Homeopathic Medicine
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Homeopathic medicine or herbal remedies are fast being sought for a wide variety of health related problems. Here is a start in your quest for information.
Herbal Information Center
HIGHER IDEALS The Truth About Colloidal Minerals
Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy
The Alternative Medicine Homepage
Alternative Medicine Resources
- AIDS Alternative
Treatment: Critical Path AIDS Project, explores alternative
approaches to AIDS / HIV and to protect PWAs from quackery.
- Acupuncture.com:
acupuncture, herbology, Chinese Therapies, and comparison of western and eastern
medicine, maintained by Al Stone.
- Aesclepian
Chronicles: monthly journal which publishes informative and
inspirational articles about the many new complementary and allopathic treatment
modalities that are emerging. These modalities may be approached from both a
personal and a clinical perspective. The editorial goal of Aesclepian Chronicles
is to critically evaluate the role, usefulness and applicability of
complementary alternatives within the mainstream of medicine. It is interested
in both the clinical and philosophical implications of the interaction of
complementary and allopathic medicine. Equally of interest are the structural
and economic issues as they relate to the attempts to reform the national health
- The
Alexander Technique does not treat specific symptoms, but can
encourage a marked improvement in overall health, alertness, and performance by
consciously eliminating harmful habits that cause physical and emotional stress,
and by becoming more aware of how you engage in your activities.
- Alternative
Care: newsletter designed for consumers, professionals, and
students who would like to learn more about various forms of Alternative Health
- Alternative Health
Insurance Services, Inc.: health insurance plans for a wide range
of therapies which include alternative, complimentary, holistic and natural in
addition to major medical coverage
- Alternative Health News
Online "news and information that will keep you up-to-date on
the latest happenings in this rapidly growing field."
- Alternative
Health Resources for the Durango Area (Colorado)
- Alternative
Healthcare Information: gopher server operated by the Office of
Information Technology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
- Alternative
Medicine includes information on aromatherapy, chiropractic
medicine, herbal medicine, macrobiotics and other treatments from
NOAH New York Online
Access to Health.
- Alternative
medicine-SANTEL-Luxembourg guide to internet resources.
- Alternative
Medicine Digest: current and back issues, searchable database, book
information and discussion area.
- Alternative
Therapies in Steve Dunn's
- Alternative
Treatments for cancer from OncoLink,
University of Pennsylvania.
- Alternative
Treatments for AIDS: read about yoga,acupuncture, cat's claw,
garlic and SPV-30 from the
Treatment Data Network
Internet International Directory of Alternative Medicine Practitioners
A World Wide Web Site for Information on Complementary and Alternative
Veterinary Medicine, collaborative effort of Jan Agar Bergeron, V.M.D. and
Susan Gayle Wynn, D.V.M.
- American
Association of Naturopathic Physicians: directories to licensed
naturopathic physicians, schoold and information use their media web site
news and information on naturopathic medicine.
- Americans for Compassionate Use:
central point for medical marijuana research.
- Ask Dr. Weil:
top-rated program on the HotWired Network, main feature of program is where Dr.
Weil answers your questions every day.
- Austin
Nutritional Research: shopping site but provides reference guides
for vitamins, herbs, amino acids, nutrients, minerals and daily recommendations.
- Bastyr University
founded in 1978 to train naturopathic physicians. Degress in acupuncture,
oriental medicine and nutrition.
- Body Ecstatic
- Cancer Patient Resources
Available Via WWW from Darrel Kilius, Baltimore, Maryland,
information for the cancer patient from a cancer patient, includes alternative
and supportive therapies as well as allopathic sources.
chiropractic resources on the Internet by Dr. Andrew Bayuk.
- Chiropractic
Online Today: chiropractic links and submission from around the
- The
Chiropractic Page: created primarly as a pointer to health related
subjects with a focus on information for chiropractors, other health care
practitioners and interested laypersons. A good link to a variety of medical
- College
of Maharishi Ayur-Veda: Fairfield, Iowa, a
Maharishi International
- Complementary
Therapies, positively hiv: "an agency outside the bureacuracy
providing direct services for hiv+ brothers and sisters nationwide, seek
holistic well-being of the individual, not a cure for the epidemic".
