Behind Bars).

02) Got a Green Card?- You can VOTE!! ; And the  number 1 good thing 
    about the Klinton presidency.

01) Velcro is BACK !!! 

''Bill Clinton is a man for all colors and we love him best in peach. Peach is the color of our President's future (impeach!). Peach ribbons should be worn in his honor as the third President in our history to be the subject of impeachment hearings! It will be all the rage this fall as both young and old are dressed sporting a bright peach ribbon (please no costumes at the protest!)!

Tie them to your Antennas as you convoy to DC down the nation’s highways! Tie them to Trees and all patriots will gain courage from them! Tie them to Skyscrapers so Americans will know we are fighting for justice!

Anyone who is not able to make it to DC, can still be there with us in spirit by wearing the peach "impeachment" ribbon! People will disregard the phony polls when they see the country awash in the shade of PEACH!

How to Make:
They are easy to make. Just purchased a 50 yard roll of one inch wide, peach ribbon from one of the local fabric stores. (It sounds like a lot but that amount will only make 150 ribbons.) K-Mart and Walmart just don't have the proper color. Each ribbon was cut to a one foot length. After making the loop, each ribbon was uniform in size and was big enough to be noticed. Hold the ribbon together with a straight pin (folks will need to attach it somehow - might as well give them the pin) and put a spot of glue under the crossover point. That way the ribbon won't come apart after the pin comes out.''

Quote from "March for Justice" Peach Ribbon Campaign (please visit!)Freeper Action Network © Copyright 1998 All Rights Reserved.

Peach ribbon and fiar the liar gifs courtesy of FreeRepublic.com

You can find M-Peach at the Mike Reagan DEBATE forums! When you see him there,
you'll have to ask M-Peach why he chose the name "M-Peach"!

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