The Questionnaire

To find an able antidote of reducing the violence level or of degradation of a society, they should be built certain indicative that permit to evaluate if the antidote has effect or not to reduce the violence. The set of these indicators constitutes the questionnaire.

The indicators are built in the same form as a spectator anyone achieves to know when a sound is clear or an image is bright. The indicators that are used in a society to know if something reduces or increases the violence level, it is for example, to observe the capacity of the antidote to reduce: the disorganization level, the problems, offenses and social instability, the decrease of the pollution, degradation and death, at the same time, the capacity of the antidote to increase the respect among the human beings, the peaceful living together and the life.

The questionnaire whereby is measured the violence or degradation level in a society is called IMES - Instrument to Measure Social Stability -. The IMES is certified by ten (10) questions that measure in the individual the trend to reproduce or not the violence. The IMES has other question called question filter, this has the function of registering if the subject is probable bearing or not of the antidote that reduces the violence.

The IMES is recommended as a reliable and valid instrument to measure in the individual the trend to reproduce or not the violence, at the same time, the IMES serves to prove the efficiency of some antidote to reduce the violence and the degradation in a society.

Instrument To Measure Social Stability (IMES)

1.You have remained in common agreement with respect to something, that it is not injurious, with a person that often it has been ungrateful with you. Therefore is deposited that that person cheated it no saying all the truth before you to acquire that commitment, by something which, if you fullfill what is agreed would not earn nothing to change, but would leave losing. You:

B) Generally it does not let that you is prejudiced.
A) Generally it lets that you is prejudiced.

2.One person that it has been ungrateful and wrong with you requests to you that make something for her. Though it is not injurious what requests, yes would demand to you personal sacrifice and you would not receive nothing in change. You:

A) Generally it is submitted making what requests to you and more.
B) Generally is not offered.

3.If a person says to you or makes to you something to you that turns out to be hurtful, and you consider that it does not has why to appear toward that person, because she neither gives to you nor to your acquittance. You:

A) Generally it is blind and deaf before the mistreatment.
B) Generally it can not be patient and nice when it is mistreated.

4.A person that it has been wrong with you and with other, to you delivery as returned more money of the than you must receive. Nobody knows what have given to you of more and there is not nobody before who must appear. You know that that person actually is not prejudiced, further more with returning money you do not earn nothing. You:

B) Generally you will not let that opporunity pass you by.
A) Generally lets that opportunity pass by.

5.A person that it has been ungrateful and wrong with you asks to you something, with respect to something which if answers to her with the truth, alone would bring to you as consequences to you problems and prejudices. You:

A) Generally it lets you prejudiced.
B) Generally it does not lets you prejudiced.

6.A person that it has spoken wrong always of you, requests to you something that you have. Though it is not injurious what requests, if would demand to you personal sacrifice and you would not receive nothing change. You:

A) Generally it is humiliated delivering what request to you and more.
B) Generally is not offered.

7.If you must attend to two persons, one of them has been dishonest with you, the other person not, and you consider that it does not has by that to appear toward the dishonest, because she neither gives to you nor to your acquittance. You:

A) Generally are also kind with who has made to you wrong.
B) Generally are more kind with who has not made to you wrong.

8.If a person anyone makes to you a word offense or of work, and you consider that it does not has why to appear toward that person, because she neither gives to you nor to your acquittance. You:

A) Generally answers to her with love.
B) Generally it can not be calmed before the offense.

9.If you have the opportunity to observe a person very attractive, and there is not nobody near by who must appear something else. You:

B) Generally uses the opportunity and is delighted wishing to that person.
A) Generally it loathes to you to think about that circumstance.

10.If sees the opportunity of be advanced to other that would prevent that you scope a high position, with the material benefits for himself that brings a distinction post, and the personal recognition on other. Further more it knows that with be reined or be passive does not earn nothing. You:

B) Generally uses the opportunity.
A) Generally lets go by that opportunity.

11.Space to write the filter question .

The Filter Question

Based on some indicative was built a filter question, this asks was added to the questionnaire IMES. The filter question has the function of identifying to the subject bearing of the antidote in relationship to those that are not.

The filter question that indicates to a subject as possible bearing of the antidote could be designated variable v1, and to the result of the questionnaire IMES, the one which measures the level in which a subject reproduces the violence could be called variable v2. If upon comparing these two variable v1 and v2 through a statistics correlation is reached a value above 0,5, this correlation indicates that the filter question is reliable because identifies with a high probability to the subject bearing of the antidote.

After having a filter question that identify in reliable form an antidote, is proceeded to the simulation of the experiment. In other words, are organized groups without the antidote and groups with the antidote, comparing the in which both level groups reproduce the violence.

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