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Stop Abuse
***ABUSE OF POWER *** the ultimate HYPOCRISY © 1997
When you know everything I do (reading this you might get to know)
you will never think about your gov`t the same way again!
I wish to let people who were abused know that there are other alternatives . . .
-Stop Abuse Crazy
Just another preface . . .
list of

    "The community as a whole doesn't listen patiently to critics who
    adopt alternative viewpoints. Although the great lesson of history
    is that knowledge develops through the conflict of viewpoints."
      -Walter Gilbert
    This Abuse of Power Ring site is owned by Doron A. Tal.
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  1.  Top index to ABUSE OF POWER and HYPOCRISY
    A petition against ABUSE OF POWERS regardless of HUMAN and CIVIL RIGHTS, in
    Israel and in the U$A: Evidence showing deliberate injustice and hypocrisy!
    Support whistle blowers!
    Realize why does Crime Pay? Read about the evolving Mind Patterns and My Creed.

  2. USA
    1. Injustice in U$ goverment - abuse of power by the New World Odor
    2. Abuse of foreigners (aka aliens . . . yiekh) in the U$A
    3. Coming soon abuse of power by CapitolHill leaders dealers . . .

  3. Israel
    1. Abuse of Power, Fraud and Corruption in Israel
    2. Peace in the Middle East
    3. Rabin's assassination
    4. The Missing Yemenite Children
    5. UFO over Jerusalem  Should we take care?

  4. My legal actions
    1. My U$ experience being an abused foreigner (aka alien . . . yiekh)
    2. Breach of an employment contract inducing illegal work in the U$
    3. @ the Israeli Supreme Court
    4. RAFAEL owned by the Israeli Ministry of Defense
    5. A case of Libel has been already proven!  Was there a conspiracy?

  5. Misc. and Utilities

       The New World Odor
      of puppet regimes behind a pseudo-democratic facade of transnational corporations, banks and "funds"

  1.  Evolving Minds

  2.  Crime Pays :(

  3.  My Creed

  4.  My 2 Cents: Hell to Hypocrisy and New World Order!
    Communications without knowledge is noise.
    Knowledge without communications is irrelevant!

  5.  Public Denied Hearing at Public Hearing
    What do Americans have to do to experience good, old fashioned legal reform?

  6.  Capitol Hill Whatever ... Interview with Stop_Abuse  Yugo: Are we willing to face the truth?
    June 8, 1999 Page 7 Volume I, Issue 1 The Capitol Hill Whatever (CHW) interviews Stop_Abuse (SA), one of the exCapitol Hill Community Leaders...

       Abuse of foreigners (aka aliens . . . yiekh) in the U$A

  1.  Directory to ABUSE OF POWERS by the USA and Hypocrite Americans
    Hypocrisy: a petition against ABUSE OF POWERS regardless of HUMAN and CIVIL RIGHTS, in the United States. Herein evidence showing deliberate injustice.

  2.  Welcome to Stop Abuse
    When you know everything I do . . . OUTSTANDING!

  3.  American Policy Regarding Foreign Workers
    There is no questioning the fact that Americans discriminate against aliens in employment - striking evidence!

  4.  References to American Policy Regarding Foreign Workers

  5.  How Do Americans Abuse Foreigners?
    Greedy employers supported by the US Administration use any means legal and illegal if they think they won't get caught, to foster the filling of their wallets, and at the expense of the wallets of others.

  6.  Why Do Americans Abuse Foreigners?
    Why hasn't Congress acted to stem the alien flow and preserve America for Americans? Find out the secret!

  7.  Apartheid American Style $$$ Hypocrisy
    Stop the Abuse of Foreign Workers. Find out abuse of power secrets . . .

  8.  Carpet-Baggers the Hypocrisy  Definition of `Carpet-baggers'

  9.  What is debunk? (definition)

  10.  ALIENAGE - US Constitution
    Americans slight US Constitution that prohibit discrimination because of alienage.

  11.  Aliens Are Not Pets!
    The purpose of this site is to fight against abuse of helpless foreigners (aka aliens) in the United States.

