Caution! As you may have guessed, this page is still under heavy construction. I certainly intend to take GeoCities up on its description of Capitol Hill as a neighborhood whose inhabitants have strong political opinions which they are not afraid to express.
When finished this page will contain opinion, information, and links pertaining to democracy, feminism, environmentalism, socialism, civil rights, peace. You will also find topics not usually found in poltital pages: the politics of food, history, media, beauty -- anything I consider of importance. Remember...the personal is political! And so are computers, so I will include the politics of platforms, browser, and the Internet itself.
In the meantime, here is my preliminary index of links.
N.B. I have also included critique of the Church, which may encompass that which may be considered heretical or blasphemous -- though not necessarily so, nor do I offer it in that spririt. I myself was raised in the Church. Be therefore forewarned: items with [!!] contain content which may offend the devout.
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© 1996
Winning Colors