- Cyberbotanica:
Plants and Cancer Treatments, maintained by Lucy A. Snyder : "plants
and chemotherapy (also still under construction), but other chapters are in the
works: plants used in bioremediation, fungi which produce antibiotics, and
genetically engineered fruits and vegetables".
- Dr.
Bower's Complementary Medicine Home Page by Peter J. Bower, M.D.
- Dietary
Treatment and the Ketogenic Diet: links to sites and faqs files
from The Epilepsy Home Page, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri USA.
- European University of
Chinese Medicine (EUCM): aim is to train practitioners of Chinese
Medicine (SinoBiologists) to become true specialists, experts both in
traditional Chinese diagnosis and in the therapeutic techniques associated with
it : acupuncture, herbology, psychotherapy, Qi Gong; the whole corpus of Chinese
medical thought.
- FDA Guide
to Choosing Medical Treatments
by Isadora B. Stehlin appeared in FDA Consumer June
1995, United States Food and Drug
- Feldenkrais
Method Web pages: a form of somatic education using gentle movement
and directed attention to improve movement and enhance human functioning.
Increasing ease and range of motion, flexibility and coordination, and
rediscovering your innate capacity for graceful, efficient movement. These
improvements will often generalize to enhance functioning in other aspects of
your life.
- Good
Medicine Magazine: biomonthly publication on preventive medicine
for better health. Good Medicine feels that holistic and traditional (Western)
medicine should work together and be viewed as medicine.
- The Guide to
Aromatherapy: descriptions of the oils and a symptoms guide for
uses of oils by Graham Sorenson, Wales, United Kingdom.
- HANS The Health Action Network
Society: registered non-profit charity in Burnaby, BC Canada, hose
mandate is to provide information about alternative health care.
- Health
from the UNCAT Database, lists medical organizations, societies and
associations. It includes Nutrimmune Therapy, Chinese Medicine, Medical Friends
of Wine, and a Vegetarian Awareness Network.
- Health
Care Information Resources Alternative Medicine: guide to
resources by Thomas Fleming, McMaster University Health Sciences Library,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
- Health Choice Network,
Copyright © 1996 by HCN, LLC: hints on selecting practitioners and
educational information.
- HealthWorld
Online: information for self-managed care: natural, alternative and
conventional approaches.
- Henriette's Herbal
Homepage: faqs, pictures, archives and links by Henriette Kress.
- Herbal Hall: resource
of documents and links to herbal sources.
- HerbsPlus™:
alternative medicine directory and herbal information center.
- Herpes
Alternatives Page
- Holistic Internet Community™:
contains Holistic Internet Community™ Directory to assist in locating
resources and exchanging information.
- Holistic Internet Resources™:
contains articles, book reviews, events, other Internet resources, and a guide
to practitioners and schools.
- Homepathic Educational
Services: articles and free information on homeopathic medicine by
Dana Ullman, M.P.H. (Masters in Public Health, U.C. Berkeley) is well known
spokespersons for homeopathic medicine in the United States.
- The
Homeopathic Internet Resource List compiled by Emiel van Galen,
- Homeopathy Home
Page: resource page listing organizations, books, homeopathic
remedies, mailing lists, and discussion groups, produced by Nick
Haworth,Cambridge, England.
(International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine )
Home Page : supports experimental exploration of the phenomena long
associated with the practice of energy healing.
- Internet
and On-Line Resources (Alternative Medicine): extensive guide fromBastyr University
Library, the most complete and extensive library collection on
alternative medicine and natural health in Washington State.
- Kombucha
Home Page: devoted to Kombucha, a popular health promoting beverage
made by fermenting tea. It contains information on its history, current rise to
popularity, health benefits, how to make it, and where to get it. The site is
maintained by Jim Sease.
- The Life Extension
Foundation: described as a non profit organization dedicated to the
pursuit of a longer healthier lifespan.
- Macrobiotics On-Line:
macrobiotic education and information network, founded by Michio Kushi and
coordinated by the Kushi Institute.
- Macrobiotic
Related Web Sites: guide to sites from
Macrobiotics On-Line.
