To Deputy George Cayer's Web-Site.
I have just completed 25 years of service with the Rumdord Police Department.
I am now a Deputy Sheriff patroling Oxford County.
This new challenge will be a welcome change and will allow
me to see new areas of the county.
Oxford County Maine consists of 2200 square miles, encompassing 55 municipalities ,organized townships
and unorganized townships.
With a population of year round residents of 54,000 .
Mission Statement.
The members of the Oxford County Sheriff's Office are dedicated to protecting life and property. We are committed to providing all citizens with the highest quality law enforcement and correctional services, and shall perform our duties in an efficient and effective manner. While providing the traditional services of the Sheriff, we stand ready to support and augment all other law enforcement agencies. We recognize that the ability to successfully complete our mission is based on shared mutual respect and responsibility between the Sheriff's Office, county, state and municipal agencies, and the citizens we serve. As professionals, we will enforce the laws in a fair and impartial manner, recognizing both the statutory and judicial limitations of our police authority and at all times protecting the constitutional rights of every individual
Enjoy the page and stay safe!
This web page is dedicated to the following:
All the police officers who have
fallen in the line of duty, the families
to our fallen brothers and sisters and to all
the victims of drunk drivers and the families who live
with the loss of a loved one every day.
Click the below United Nations link to go to my Kosovo Mission Page
2000 - 2001 Mission in Kosovo.
Remember Columbine High School
April 20, 1999!.

Click on Major to go to
Louise Krause's Pet Memorial Page!.
This is Major, my friend and dedicated
family dog from 1985 to 1991.
Major was fully trained when I got him at age four.
He will always be rememberd and sadly missed.
Antonio Pagliarulo
Poems & Stories Guaranteed to get your attention!

Click on the American Flag to read about getting permission to burn our flag.
I felt it necessary to place this page on my web site because
of the American Flag desecration going on in Florida
by Cuban immigrants! Please read this page!.
Click on the American Flag and say a prayer for our fallen vets.

View My New Guestbook
Sign My New Guestbook
View Old 2001 Guestbook
View Old 2000 Guestbook
View Old 1999 Guestbook
View Old 1998 Guestbook
View Old 1997 Guestbook

My most recentAward! (Thanks Louise!)