SCCLP Song Parodies 

PAY PEOPLE PAY(formerly" Lay Lady Lay") 

(chor) Pay people pay,
Pay for your big brass Government,
Pay people pay,
I know that you can afford the rent,

1. My needs are many,
And my mind is blank,
I want the money,
That is in your bank.

(chor) Pay people pay,
Pay for your big brass government,
Pay people pay,
I know that you can afford the rent,

2. Why wait any longer for the world to begin,
I can have your cake and eat it too,
Why wait any longer for the one you love,
When he's standing in front of you?

copyright D. Whiting 1995 

  ( formerly "I'll be Your Baby Tonight")

1.Close your mind,
Close the door,
You don't have to worry,
And that's for sure,
Sacrifice........... for your President now. 

2. Open your wallet right now,
You are bound,
To have a cow,
Sacrifice.....for your president now,

(bridge) Well that deficit is gonna go through the roof,
We're gonna forget it,
Big government will get fatter than hell,
But - we're gonna let it, you won't regret it!

3.Take your shirt off,
Do not fear,
Bring your piggy -bank over here,
Sacrifice... for your President now....

copyright D.Whiting 1995 

( formerly “ If your gonna play in Texas you’d better get a fiddle in the Band”)

(chor) If you’re going to get in the White House ,
You’d better get a dollar in your hand,
Those principles are hot but not for a politicking man,
So get greasing up those palms, grab your ankles thats the plan,
If you’re going to be in the White House,
You’d better get a dollar in you’re hand.....

1. I remember down in Houston,
I was puttin on a show,
A young man in the crowd jumped up-
And yelled “mo' welfare bro!”
So right there and then I knew I’d have to change my plan,
If I’m gonna get in the White House I’d better get a dollar in his hand......

(chor) If your gonna be in the White House,
You’d better get a dollar in your hand,
Those principles are hot but not for a politicking man,
So get greasing up those palms, grab your ankles that’s the plan,
If your gonna get in the White House,
You’d better get a dollar in your hand.

copyright D. Whiting 1997 

(formerly "These Boots Were made for Walking") 

1. You keep saying you've got nothing for me,
Nothing you call cash but confess,
You've been a stashing where you shouldn't have been a stashing,
And now I am here to lift up your mattress........

(chor.) Your cash was meant for taxing,
And thats just what I do,
One of these days you know I'm gonna tax it out of you....
Dumb-dumb, dumb- dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb...

2.You keep lying when you ought to be truthing,
You keep saying that you'll never get burned, hah!
I've just passed me a brand new bunch of tax laws,
And now what you owe you ain't got time to earn,

(chor) Your cash was made for taxing ,
And that's just what I do ,
One of these days you know I'm gonna tax it out of you...
Dumb-dumb, dumb- dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb-dumb, dumb...

copyright D. Whiting 1996 

( formerly " Like a Rock") 

Shining in the sun,
Doing good,
Always number one,
Killing bad,
With a great big gun.........

2. The state is good,
Yes it's always right,
Because it's there,
We're all safe at night,
To keep us safe it trashed the Bill of Rights....

(chor) What a crock! (The government is great,)
What a crock! (The Fed does not inflate,)
What a crock! (We need a bigger State)
What a crock, aah! what a crock!

3. The Internet,
We need to regulate,
It needs to feel,
The violence of the State,
Porn is bad ,
Coercions really great........

What a crock! (the government is great)
What a crock! ( we need a bigger state)
What a crock !( we need to regulate)
What a crock, aah! what a crock!

copyright D. Whiting 1997 

( formerly "The Boxer")

1. Well my name is Willie Clinton,
I'm a president by trade,
I have squandered my existence-
For a pocket-full of mumbles I call promises,
All lies and jest,
'Till a man gets what he wants to get
And disregards the rest,
Doing one thing that I know I do the best....

2. Asking only minimum wages,
I went looking for a job-
But I got no offers,
Except from the whores on Pennsylvania Avenue,
So I went there,
'Cause I'm not much good at anything
And no-one seemed to care
But there's one thing that I know will help me there.......

(chorus) Lie la lie, lie la lie lie lie la lie,
Lie la lie, lie la lie lie lie la lie
La la lie la lie......

