The Antidote

Makes reference to something that has power to offset in the individual the negative actions and to induce it to act in good of the other, to answer with mutual living together actions, yet toward those that they have acted wrong, the antidote is presented as a factor that it can reduce the violence level or of social degradation.

What has been designated as antidote or Universal Factor (U), it is an element that has the function of motivating positive actions or to offset in the individual the negative provocative action, making to react to the subject in different form, with smaller negative actions content that the action that provokes it, it is a force in positive sense. Reduce the violence level.

For the identification of an antidote was built a filter question. This filter was added to the questionnaire IMES. Questionnaire has the function of measuring the violence level in the individuals.

Identification of an antidote

A theory of an antidote indicates, that if it is possible to reduce the corruption level of a society when be present persons that they have considered your life in relationship to the character of Christ, and compared their acts with the law of God are realized of the few justice that there are in their actions, and recognize the need of the God help to guide their acts in line with their law and teachings. These persons provide positive acts to a society, teach to other to reduce the violence and the social degradation. These subjects are bearing of the antidote at the same time that they are an antidote for a society that is corrupted.

These subjects express certain signs by means of those which is very probably to identify them as bearing of the antidote, these indicators are basically two(1):

1) The individuals are not sat just persons, but well, are sat unworthy beings in relationship to the character of Christ. The knowledge that have of the law of God and the zeal that sit by her, induces them to recognize the justice insignificance that there are in their acts in relationship to the holiness of the character of God. On the contrary a person among more just is considered has the trend to do not know and not to practice the present love principles in the law of God.

2)The subjects recognize the disability of complying with his own efforts the requirements of the law. Request permanently to Christ -antidote- power to reduce in his nature the trend to commit negative acts.

Based on these two indicative was built an filter item, the one which was added to the questionnaire IMES. The function of this filter is to separate to the subjects that they are possible bearing of the antidote, of others that possibly it be not. Following this be able thus proceed to the simulation of the experiment.

The filter ítem that was added to this test, and whereby was sought to identify if the subject was possible bearing or not of the antidote, it is the following:

You in its life:

(A)Generally it sit that it is a sinful person and
permanently it is requesting to God so that he
clean to you his spotty life.

(B)Generally sit that you do not make wrong.

The filter ítem was proven, and was observed that the option (A) of response is interrelated with the trend to produce positive actions in the subjects. The degree of correlation is of the 57,9%, this value indicates the degree or confidence level that has in the capacity of the filter item to discriminate or indicate to possible individual bearing of the not bearing of the antidote.

In the experimental simulation test was used the item filter mentioned, in order to observe the efficiency of this antidote to reduce the violence, and was observed the following:

The individual bearing of this antidote, showed power to reduce the negative actions level and to direct the trend of the total of acts of the group toward positive actions. Among greater will be the number it of bearers of the present antidote in a society, smaller will be the number it of violent or negative actions registered in that social group.

(1) Matthew 21: 28-32, Luke 18: 9-14, Job 9: 20,21, James 1: 9-11, Mathews 5: 1-12.

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