I know I've said this a
hundred times, but the purpose of PubliusII was to educate, inform and be a resource for
any and all who visit here. People who visit politically orientated forums have so much to say...and too many
valuable posts fall into cyberwasteland! Recently, I mentioned in a ''mass'' email, that I wish to find the answer to get passive voters and nonvoters to become active..aware, and demand a more limited govt...I've searched for this answer for over a year. The problem with PubliusII and others like it is that the visitors to it, and websites like it..are more than likely ''already'' educated and active. We need to reach the unreachable,..before it's too late! We need to start a ''get politically active and aware'' campaign. Maybe we need to visit
nonpolitically orientated chatrooms, and leave PubliusII's URL, as well as our other favorite politically orientated website URL's...and make formal campaign pleas!! We need to reach those passive voters and non-voters so that they too will be educated and informed about important political issues. What are your opinions on this matter? Do you have any suggestions? Do you know of a way to reach passive citizens?