  12.  INA - Immigration Nationality Act (reference)
    US law concerning immigration related matters, and in particular, fraud and discrimination because of alienage or national origin

  13.  Why Would Americans Sustain Slavery of Foreigners?
    The ultimate abuse of alienage in the United States is outragious.

  14.  Immigration debate via PUBPOL-D and PUBPOL-L
    How do Americans abuse foreigners? Herein pointers to publications on PUBPOL-D and PUBPOL-L.

  15.  INS - Immigration Naturalization Service
    Why should I not allege that INS has been an organization of panders?

  16.  ABOLISH the INS
    Why should the INS be abolished? The INS is not meeting expectations.

  17.  Hypocrisy - Jan 96
    There is no questioning the fact that Americans abuse aliens in employment. January 1996.

  18.  Total Breakdown in Labor Certification Program Imminent - Jan 98
    Herein is my forcast for the imminent however fake crisis as claimed in Jan 1998.

  19.  The INS is still a giant devil - Feb 98
    Why isn't the INS a white elephent? February 1998.

  20.  The Emerging H-1B "Crisis" - March 98
    The first signs for the upcoming fake crisis. March 1998.

  21.  The INS Scam - April 98
    Too many scams in the Immigration Service. April 1998.

  22.  The H-1B "Crisis" - May 98
    Tech worker shortage, fact or myth? May 1998.

  23.  The H-1B Cap is a FAKE CRISIS, June 1998
    The INS relaxes regulations while H-1B debate continues. June 1998.

  24.  H-1B Campaign is Set Back, July 1998
    Again and Again we realize how Americans abuse aliens in employment. July 1998.

  25.  Congress Deal over H-1B, August 1998
    Would the Congress ultimately abuse aliens in employment? Aug 1998.

  26.  No Deal - Sept 1998
    There is no questioning the fact that Americans abuse aliens in employment. Sept 1998.

  27.  Lifting the H-1B cap for two years
    Lifting the Cap may prove that Americans abuse aliens in employment. Sep-Oct 1998.

  28.  The Gross Abuse - Dec 1998
    Tech worker shortage, fact or myth? Dec 1998.

  29.  Isn't it slavery?
    How are H-1B's abused by pimps? Policians cause more abuse of aliens in employment. News of Jan 1999.

  30.  Abuse-Discrimination INS Deports US Citizen, Admits Error
    Burden of proof lies with INS they must prove an accused is not a citizen, before deporting . . .

  31.  NEW YORK: POLICE ON TRIAL and Category Mistakes
    NY POLICE terrorize immigrants behind blue

  32.  Proposition 187 revoked

  33.  Congress Deal over H-1B, August 1998
    Would the Congress ultimately abuse aliens in employment?

       My U$ experience being an abused foreigner (aka alien . . . yiekh)

  1.  The Federal Case: Alienage Discrimination and Hypocrisy
    Was there national origin discrimination or rather fraud of the America authorities?

  2.  My Experience in the U$A
    Here, unlike in the Courtroom, we deal in the Truth. This is a place where the Judge and the U.S. officials should be the Defendants, and the whistleblower should have won. . .

  3.  Seeking Representation in NJ at U.S.D.C.
    A foreigner has standing to sue a small business firm in NJ, after he exhausted administrative proc.

  4.  Public reply to a lawyer in VA
    Answering a response to ``Seeking Representation in NJ at USDC''

  5.  Cause of Action
    An American employer breached an employing contract with an expert foreigner scientist and fired him,
    because he was a whistle blower.

  6.  Undisputed Facts
    An employer abused networking with RAFAEL, then committed immigration fraud, unlawfully employed a foreign worker and provided false testimony in American courts.

  7.  Proposed Pleading
    An American employer abused a foreign worker and retaliated against him because he had refused to collaborate in fraud. Allegedly, there was breach of employment contract, discrimination because of national origin, immigration fraud, unlawful racketeering

  8.  Arguments proposed
    An American employer should be liable for injuries he caused, unable to prove no fault or good faith employing unlawfully a foreign worker.

