


BURMA: (Myanmar).
Is a dictatorship state who are violate basic human rights, and the legal democratic elect leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, have been kept in house arrest, implore the world to international boycott of the dictatorship. Aung San Suu Kyi are supposed only alive because she is known international, and recipient of Nobel Peace Prize. Any foreign investment and trade are totally controlled by the dictators of Burma. And any foreign business in Burma is therefore a direct financial support for the illegitimate and cruel dictatorship. Burma export for the most rice and precious wood, for example teak tree. Remember always to ask where the articles come from, before you are buying it. 


TOTAL Is a French oil company, they have some plant works in Burma, where the government use forced labour or slav, whip and chain is common, and some may look death in the face. 

SAS Scandinavian Airlines System, Post-box 150, Copenhagen airport, 2770 Kastrup, DK DENMARK. (SAS is purchasing oil from TOTAL) 

EAC East Asiatic Company, Company House,  (trading, carriage and shipment). 

DALHOFF LARSEN & HORNEMAN A/S, Skagensgade 66, 2630 Taastrup, DK DENMARK, import of tree for example teak tree, to Denmark, and some other firms make and sell garden furniture of teak tree from Burma, (They forget to tell that you also support torture and murder as well). This happens over all the world, remember always to ask where the tree comes from, before you buy. (also in your own country). 

APV Engineering A/S, Europaplads 2, 8000 Aarhus C, DK DENMARK (Delivery dairy equipment.). APV Pasillac - a Danish division of the transnational APV company, selling industrial tools in Burma 

Danish Project Development Company has the subsidiary company AVICOM in Burma, through which they are investing in a poultry abattoir. 

Ericsson Australia and Ericsson Telecommunications Pte.Ltd. of Singapore have since 1993 entered into a number of contracts with the military regime in Burma, for instance on mobile- and DECT telephone systems. Last year the contract concerned the construction of a switchboard system for 4000 mobile telephones in Rangoon, and Ericsson should also establish four new radio stations in the capital to develop the telephone network. Under normal circumstances it is gratifying when improved telecommunication is applied to develop 3rd world countries. It increases the businesses possibilities of action and provides information for the people. But unfortunately Burma is a plain exception. Telecommunication in Burma is rather used to oppress than to benefit the people. Telephones are being bugged and telexes tapped. 

Fuller under FLS industries has taken part in the reconnaissance in Burma to submit tenders for a new cement works. Close to the area where the cement works is to be build thousands of men have been taken prisoners and forced into war as carriers. Furthermore 40.000 muslims from the area have been compulsory transferred from their houses and further south this year. 

Texaco is presently drilling for gas in the Martaban Gulf off Burma and building a gas pipe through Burma to Thailand. Gas can be useful for many things; heating, transport, cooking, but in the area where Texaco together with Nippon Oil Company and Premier Consolidated Oil Fields carry out the gas project. Thousands of Burmese are being compulsory transferred to make place for the gas pipe, and additional thousands are being used by the military as forced labour to build a road and a railway with the purpose to protect the pipeline. Reports reveal how soldiers from the Government army have raped, tortured and killed the local population. 

Notice: Some firms have full address, so you can in your own way, write a letter and point out the fact, that they are making blood money. 

There are a lot of other firms in other states, who are dealing with Burma, please be aware of that. 

Source: Amnesty International:
Source: The Danish Burma Committee 
Source: International Horisont.


CHINA:        (2000)   
Is a dictatorship state who are violate basic human rights. For example is there in China about 40000 overcrowd State owned children's home, with girls and handicapped boys, they are underfed, and some of them are chain to a potty chair, some of them are sitting in so long time, that rats have be eating of theirs hand and feet. When they get to many children, and lack of room, they have some rooms where they let the children die slowly of hunger, sometimes the personnel don't walk into the room before the children are dead. About 40 % of the children on the 40000 State owned children's home, survive this torture. If you talk about democracy or basic human rights, in China, you risk to disappear without leaving a trace, torture, prison or dead. 

Today there are many many thousand political prisoner in jail !!!

More than 3000 people from the demonstration in Beijing (1989), are still in prison, here in 2006 !!!

Liu Xin get 15 years prison, because he buy a box of match  to a activist  !!!

It is difficult to choose firms, some "expert" have remark, that some trade maybe will keep the door open for democratic method, by the back door. 

Use every opportunity to protest against the government. 

The government of China have sign the regulations of respect for basic human rights !!! 

Deal after your own conscience. 

Source: Danish and English TV 
Source: Amnesty International:


Is a dictatorship state who are violate basic human rights. for example is there from Amnesty International (and others), information about torture in prison, and sometimes they take the prisoners woman and children or other family inside, and torturer and rape them in front of the eyes of the prisoner, to he say what police want to hear. 


The carpet weaver are children, who the factory owner sometimes buy of poor parents who don't know, how bad the children are treated. The factory owner keeps them as slaves, and sometimes the children are in chain, and the factory owner sometimes torturer and rape them. The police shut there eyes for money paid by the factory owner. This happen unfortunately also in some other state. 

The government of Turkey have sign the regulations for respect for basic human rights !!! 

Deal after your own conscience. 

Source: Danish and English TV.
Source: Amnesty International:


Shell Oil's support of a despotic Nigerian government has led to an array of human rights abuses, among the most notable of which was the 10 November 1995 execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa, a poet and environmental activist. Shell's operations in Nigeria have resulted in environmental abuses as well -- the plundering and poisoning of Nigeria's Ogoniland. The Sierra Club urges you to write to the President of Shell Oil Company to tell him that you will boycott Shell's products until it cleans up its environmental mess in Nigeria and compensates the Ogoni people for past damage. If you have a Shell credit card, cut it up and send it back with your letter. 

Attention: Philip J. Carroll, President
P.O. Box 2463
Houston, TX 77252
(800)248-4257, fax: (713) 241-4044

Or Shell in the Netherlands:
Postal address:   P.O. Box 38000,   1030 BN Amsterdam,   The Netherlands,
Office address:   Badhuisweg 3,   1031 CM Amsterdam
Telephone number: +31 20 6309111     Fax number +31 20 6308025 

Source: Shell Oil


Country's and dictatorship state, there are violate basic human rights:
Myanmar, Libya, Algeria, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Indonesia, Iraq, Nigeria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, Sudan, - and others. 

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The information on this page are free to copy with source specify. (look under every country) 

Notice: Some firms have full address, so you can in your own way, write a letter and point out the fact, that they are making blood money. 

We will try to hold this list up to date, and add or delete state and firms there have got a better manners. 

(Also in your everyday necessities shop).