I am an independent. If any words can describe my views, it's populist libertarian, as I support keeping labor here and not overseas. Opponent of globalism. And govt should stay out of people's lives.

Libertarian - The leave us alone party.

'' My take on the others''

Socialism(govt type, not economic), Communism, Fascism, Nazism are all extremely similar in my book. They have minor differences in them, but one thing is real common. The state is in charge. No freedom. They usually have a secret police in their states to nail dissenters. KGB, PLA, SS and SA. I can add military dicktatorships(intentional spelling), fundemental govt and true monarchies as well. The term Statism covers everything.

Capitalism - Capitialism is an economic system that isn't perfect, but the best we got IF it has checks. The major check needed it that there are no monopolies, and that labor is not a commodety(sp). In today's "global community" the problem is that third world laborers are exploited in the name for cheaper goods. That is three problems. One, the prices are the same if Americans make the goods. Two - Massive unemployment in the USA's future since not everyone can adept to the service tech economy. This means more welfare, probably more crime, and a two class society. The techies, and screwed by NAFTA/GATT Three - The third world countries are pawns to the global corps.

Socialism - Public ownership aka govt. It's an ideology that will never work because of human nature. The second stage of Marxism is dicktatorship of the prolitariet(sp) after they overthrow the rich oppressors. It's meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. The prolitariet will just be the new boss in the two class society. Govt and everybody else.

Conservatism - Three types. Buchanan Wing(Go Pat Go), Religious Fundementalist wing(Not to be confused to avg Christian's like myself), and WS(Wall Street) wing(Newtie).

The Buchanan wing - Buchanan has toned down the religious rhetoric the past few years and has concentrated on corporate welfare, NAFTA and GATT, and overall populism and isolationism. I support it. We need to drop corporate welfare, protect our labor, and take care of ourselves for a change. We are not the worlds policeman. We also need to watch our immigration, especially the illegals.

Fundementalism- The Jerry Falwell and Pat Roberstons. These people claim to speak for God. Only God speaks for God as far as I'm concerned. These people are nothing more than Statists that want to ban everything they disagree with. The "daddy" state. Statists.

Wall Street - Pure losers and A-holes. These people have the character of alley cats. These include the New Democrats, and Gingrich repubs. These people will sell out the country for a nickle(Clinton, D'mato) and have no agenda. All they care about is money and power. They only serve their buyers. This is 85% of congress. They also think they know what's best for you and are freedom grabbers.

Liberalism - Here you got progressives, populists, and New Democrats.

Progessives - I'm no fan of them.(Closet Socialists) Regressives are my term for them. Tax and Spenders. They think people can't do things on their own without govt intervention. The "nanny state" Statists. With them it is more govt. More regulations, taxes, and less freedom.

Populists(Buchanan's liberal counterparts) - I like them. These people are the heart of the country. The blue-collar laborers. They are both liberal and conservative and a large number of them voted for Buchanan even though the union bosses backed Clinton. Populists are believers in America first, anti-globalism, and decent pay for a hard day's work.

New Democrats- Same as the WS Repubs.

Libertarianism - A hybrid of conservatives and liberals. They seem to take the conservatives view on taxes, regulations, and the liberals view about govt involvement in moral issues. Less govt, period. Closest PARTY to my views, since the Repubs(and Dems) are dominated by the Wall Street people.

"Whether it's fundementalism, socialism, progressivism, wall street sellouts, commies, Nazi's, Fascists, or any of them, it's all Statism." "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

"I'm not a liberal or a conservative. My belief is that on the left you have the nanny state and the daddy state on the right. People should make their own decisions as long as it doesn't put others at risk. Offending people doesn't put others at risk. Impeach Clinton for selling the country out to China, and for his activities at Mena Arkansas''

Dan W

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