- Massage
Therapy: guide to resources by Mark Sincock, LMT, Northeastern
Massage Therapy.
- Medical
Acupuncture Web Page: to inform medical doctors and other health
care professionals about the therapeutic properties of acupuncture.
- Medicinal
Herb FAQ and Resource list for the alt.folklore.herbs newsgroup,
FAQ Keeper: Henriette Kress.
- Medicinal Herb
Garden at the University of Washington, Seattle, a resource of
images for herbalists, medics, and botanists at all levels.
- Medicinal
Herbs and Healing Plants: Southern Business Express Seed Division
- Meditopia:
comprehensive site for Oriental Medicine, arranged by disease.
- MEDLINE Database,
Felix's Free MEDLINE Page: index page which links you to free
versions of the biomedical database, MEDLINE. MEDLINE is produced by the
National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland.
- MedWeb:
Alternative Medicine: a guide to resources from Emory University
Health Sciences Center Library.
- Music Therapy
Home Page by Byung-Chuel Choi, MM,RMT-BC.
- National
Alternative Health Referral Network: a place to find and advertise
alternative health care products.
- National Council
Against Health Fraud
: "enhancing freedom of choice through reliable information"
- Natural Medicine,
Complimentary Health Care and Alternative Therapies: presented by
AMR'TA, the Alchemical Medicine Research Teaching Association.
- Natural
Products Branch
, National Cancer Institute: "responsible for
coordinating programs directed at the discovery and development of novel
naturally-derived agents to treat cancer and AIDS."
- Naturopathic Medicine
Network: guide to natural medicine and alternative health care,
contains newsletter, naturopathic physicians directory, natural pharmacy.
- Naturopathic
Physicians of British Columbia: information on the profession and
practice of naturopathic medicine.
- Osteopathic
Medicine: International WWW Resource Page by Barrie Oldham, D.O.
- The Oxygen and Ozone Web Site
by David Stirling.
- Pacific
College of Oriental Medicine: largest college of acupuncture and
Oriental medicine in the United States, with campuses in San Diego and New York.
- Planet Wellness,
Copyright © 1996 Planet Wellness All Rights Reserved:assist in locating
health and wellness resources on the Internet.
- QuackWatchYour Guide to Health Fraud, Quackery, and
Intelligent Decisionmaking, by Stephen Barrett, M.D.
- The Reiki Page:
form of healing through direct application of Chi. This page is intended to be a
resource collecting information about Reiki, its practice, benefits (both proven
and otherwise).
- Self
Development from The UNCAT Database, lists information on
meditation, wellness, and self improvement.
- The Share Guide
a magazine focusing on holistic health, personal growth and expanded
- Shark Cartilage Information
Council Home Page
- Southwest
School of Botanical Medicine Home Page: Albuquerque, New Mexico:
links to herb resources, medicinal plant images and information on this school.
Spiritual Consciousness on WWW: contains information on ancient
healing techniques.
- Sumeria: text and hypertext
files on alternative science and suppressed and neglected medical ideas.
- U.S.
Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Unconventional Cancer Treatments,
OTA-H-405 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1990)
- Therapeutics:
gopher server that contains Osteopathic Medicine, Hypnosis, and Acupuncture
- Townsend Letter for Doctors and
Patients: " regular columns on different aspects of
alternative health care: homeopathy, nutrition, exercise, women's health,
phytomedicines and the constantly changing politics of alternative medicine.
Reviews of current alternative medical literature and newly published books
relating to health and healing are also included, as well as an extensive
Letters-to-the-Editor section, calendar of events and health-related classified
- United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA)
- University
of Technology, Sydney, College of Acupuncture
- Utah College
of Massage Therapy: description on the profession of massage
therapy with links to related documents.
- Veggies
Unite: a Searchable Vegetarian Cookbook by Yvette Norem.
- World Health Net:
information from the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and the American
Longevity Research Institute.
- World Wide
Essence Society Homepage: essence educators, practitioners,
manufacturers, and distributors goals are to educate both the general public and
health care practitioners about essences and thier relationship to holistic
health care.
- WorldWide
Wellness: Internet Resources for Whole Living: resource for
alternative and wholistic health information.
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