3. Now I'm laying out my budget plans
And they're wishing I was gone,
Gone back home, where a good ol' boy like Willie
Is not leading them, bleeding them,
Gone back home . . .

4. In the White House stands Bill Clinton
And a President by trade,
And he carries a reminder of every cut that cut him
Till he cried out in his anger and his pain,
"We are bleeding we are bleeding,"
"And Newt Gingrich is to blame,"
While the deficit keeps growing just the same.

Lie la lie lie la lie lie lie la lie
Lie la lie lie la lie lie lie la lie
La la lie la lie......

words D.J.Whiting 1996 

(formerly"My Way") 

1. I've taxed, I've taxed and spent, 
But never meant to cure your problems, 
I've lied, to get your votes, to stay afloat - 
And cause more problems, 
I've tried, god knows I've tried, 
I've traveled each and every bye-way, 
But more, much more than this, 
I did it with your pay. 

2. I've tried to get your car, 
I could go far,if you pay the mileage, 
I need more revenues, 
To stop the blues, 
And cause more damage, 
Something for nought is what you bought, 
At least you know that's what I say,
But more, much more than this, 
I bought it with your pay, 

(middle eight) For what is government if it can't steal? 
Who cares how we spend it, as long as we feel? 
I'm not a man, I am a mouse, 
And by the way, I'll take your house, 
And as I do I'll proudly say
"I bought it with your pay." 

2. (repeat) I've tried to get your car, 
I could go far if you pay the mileage, 
I need, more revenues to stop the blues- 
And cause more damage, 
Something for naught, 
Is what you bought, 
At least you know that's what I say, 
But more, much more than this, 
I bought it with your pay. 

words copyright D. Whiting 1995 

(formerly"Lady Madonna") 

1. Hillary Clinton, Willie at your feet, 
Don't you ever wonder how you'll make ends meet? 
Who'll cough up the money, when you raise the rent, 
Or did you think that money was heaven sent? 

(middle eight) Lloyd Bentsten arrives without his suitcase, 
Laura Tyson creeping like a nun, 
Albert Gore can't even tie his boot lace, 
See how they run! 

2. Hillary Clinton, Willie in your nest, 
Do you really think your numbers pass the test? 
Much more for Medicare, 
This is what I dread, 
Before the Medicare is paid we'll all be dead. 

words copyright D. Whiting 1995 

( formerly "Let it Be" )

1. When I find myself in times of trouble, 
Alan Greenspan comes to me, 
Speaking "We can heal the economy" 
And when M.2's exploding,
He is standing right in front of me, 
Speaking words of wisdom "don't blame me" 

(chor.) "Don't blame me, don't blame me, Don't blame me don't blame me." 
Speaking words of wisdom " don't blame me." 

2. And when the economy's gone to hell, 
The people at the Fed agree, 
They will give an answer
"Don't blame me" 
For though they may be guilty, 
They will pass the buck indefinitely, 
They will always answer "Don't blame me" 

(chor.)"Don't blame me" etc. etc. 

3. And when the economy's cloudy 
There is still a light that shines on me,
Al says that we can pump the economy, 
I wake up to the sound of printing 
As Alan stands right next to me, 
Speaking words of wisdom "Don't blame me" 

"Don't blame me, don't blame me," 
"Don't blame me,don't blame me,"
Speaking words of wisdom "don't blame me ." 

words copyright D. Whiting 1995 

(formerly "All Along the Watch tower") 

1. "There must be some kind of way out of here," 
Said Von Mises to the thief, 
"There's to much confusion," 
"I can't get no relief, "
"Welfare recipients drink my wine,"
"Subsidized farmers plough my earth," 
"There is no-one here among you,"
"Knows what a dollar used to be worth," 

2. "No reason to get excited," 
The thief he kindly spoke, 
"My name is Bill Clinton,"
"My economics are a joke," 
"We stimulate with infrastructure," 
"Create jobs out of thin air," 
"I promise I do not talk falsely," 
"I just have a vacant stare." 

3. "The answer to all our problems," 
"Even Republicans agree," 
"Is legal theft to equalize," 
"Through Federal subsidy,"
"Steal from the rich give to the poor," 
"Just do it compassionately," 
"They all have a right to a car and a job," 
"Free health-care and a color TV!" 

