The Cure for the Common Cold!

And 1000's of other diseases

After over 3 years of experimentation, I found this modified version of the Dr. Hilda Clark zapper, which is based on "Rife" technology, to be worth it's weight in gold for the curing of many disorders caused by bacterias, viruses, parasites and fungi.

Here are many links to Rife pages. This research may save lives and is suppressed by our medical society and mass media.

This electronic circuit, as you see, is simple to build (if you have no electronic experience, find a friend to build it for you) and costs only a few dollars. There are ready made units for sale for as much as $100 that are ready to use and have many added features that make them fancy. They don't work any better though.

There is much discussion about this device over the Internet but I suggest to read her book for a better understanding. The instructions here are from those discussions and my personal experience for optimum results. They differ slightly from Dr. Clark's recommendations.

After the unit is complete, (I made mine on a prototype breadboard) it is recommended to test the circuit on a frequency counter and volt meter to ensure it's proper operation. The Fluke multimeter model 87 is what I use and there is a model at Radio Shack that has the same functions that you can have them test your circuit if they're nice enough.

The output should be 9 volts dc +/- 1 volt @ 30,000 to 33,000 hz. This modified circuit will deliver up to 850 milliamps at this range. The Dr. Clark circuit has an additional LED and resistor on the output that is handy to show it is on, but these components drain 200-300 milliamps reducing the current needed for penetration.

There is absolutely no danger of electric shock or any other side effects other than the reduction of bacteria in the intestines and the "purging" of dead parasites (runny nose, etc) that I noticed took place after prolong usage. Eat active yogurt or take bacteria pills you get from the health food store to replace these bacteria as you use this device.


Parts list: 1 ea 555 timer (CMOS version is best but not required)
1 ea 1K ohm 1/4 watt resistor
1 ea 3.9K ohm 1/4 watt resistor
1 ea .01 uf capacitor 10+ volt
1ea .005 uf capacitor 10+ volt
2 ea 3/4" to 1" od by 4" long copper pipe for electrodes
1 ea 9 volt battery
1 ea battery clip for 9 volt battery
4 ea rubber bands
2 ea alligator clips to connect the electrodes
Sea Salt
White, unprinted paper towels

Optional: switch for power

Misc: Wire for hookup and electrode connections. I used 18 guage speaker wire for the electrodes and a perforated board for the final circuit. A project box would also be handy to mount the circuit and battery in. You decide how fancy you want it.


Dr. Clark suggests to do the initial therapy for a week. I found that the first round for most members of my family that a month was better, then weekly afterwards. It sounds like allot to go through, but it really is simple to find the time. Missing one or two times in a month will not change the results, however, try to remain consistent.


Cut a paper towel to fit around the copper electrodes in a single layer with a 1/2 inch overlap. Use the rubber bands to secure each end of the rowel to the electrode.

In a large tumbler of distilled water, add a few tablespoons of salt and dissolve thoroughly. The glass should be deep enough to dip the electrodes in and get the entire paper towel wet. After dipping the electrodes, squeeze out the excess water.

Hold the electrodes, one in each hand and hold firmly with the zapper turned on for 7 minutes. This cycle kills most of the parasites in most of your body. Wait 20 minutes. Repeat cycle one for 7 minutes and 20 minutes off. The second time kills viruses hiding in the parasites. Repeat for a total of three times. This takes a 61minutes. It is best to rewet the electrodes between each zapping cycle for the salt water is for the optimum electric connection between you and the unit.

Don't skip. Do 3 cycles of 7 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Just one cycle could cause you to get a cold in the next day or two.

The claims are high and experimentation is needed for this device. I found it a must for my family in the cure and prevention of many aliments. We use it in conjunction with colloidal silver.

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I hold no responsibillity for the use of this device and it's claims in the treatment of any disease nor the results therein. Consult a physician if you suspect you have any medical problems.

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