  9.  A letter to US Embassy in Tel Aviv
    A tough letter to US embassy in Tel-Aviv, Israel, which they never responded to.

  10.  Exhibits: Fraud committed by M.L. Energia, Inc.
    Partial list of exhibits; Seeking representation in NJ at USDC

  11.  OCAHO Interim Decision 519
    Tal was granted standing to show that M.L. Energia, Inc. discriminated against him because of national origin; OCAHO Case No. 92B00143, interim decision.

  12.  4 OCAHO 639
    Ms. Nira S. Lavid and Dr. Moshe M. Lavid were removed from the caption of OCAHO Case No. 92B00143; M.L. Energia. Inc. remained respondent solely.

  13.  4 OCAHO 705
    Final Order: The 1992 Complaint was ordered to be dismissed; OCAHO Case No. 92B00143, Tal v. Energia

       Abuse of Power, Fraud and Corruption in Israel

  1.  ABUSE OF POWERS by some Hypocrite Israelis
    This is a petition against ABUSE OF POWERS regardless of HUMAN and CIVIL RIGHTS, in Israel.
    Find out the secrets of deliberate injustice!

  2.  DePublic of Corruption - Our Fake Democracy
    Republic means returning the power to the public. Depublic would be taking the power from the public.

  3.  Wrong Israeli Supreme Court verdicts
    Do Israeli Supreme Court verdicts reflect the political views of the judges, disregarding pure legal aspects?

  4.  STOP ABUSE The Pawns
    An Israeli physicist holding U.S. patent over launching missiles likely lost his patent to IAI.

  5.  Clinic For Foreign Workers
    Access to medical care is a basic human right to which no person should be denied. PHR opened clinic in Israel for the sake of foreign workers.

  6.  Israel versus foreign workers
    There is no questioning the fact that Israelis abuse foreigners in employment

  7.  The Enigma - Spirit hovering ... over Jerusalem
    A snap shot of a Top Secret UFO over High Court, Jerusalem

       Peace in the Middle East

  1.  PEACE and TOLERANCE in the Middle East, Israel, Palestine
    These pages concern peace and tolerance, focusing on the Israeli-Arab conflict in the Middle East.

       At the Israeli Supreme Court

  1.  !Freedom of Information in Israel? ABUSE OF POWERS @ High Court
    Why would the Israeli Supreme Court abuse its power and coverup corruption?

  2.  Decisions of Israeli Sup. Ct. case 4556/97 inJustice & ABUSE OF POWERS
    Showing how the final decision: Tal v. Civil Service Commissioner at the Israeli Supreme Court was wrong!

  3.  Isareli Supreme Court 4556/97 Initial Verdict-Hebrew HTML

  4.  Isareli Supreme Court 4556/97 Final Verdict - Hebrew HTML

  5.  Israeli Supreme Court 7245/97 Final Verdict - Hebrew HTML

  6.  Israeli Supreme Court Petition 4556/97 Tal v. Civil Service Commissioner, Supreme Court of Israel
    Is it the Law or an injustice? ABUSE OF POWERS.  Why should Civil Service Commissioner would not answer?

  7.  A decision at the Israeli Supreme Court
    Why has the court failed to decide whether the state should reply timely?

       Rabin's assassination

  1.  Rabin's Assassination is an enigma
    What do we really know about Rabin's assassination?

  2.  Rabin's Assassination OUTSTANDING EVIDENCE 1
    The purpose of this page is to question contradiction of evidence regarding Rabin's assassination.

  3.  Rabin's Assassination - References
    The purpose of this page is to question what we know about Rabin's assassination.

  4.  Rabin's Assassination - Open Questions
    The purpose of this page is to question Rabin's assassination. Do we know the truth?

  5.  Raviv and Har-Shefi; Rabin's Assassination
    The involvement of Avishai Raviv in Rabin's assassination.

  6.  Who Killed Rabin? The assassination is still an enigma!
    What do we really know about Rabin's assassination?

  7.  Rabin's Assassination OUTSTANDING EVIDENCE 2
    The purpose of this page is to search for the truth concerning Rabin's assassination.

