Hello and Welcome to my web page. Thank you in advance for any comments. Have a nice day.

Frank Garcia - 02/01/00 17:12:38
My Email:bernardo.f.garcia@delta-air.com
Your Favorite Web Page: yahoo
Party Affiliation: Delta Air Lines
Your Hobbie: photos
How is the President doing?: Starting a new life
Your Favorite Animal: Wolf
How did you find this web page?: Historical files

Thanks for the small history file,of which I was looking for. f/g

Reggie - 11/06/99 03:13:52
My Email:reggie@duo-county.com
Party Affiliation: Rep.
Your Hobbie: Automobiles
Your Favorite Animal: Rottweiler
How did you find this web page?: search

I am also a KY constable just looking around. Good Job.

anonymous - 10/07/98 00:38:24
Your Favorite Web Page: i would have to go with mine on that
Party Affiliation: hmm...parties are fun
Your Hobbie: homework
How is the President doing?: i'm not voting age, so my opinion really doesn't matter in this country
Your Favorite Animal: canine
How did you find this web page?: cool looking banner

I take it that you're from Kentucky, which means I really can't blame you for it, but you need to fix many spelling and grammar mistakes. But like I said, it's not your fault that you live in the South. "coming" only has one "m"; "hobby" does not contai an "ie" except in the plural form.

jo - 08/11/98 03:57:37
My URL:/capitolhill/senate/6034
My Email:qtech@ionet.net
Your Favorite Web Page: hmmm... havent made my mind up ...mbee this one :)
Party Affiliation: stop bad stuff before it happens :)
Your Hobbie: people and :) blugrass
How is the President doing?: dunno
Your Favorite Animal: doggies
How did you find this web page?: geocities banner xchange

Nice page. Think mbee the images might load a bit quicker if they were a little smaller in size. Your's is the first law enforcer site I found so I am really impressed. I spend some time trying to trace 'bad adds' and I do it free I dont arrest people just ask them to PLEASE not send bad stuff to me.

Dennis M. Demby - 03/30/98 02:55:19
My URL:http://www.nowhereonearth.com
My Email:nowhereonearth@csi.com
Your Favorite Web Page: same
How did you find this web page?: excellent

Love your page. Try ours above to the Butler County Constable Association in Pennsylvania. Keep up the good work and BE SAFE.

- 03/28/98 00:24:03


τΏτ BIG D τΏτ - 03/06/98 20:48:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/BELFAST4/index.html
My Email:BELFAST4@aol.com
Your Favorite Web Page: mine
Your Hobbie: Photo, RVing, fishing
How is the President doing?: A1
Your Favorite Animal: Owls
How did you find this web page?: Was looking for clocks

Way to go Kentucky, keep up the good work. Why don't you try & add a picture of yourself. Visit my page if you have the time. Be Cool Dennis

David - 10/03/97 00:13:35
My URL:/colosseum/loge/8186
My Email:dwillard@pacbell.net
Your Hobbie: RC car racing/computers
How is the President doing?: AHH/Yeah/loaded question
Your Favorite Animal: My dog and cats
How did you find this web page?: a close friend

Great site, I enjoyed the visit. Please come visit me at my site at,
Barbwyr Racing
Don't forget to sign my GUESTBOOK.
Thank You

Jodi - 08/31/97 16:26:27
My URL:/thetropics/shores/8186
My Email:wrongway@pacbell.net
Your Favorite Web Page: geocities.com/colosseum/loge/8186
Your Hobbie: Laughlin slots/Fishing/camping
How is the President doing?: So far so good
Your Favorite Animal: Panda
How did you find this web page?: your banner on my web page

Neat Site.This is the secong law inforcment page that has had a banner on my page,Am I in trouble? HE HE .Come visit me at
I'll be(.)(.)watching for you at my GUESTBOOK.
Be sure to check out the new prize game button.
Thank You

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