Stop Police Brutality & Harassment!

Stop Police Brutality & Harassment!

It's in the media, it's on the internet, it's everywhere. Stories of Police brutalizing and Harassing innocent people. The Victims are usually teenage youth, and adults. To many this can't seem real, but to others it's reality, a reality that is unjust in our times. Incidents like these are not always in the news, local media. It's grim reality to know that the people that our supposed to "Protect and Serve", are not doing just that.
Above is a picture of the Malice Green Memorial. Malice Green was beaten to death by Detroit Police Officers, Like so many others he fell victim to one of the many injustices of our time. We need to take a stand on this issue, wage a war on Police Brutality! Our streets our unsafe, until we show just how serious we are! Below are some accounts of Police Brutality, please read them.
Danny Peters and Jeremy Conn
Danny Peters an 11yr. old Detroit Youth and his friend Jeremy Conn a 15yr. old Detroit Youth, were at a friends house on Sunday New Years Day 1995. When A Detroit Police Officer shot in the doorway, as they were on their way out. What was their crime? Trying to leave a friends house!
Danny was shot in the chest. The bullet grazed the childs chest passing an inch or two from his heart, and shattered his left arm. The bullet then cut into Jeremy Conn, as jeremy was hit by the bullet in the upper right arm, he was thrown back into the basement by force. The Cop did not identify himself before he shot his victims. The shooter of the children and young people responded to Danny's crying, and Jeremy pleading for help, by cursing at Jeremy and yelling at him to shut up.
This is one of the many cases of police brutality. There are many out there like this one and the next one I'm about to tell you. The scene below is all to familiar for someone, may be this will gain your attention to the problem. Remember Rodney King,and Malice Green. Some of these cases are effortlessly covered up by the officers, and other times like the Rodney King case where there are many officers involved.
Freddie Vela
Friday night July 22, 1994, an off duty Detroit Police Officer Glenn Price, Shot and killed 11yr. old Freddie Vela a Detroit Youth while he was riding his bike down the street. That night the cop left the bar on the corner of Bryson and Woodward and drove very recklessly at high speed into a telephone pole one block east of the bar. Freddie was on his bike in the area where the drunk crashed his truck.
A homeless man came up offering help in shutting off the truck's alarm, the cop pulled a gun on him! The cop told the man to get away from the truck and shot right next to the man's head, causing him to lose his hearing for the day. Young Freddie was hit by this cop's bullet. The cop who shot Freddie had no regard for the life of people in the neighborhood.
Victims of Police Brutality:
Malice Green Beaten to Death by officers Walter Budzyn and Larry Nevers who are curretly serving time.
Jose Iuraldeunarmed,homeless man shot several times by Detroit plice officer Ira Todd and Rico Hardy.
Richard Tromer died from sever beating and strangulation july 20, 1994 while in protective custody by Detroit Police.
Jorge Guillen A Latino man under treatment for Shizophrenia was beat to death by Chcago Policer Officers Daniel Parise, Chris Andersen, and Micheal Ponti- he died from asphyxiation, left for dead in his own blood
Roy Hoskins
Free The Shelby Three!
Other victims of police brutality:
Tana Snell
The Police should be afraid to come into our neighborhoods and treat us like dogs. The cops count on us to stay divided, scared, unorganized, and weak. This list is just going to get longer unless we do something about it!
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