       The Missing Yemenite Children

  1.  A Review of The Missing Yemenite Children (Israel)
    An outstanding directory repotring the recent affairs around the Missing Yemenite Children (Israel).

  2.  PREFACE - The Missing Children an Israeli scam
    The issue of the missing Yemenite and other Jewish children is well-known in Israel, but it is virtually unknown abroad.

  3.  THE HEARING - The Missing Children an Israeli scam
    Official Government Committee investigates the disappearance of children in the years 1948-1954.

  4.  THE EMPTY GRAVES - The Missing Children in Israel
    Most of the parents were told that their children died, although these children were likely kidnapped by hospital staff and infant care workers. . .

  5.  COVER UP? - The Missing Yemenite Children in Israel
    Where are the bones? Who is the liar - Sonia Millstein or Roza Kotzinski?

  6.  WERE THE CHILDREN SOLD? - The Missing Children in Israel
    This shocking testimony may prove that Children from Israel were likely exported to the United States for $5,000 each.

  7.  OBSTRUCTION OF THE TRUTH - The Missing Children in Israel
    Ami Chovav was interviewed with respect to medical experiments allegedly conducted on Yemenite children hospitalized during the 50s.

  8.  THE HIDDEN SCANDAL - The Missing Children in Israel
    And there is a need to lend them a hand in finding their children - and the stealers of their children.

  9.  THEIR GRIEF STILL REMAINS - The Missing Children in Israel
    Immediately after the birth, the doctor asked to buy one of her twins saying: but you have other children!

  10.  SAYS THE LUBAVITCHER - The Missing Children in Israel
    Even after the committee finished its job, none of the documents were catalogued. . . No way was found to track down children sold for profit.

  11.  Swept Under The Magic Carpet - The Missing Children in Israel
    The outstanding story of Dora Vachnun and Ester Meshulam.

  12.  Margalit Omessi and Tzila Levine - The Missing Children in Israel
    The outstanding story of Dora Vachnun and Ester Meshulam.

  13.  Dervish.htm
    A photograph of Dervish

       A review of my legal actions in Israel


  1.  ***RAFAEL - The Israeli Nexus
    RAFAEL (RADA) dismissed a whistle blower, after putting a libelous letter in his personal file. This letter was written by an American employer. U.S. OSC decided there had been likely fraud, yet stayed away deliberately.

    RAFAEL (RADA) dismissed a whistle blower, after putting a libelous letter in his personal file. This letter was written by an American employer. U.S. OSC decided there had been likely fraud, yet stayed away deliberately.

  3.  Giora Shalgi (RAFAEL ceo) with PM Bibi Netaniyahu
    CEO of RAFAEL, Mr. Giora Shalgi with Israeli PM, Mr. Bibi Netaniyahu

  4.  RAFAEL (RADA) deceived an employee ק
    Israeli Supreme Court: Why would RAFAEL, the State of Israel, not revoke dismissal of a civil servant?

  5.  1st decision in re Dr. Bone

  6.  2nd decision in re Dr. Bone

  7.  Final decision in re Dr. Bone

  8.  RAFAEL (RADA) lost a license to cheat
    Isareli Supreme Court condemned RAFAEL: Has deceived an employee before dismissal. Stop abuse of power!

  9.  Israel's Verdict against RAFAEL (Hebrew)

  10.  RAFAEL (RADA) lost its appeal
    Israeli National Labor Court denied RAFAEL's appeal to let it dismiss civil servants

  11.  Chronological Index RADA - RAFAEL Armament Development Authority
    Corruption and misconduct within RAFAEL Israeli Armamnet Development Authority - RADA

  12.  Comptroller General about RADA - RAFAEL Armament Development Authority
    Corruption and misconduct within RAFAEL Israeli Armamnet Development Authority - RADA

  13.  Subject Index RADA - RAFAEL Armament Development Authority
    Corruption and misconduct within RAFAEL Israeli Armamnet Development Authority - RADA

  14.  Comptroller General reports about RADA - RAFAEL Armament Development Authority
    Corruption and misconduct within Israeli Civil Service at RAFAEL Israeli Armamnet Development Authority - RADA

       Breach of an employment contract for an illegal work in the U$

  1.  Have RAFAEL and ENERGIA conspired?
    If the facts as delineated here are correct, fraud has extended into all aspects of life... criminals' cover-up...