4. All along the Federal Reserve Board, 
The twelve members kept their view, 
On all the short term interest rates, 
(Some of the long ones too!) 
Outside in the cold distance, 
Ludwig he did howl, 
More centralized bankers were approaching, 
Ludwig he's having a cow! 

(dedicated to Ludwig Von Mises )
words copyright D. Whiting 1995 

GOVERNMENT (formerly "Blackbird") 

1. Government singing in the dead of night, 
Growing bigger gathering its might, 
All your life, 
You are only waiting for more revenues to arrive. 

2. Deficit growing in the dead of night, 
Growing 'till it gives us all a fright, 
All our lives,
We are only waiting for the debt to take a dive. 

(chor.) Dive deficit dive, 
Dive deficit dive, 
Into the night and stay out of sight. 

3. Government growing each and every day, 
Taking all our freedoms away, 
All our lives, 
We are only waiting for more freedom to arrive
Fly freedom fly,
Fly freedom fly,
Into the night and stay out of sight.

words copyright D. Whiting 1995 

WHITE RABBIT (same title different words) 

1. A dollar bill makes the economy larger, 
A Congressional bill makes it small, 
But the Bill whose name is Clinton, 
Can't do anything at all, 
When the economy is in free fall. 

2. And if you go chasing rabbits, 
That from Bill's top-hat appear, 
And you believe what Robert Reich tells you, 
Then you've been drinking too much beer,
Ask Harry Browne why he's shedding tears. 

3. And when the men on the National Rent Control Board, 
Get up, and move to your place, 
And Al Gore is talking backwards, 
And Bill Clinton has an honest face, 
Remember what the government said, 
"Print more bread, print more bread, print more bread." 

words copyright D. Whiting 1995 

I KNEW I'D LAND IN JAIL(formerly"A Whiter Shade of Pale") 

1. They passed a tax fandango, 
Turned cartwheels across the floor, 
I was feeling kind of seasick, 
Congress called out for more, 
The Senate was humming harder, 
As the debt-ceiling flew away, 
When they called out for another drink, 
I knew I'd have to pay, 

(chor.) And so it was the later, 
When I opened up my mail, 
That my face it turned so ghostly,
'cos I knew I'd land in Jail. 

2. They said "there's lots of reasons"
"This is what we have to do" 
As they wandered through my tax return, 
But they would not let me use, 
One of sixteen legal loopholes, 
That were leaving for the coast, 
And although my IRA was open, 
It might just as well be closed, 

(chor.) And so it was that later, 
When I opened up my mail, 
That my face it turned so ghostly, 
'cos I knew I'd land in jail. 

copyright D. Whiting 1995 

THE SILLY PRESIDENT ( formerly "The Wicked Messenger") 

1. There was a silly President, 
From Little Rock he did come, 
With a mind that could not solve, 
The smallest matter, 
When questioned who had sent for him, 
He sucked upon his thumb, 
For his tongue it could not speak, 
But only flatter. 

2. He ran around the White House lawn, 
In order to lose fat, 
But he wouldn't cut the fat
From government expenses, 
He said a level playing field is really where it's at 
So he'd need more cash to bring us to our senses 

copyright D.Whiting 1995 


1. Yesterday,
The Federal Reserve Board Seemed so far away, 
Now it looks as though it's hear to stay, 
Oh I believe in yesterday, 

2.Suddenly, I'm not half the dollar I used to be, 
There's a shadow hanging over me, 
The deficit and the economy, 

(chor.) Why gold had to go, 
I don't know, It wouldn't say, 
Keynes said gold was too strong 
Now I long for Yesterday..... 

3. Yesterday,
Nationalized Health-care seemed So far away, 
Now it looks as though it's here to stay, 
Oh I believe in yesterday, 

(chor.) Now Bill and Hilary 
Have come to old DC 
They've brought Lloyd and friends 
And we'll end in poverty.... 

4. Yesterday,
The Federal Reserve Board Seemed so far away, 
Now it looks as though its here to stay, 
Oh I believe in yesterday, hmmmm. 

copyright D. Whiting, D. Smith 1995. 

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