Becoming a Libertarian involves a few lightbulbs going off above one's head. They usually do not all go off all at once, but one at a time over a number of years, after much reflection, study and fact finding, unfortunately.( we wish it were easier.) Here are a few of the major hurdles that have to be jumped on the way. Here's hoping they speed up your enlightenment!

Despite all of governments failure in every area, from health care, welfare, education, the environment, drugs, ad infinitum, people continue to believe that we just need more of the "right" laws, enacted by the right people, who will unselfishly act in everyone’s interest but their own. Any failure is seen as a confirmation that what is required is still more spending, and more government personnel and agencies, and more laws they can act upon. (see also "Modern thoughts" ) Once it is suspected that government doesn't in fact work (outside its intended functions) then questioning the following two beliefs is not so hard to do.

The belief that government is a compassionate organization is very widespread. But the reason that governments are instituted among men is because certain individuals in society refuse to trade with others for goods and services, choosing instead to rob, cheat and steal . A government therefor has the power of ultimate force so that it can protect individuals and their property from theft and destruction by these people. The only thing that makes the government different from every private institution is that it has this legal monopoly on the power of ultimate force. The Mafia may use force in its operations but it is illegal force. A large company however, (unless it influences government policy in some way,) cannot force anyone to pay its prices for its products and services, but must rely on people buying the product/service because they believe it is better than, or more essential than, other products/ services. The government, on the other hand, has the ultimate, society approved use of force to protect people and their property from the Mafia. This is exactly the type of thing that government power is designed to do. But this force can only have a legitimate use in that one area. It is a tool designed for one purpose only. One would never try to spank a baby with a chain - saw for instance or kill an ant with a nuclear bomb, but that somewhat parallels what happens when government is used outside of its specifically designated function. Today, everything that government does, whether it is handing out food stamps, welfare, education, or anything else, has men with guns and prisons (the power of ultimate legal force) forcing your compliance with its programs. The force may not be readily apparant; if you disobey tax demands for instance, you at first only receive nasty letters. But if you continue to refuse to pay, eventually men with guns will take you to jail or shoot you if you refuse to go along with them. This power of ultimate force is behind every government action no matter how small or innocent it may appear at first glance - its the reason we pay our taxes, wear seatbelts etc. etc. But it is always there, nonetheless. It is not "compassionate." As Stalin ( or was it Lenin?) said, "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." This is the true nature of government, the mailed fist inside the velvet glove. THE BIG QUESTION that Libertarians are asking society is this: now that we have created this brutal, clumsy, but necessary power of ultimate legal force, does it work in any of these areas that everyone believes it should interfere, outside of its original intended function, based on the evidence ? Aren't we just attempting to solve society's problems through the application of evermore force? Where has this worked so far?