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God Bless America!

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Investigative software for police, fire and investigators. Click here for more details.

I've just released a series of applications designed for investigators, police, arson investigators, fraud investigators, examiner's, security professionals, probation and parole professionals, School Resource Officers, Social Services caseworkers, Arson Investigators, and analysts, which are designed to be used on the Palm (or similar) handheld PDA's and Windows Personal Computers. We've also included state criminal and traffic codes for many states as well as pocket sized, hard-copy versions for many of the states. I expect this software to help the users to keep track of their cases as they occur, rather than them having to wait until they return to their offices to enter basic information. The site is up and running and I'm accepting orders now! The modules will include applications dealing with tracking cases, leads, background investigations, computer crimes investigations, medical fraud, subpoena tracking and a host of others. A full list can be found at www.cybercop-software.com.

I'm a Certified Fraud Examiner and currently a Special Agent with the DoD - Inspector General. I focus on evaluations of policy and practices of investigative activities within the Department of Defense. Most of our staff are considered experts in evaluating complex investigative and law enforcement programs. In the past I have worked on a project as a contractor with the Michigan State Police, installing a state-wide data management system. I left Saudi Arabia a few years ago where I worked as an Investigator (Internal Services Rep, Corporate Security Services) for the Saudi Aramco Oil Company in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The job called for us to be responsible for conducting fraud, major crimes, conflict of interest and other confidential investigations where Aramco is somehow related. I have several comments regarding the Saudi work ethic (or lack thereof) and issues of integrity, but maybe we can talk about those face-to-face. My most recent position before this was as a Forensic Examiner and Instructor with the Veridian Digital Forensics Center in Fairfax, VA, designing forensic courses for handheld computers, Linux, Macintosh and other systems. I've also been involved in the design of complex computer systems which use massive amounts of data to effectively identify fraud and those that commit fraud. The focus of this project was on HealthCare fraud using data mining technology.

You can take a look at my resume or download a Word version by by clicking here.

I've provided training in Computer Crimes, Computer Search and Seizure, and Computer Forensics to a variety of federal, state and local investigators. If you would like a copy of my "Computer Crime Investigator's Checklist" please send me a request via eMail with your department's name and a phone number on it. This checklist is one of the more than 156 applications available through CyberCop-Software.com . We have products available for police, investigators and arson investigators. Visit my site or sign up for our mailing list if you are interested in more information.

To get in touch with me, you can send me email at michaeljwest@comcast.net.

For Secure messages, my PGP Public Key is at the end of this page.

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