Monthly Magazine for Alternative International Information

Today's planet–wide society makes it indispensable to gather knowledge and develop understanding of international conflicts, their causes and their effects on the lives of all of us.
Since its beginning in March 1993, the Italian monthly Guerre e Pace (wars and peace) has sought to fulfill this need, furnishing news on little noticed or totally ignored armed conflicts in course in the world, analyzing their causes, identifying responsibilities and giving voice to alternative movements.
Since 1996 G&P has broadened its scope, dealing with other kinds of conflicts as well in the north, south and east of the world, conflicts connected with immigration, as well as social, environmental and gender conflicts.
Contents of the most recent issue of G&P (updated: December 16, 1997)
Articles translated into English (updated: December 16, 97)
Links to keep informed (updated: February 2, 1997)
If you want to take out a subscription, become a contributor, tell us about initiatives or send us material, please drop a message to: guerrepace@mclink.it