Thank-you for your interest.KENTUCKY CONSTABLE The office of Constable dates from Medieval England. When the King had problems with the Sheriff he decided to make the stable groom the law enforcement officer for the Castle grounds, thus, the name Constable. Some people confuse the name of 'COP' with Constable. COP is a diminution of COPPER which referred to the buttons worn by English bobbies. Constables were first made Kentucky Constitutional officers under Article VI, Section 5 of the 1850 Constitution. The 1891 Kentucky Constitution requires one Constable in each Justice of the Peace (Magistrate) district. Constables are peace officers possessing law enforcement powers (KRS 446.010). Any peace officer may make arrests under KRS 431.005. Constables' term of office in Kentucky in four years. A Constable must be 24 years of age, be a citizen of Kentucky for two years, and a resident of the County one year prior to election. Constables have County-wide jurisdiction and in certain cases may cross County corporate lines in performance of duties. Constables may carry concealed deadly weapons for their protection (KRS 537.020). Specific statutory duties devolve upon all peace officers such as those relating to motor vehicles (KRS 281.765), seizing automobiles transporting alcoholic beverages in a dry territory and making all necessary arrests (KRS 242.360), etc.
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