Welcome to the Oregon Explorer Post Web-Page!

This page that rocks so much was made by the One and Only Great Anonymous Boy From Neptune!

This page will introduce you to the greatest organization in the State of Wisconsin. In this page you will find links to other explorer posts like this one, except they aren't as good. Have fun searching, and good luck!

Linda Lee's perception of the explorers.

To see another page of exploring!

To find out how other places are doing with this program!(These pages have nothing to do with the Oregon Explorer Post at all!)

Our program here is led mainly by our police and fire officers. We have many exciting events, including ride alongs where you go out on regular patrol duty with the officer of your choice, or time of your choice, and maybe, if you are lucky, you will get some action. I have done this many times, and it is totally safe. We also sometimes go to Chicago,and camp out. During this time, we are partaking in activities which are designed to train young explorers. We also visit Six Flags Great America! (sometimes). Among other things we do is: direct traffic, post safety signs, do building searches, and help the community.

We have all worked hard to get this post started, and we try hard. I would encourage each and every one of you to check it out. Especially if you are thinking upon a career in the fire, police or EMT areas. You are not expected to do anything you don't want to. It is all by choice. Many officers say, even if you don't want a career in the Law Enforcement area, it can help make you a better citizen when you grow up.

If you don't live in the Oregon Wisconsin area, you can probably join a post in your area. If there isn't one...START ONE!!! And if you aren't intrested in the Police, than move on to something more to your liking!  Get friends involved, and check it out! You can start one in any career!  In Madison, we have the Army National Guard Explorer Post, and we are trying to start a Radio Explorer Post! They also have the High Adventure Explorer Post! They have guys AND girls who have bicycled up the Rockys, and they have toured Australia, and scuba dived...and much more! There are all kinds of possibilities in the sea! Check it out. This is the one organization of the Boy Scouts of America that allow Girls to be involved.

For more information just e-mail me, or come to our meetings...the first and third thursdays of every month...7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the Oregon Volunteer Fire Station. We start back up from summer Vacation in August sometime. The date will be posted shortly!

I hope this page will help you find your destiny within the Law Enforcements Careers.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at eichsteadt@hotmail.com

Also check out Boy Scout Troop 168, of Oregon, Wisconsin's homepage!

To get your own Web-Page for FREE! I would encourage all to goto GeoCities here!

This page created with Netscape Navigator Gold and in Part by Macintosh, the BEST computer in the world!

No matter what people say, Macintosh is the Bomb! It deserves more credit than it recieves, and it has all new technology! If any of you love Macintosh to, you are more than welcome to e-mail me personally! I love hearing all the good things about Macintosh! I hope to put out a page on Macintosh equipment only one of these days, and if you have any HOT tips, just write to me!

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