  2.  Has Judge Tivon deliberately delayed justice?
    If the facts as delineated in this proceeding are correct, then fraud has extended into all aspects of life and each group of criminals would cover for the others.

  3.  Labor court delays proceedings
    Energia moved the court for a payment of bail. What's the verdict?

  4.  Appealing bail payment
    My appeal from the decision for a payment of bail.

  5.  Another delay of proceedings
    Energia moves the court for jurisdiction and payment of bail

  6.  Bye Bye Judge Tivon. . .
    Herein my motion to the court in petition of improper due process of law.

  7.  At last things started moving . . .
    Herein Hon. Judge Maiblum's decision given on June 24th, 1999.

  8.  All decisions must be void
    If a court had no jurisdiction then all its previous decisions should be void and nullified. . .

       A Case of Libel - was there a conspiracy?

  1.  Libel: Was There a Conspiracy? [ Political Corruption ]
    $1.2M lawsuit was filed in Israel over a libelous letter that was allegedly abused by RAFAEL's CEO.

  2.  Tal Declares War on Corruption (RAFAEL)
    RAFAEL dismissed a civil servant, after putting a libelous letter in his file. The OSC (US) assumed there had been fraud, yet stayed away deliberately.

  3.  Libel Trial - Motion for Closed Doors
    The Public has the right to know.

  4.  Motion for Closed Doors DENIED!
    The Public has the right to know.

  5.  Libel trial prehearing Oct 21, 1998
    $1.2M lawsuit was filed in Israel over a libelous letter that was abused by RAFAEL allegedly.

  6.  Libel trial prehearing Dec 3, 1998
    $1.2M lawsuit was filed in Israel over a libelous letter that was abused by RAFAEL allegedly.

  7.  Libel trial Motion of Dec 30, 1998
    The State Attorney attempted to delay proceedings and denied.

  8.  Libel Trial - Motion of Dec 31, 1998
    The State Attorney moves the court to postpone Giora Shalgi's testimony.

  9.  Libel: Was There a Conspiracy?
    Libel lawsuit was partly denied allegedly abused by the court.

  10.  Israeli Court let me amend my lawsuit ... at the end of this trial
    Libel lawsuit was partly granted over non-monetary damages.

  11.  Libel Trial - Decision Mar 16, 1999
    Court found Dr. Moshe Lavid, CEO of M.L. Energia, Inc., Princeton, NJ, USA, liable over libel.

  12.  Kol Karmiel No. 149, May 30, 1997 (full article)
    Doron Tal Declares War on Corruption in RAFAEL (Hebrew). A libel $1.2M lawsuit.

  13.  Kol Karmiel No. 149, May 30, 1997 (header)
    Doron Tal Declares War on Corruption in RAFAEL (Hebrew). A libel $1.2M lawsuit.

       Misc. and Utilities

  1.  STOP ABUSE OF POWERS Guestbook
    Visitors` comments to Stop Abuse web-site This is my Guestbook.
    Please ask your questions via E-MAIL.

  2.  The Quality MIDI Collection of _Stop Abuse_
    Enjoy this fine collection of 78 MIDI files, with the final touch of Doron Tal, aka "Stop Abuse"

  3.  WEB RINGS @ Stop Abuse of Power
    Webrings that your government never wanted you to find out at _Stop_Abuse_

  4.  Search Internet The Easy Way
    An easy way to search the web, courtesy Doron Tal aka _stop_abuse_ Karmiel, Israel

  5.  Trim Your Browser
    Trim your WEB browser to view more fonts (including Hebrew)

  6.  Stop Abuse Won CyberAwards
    Awards for the best WEB design
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Copyleft1997-2003 Doron A. Tal - anyhow my rights were lost...         ... דורון טל - זכויותי ממילא אבודות