Welcome to John's place!

We all know that the War Between the States was fought over slavery right? Don't be so sure!

Don't be misled by well meaning politicians. Read the truth about the racist roots of gun control laws.

There's no evidence to support the theory of creation over the theory of evolution, is there?

Who agrees that it's time to shake up the system!?!

Read some letters I've sent regarding several different issues.


Check out these cool Links!

Check out The Constitution Society Homepage - Full text of the US Constitution (including amendments), and founding documents.
Independence for Dixie! Visit The League of the South, home of Dixienet.
Don't trust the government! Read about the Abuses of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
Isn't Sunday the Lords day? Things aren't always as they seem.
Stop by the The Conservative Right-Wing Radical Redneck Page (not as corny as the name implies!)
Stop the presses! The 14th amendment was never ratified!
The John Boy and Billy Big Show (the REALLY big show, I tell ya!)

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