Michigan Ad Hoc Committee
for the
Human Rights Amendment
The Human Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:
Article 1: The rights established by this Constitution and the laws
of the United States of America are exclusively the rights of living,
breathing humans, citizens of this country or residing therein. No
corporation or other type of association or organization can have the
status of a "legal person," and thus cannot derive rights from such
Article 2: These organizations have no permanent, constitutionally protected
rights, though they may have such powers or immunities as are
explicitly granted to them by legislative actions at either the federal
or the state level. These powers or immunities may be modified or removed by later
action of the same legislative bodies. In no case can these powers or
immunities override the constitutionally protected rights of human beings.
Why is this amendment needed?
What would this amendment accomplish?
Why should any organization work on
getting it passed?
Who is this "ad hoc committee"?
Why not have the amendment do more?
More to come
Your comments on this issue would be appreciated. We will post your
comments for and against, with your e-mail address, provided the comments
are not of the "You are a god-damned fool/anarchist/anti-Christ/etc.,"
variety. We will also be posting a page of links to organizations that
support the Human Rights Amendment. If there is a link you would like to
have listed, e-mail MAHCHRA.
Meanwhile, take a look at a very interesting web-based organization that
has compatible goals - Organization for a
Liberated Society.