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NAPI Bookstore small logo is pleased to have Native American Political Issues (NAPI) in the family of associates. We've agreed to ship books and provide customer service for orders we receive through special links on NAPI. associates list selected books in an editorial context that helps you choose the right books. We encourage you to visit NAPI often to see what new books have been selected for you.

Thank you for shopping with an associate.


Jeff Bezos, President

NAPI Bookstore in Association with

Over the past two years, I have ordered at least 12 books through Amazon - with incredibly good success. No problems, hassles or mix-ups.

Not only is Amazon's service outstanding, there is also a huge selection of books on Native American Indians -- all at very reasonable prices.

I am pleased to announce that I have been selected to work in association with Amazon as an Amazon Associate - reviewing and recommending to NAPI visitors high quality books.

If you ever have any questions or comments about this service or about my reviews, please feel free to contact me at

Laura Brooks

Open Book

Current NAPI Reviews

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