The TRUTH On Gun Control!

Gun control has been one of the hottest issues for quite some time now in the US. Due to the attack on Tom Selleck and the NRA by talkshow host Rosie O'Donnell recently, I have found it necessary to address this issue. (There should be no issue)...I am not a member of any gun organization nor will I be. I am a natural born citizen of these United States and as I am sitting here on Memorial Day weekend, I am flying the American Flag in honor of our war dead that gave their lives for our freedoms that we seem so quick to give up in the name of misguided feelings. I will briefly cover a few high points in this writing and then leave it to the morons. Here are the Truth Points:

1 - Gun laws have no effect on criminals.

2 - Laws only remove freedoms from law abiding citizens.

3 - All school shootings were in violation of several federal, state and local laws. The laws on the books failed to prevent such incidences to occur.

4- The second amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America is mostly dead.

5 - Most of the school shootings were done with "hunting rifles" that the socialist pig liberals want to protect!

6 - Most murders and assaults are committed with knives. (Maybe we should have "Knife Control")

7 - Only on the average of 2 or less crimes per year are committed by legal gun owners using their guns.

8 - The tired liberal argument that additional laws would save 500 children lives a year is incorrect. That number includes (mostly) crimes such as gang shootings. These types aren't apparently aware there are already laws preventing such behavior.

9 - Stop in the name of all the 20,000+ gun laws already on the books!

10 - Gun laws are designed to remove mostly hand guns. Hand guns are still the best defense against criminals. Where guns are most prevalent, the crime rate is extremely low. Where guns are outlawed, crime is very high. Check this statement out very carefully yourself. Washington DC has the highest violent crime rate and guns are banned there. Police can not protect you. The criminal has all the rights, not you.

11 - If guns are outlawed, only outlaws would have guns. Its more than a slogan. Its the TRUTH! Criminals have no regard for the law, so why would you believe they would have any more respect for additional gun laws. The laws on the books now are not enforced. We believe that existing laws should be enforced and penalties that are already in place be administered.


Since the dawn of creation, there has been both good and evil in the heart of men and of women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence.

The death of my wonderful daughter Rachel Joy Scott and the deaths of that heroic teacher and the other children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers.

The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Able in the field. The villain was not the club he used. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart.

In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA.

I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore, I do not believe they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder, I would be their strongest opponent.

I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy. It was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies!

Much of that blame lies here in this room. Much of that blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves.

I wrote a poem just four nights ago that express my feelings best. This was written way before I knew I would be speaking here today.

Your laws ignore our deepest needs
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage.
You've outlawed simple prayer.

Now gunshots fill our classrooms.
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere.
And ask the question "WHY"?

You regulate restrictive laws.
Through legislative creed.
Add yet you fail to understand.
That God is what we need!

Men and women are three part beings. We all consist of body, soul, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our makeup, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreck havoc.

Spiritual influences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historic fact.

What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in doing so, we open the doors to hatred and violence.

And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs, politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that continue to erode away our personal and private liberties.

We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre.

The real villain lies within our OWN hearts. Political posturing and restrictive legislation are not the answers.

The young people of our nation hold the key. There is a spiritual awakening taking place that will not be squelched.

We do not need more religion. We do not need more gaudy television evangelists spewing out verbal religious garbage. We do not need more million dollar church buildings built while people with basic needs are being ignored.

We do need a change of heart and an humble acknowledgment that this nation was founded on the principle of simple trust in God.

As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right!

I challenge every young person in America and around the world to realize that on April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School, prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain.

Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your conscience and denies your God-given right to communicate with Him.

To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA, I give to you a sincere challenge. Dare to examine your own heart before you cast the first stone!

My daughter's death will not be in vain. The young people of this country will not allow that to happen.

For those that are for more gun control, be sure to copy and print the sign at the bottom of this page. It seems silly that anyone would actually display this in their front window, however, consider that if guns are outlawed, this sign would be self evident.

The response to Rosie O'Donnell from TruthNet which includes a commentary by Paul Harvey:

Dear Rosie:
If you haven't seen this yet, you should. That is if your people will let you and I believe they won't. By the way, we have stopped watching your show. Our grandchildren had seen that embarrassing display of yours on what we thought was a family entertainment show. We are moderate on this subject but we at least can think straight when it comes to reality. I will display this letter on our website as well as any responses for fairness.

Brian Zerr
TruthNet International

How Can We Blame It All On Guns? Paul Harvey - Commentary Of April 27, 1999

Letters - How can we blame it all on guns? For the life of me, I can't understand what could have gone wrong in Littleton, Colo. If only the parents had kept their children away from the guns, we wouldn't have had such a tragedy. Yeah, it must have been the guns.....

1. It couldn't have been because of half our children being raised in broken homes.

2. It couldn't have been because our children get to spend an average of 30 seconds in meaningful conversation with their parents each day. After all, we give our children quality time.

3. It couldn't have been because we treat our children as pets and our pets as children.

4. It couldn't have been because we place our children in day care centers where they learn their socialization skills among their peers under the law of the jungle while employees who have no vested interest in the children look on and make sure that no blood is spilled.

5. It couldn't have been because we allow our children to watch, on average, seven hours of television a day filled with the glorification of sex and violence that isn't fit for adult consumption.

6. It couldn't have been because we allow our children to enter into virtual worlds in which, to win the game, one must kill as many opponents as possible in the most sadistic way possible.

7. It couldn't have been because we have sterilized and contracepted our families down to sizes so small that the children we do have are so spoiled with material things that they come to equate the receiving of the material with love.

8. It couldn't have been because our children, who historically have been seen as a blessing from God, are now being viewed as either a mistake created when contraception fails or inconveniences that parents try to raise in their spare time.

9. It couldn't have been because our nation is the world leader in developing a "culture of death" in which 20 million to 30 million babies have been killed by abortion.

10. It couldn't have been because we give two-year prison sentences to teen-agers who kill their newborns.

11. It couldn't have been because our school systems teach the children that they are nothing but glorified apes who have evolutionized out of some primordial soup of mud by teaching evolution as fact and by handing out condoms as if they were candy.

12. It couldn't have been because we teach our children that there are no laws of
morality that transcend us, that everything is relative and that actions don't have
consequences. What the heck, the president gets away with it!
Nah, it must have been the guns.

Last But not Least:

There was a horrible tragedy that took place in the Seattle area this week involving a man that went crazy on us. Here is the event line and the conclusion: 1 - Man Killed Mother and two year old nephew with a "KNIFE"

2 - Same man caused accident on I-5 severely injuring man on motorcycle. (Cyclist had one leg removed.)

3 - Man jumped freeway barrier and attacked two elderly women in their 60s with a garden tool. One women suffered broken neck and head injuries, the other woman died on the scene from her injuries.

4 - Man broke into house with three occupants. One occupant kept him in the front of the house while two others were loading guns in bedrooms. Man Left house with no incident.

5 - Man broke into house next door and found hand gun.

6 - Man shot at police that have arrived. Injured one officer causing a skull fracture when her cruisers window was shot out. Two more officers were injured from flying glass while helping first officer.

7 - Man was hanging out of window of home, displaying handgun.

8 - Man was then shot by police SWAT sniper and killed.

No one was killed by a gun except the criminal. Two were killed by knife attacks. One was killed by a garden tool. The occupants in the first house were protected by guns. The perpetrator was 22 years old and it is yet to be determined why this young man who was friendly and helpful and had no previous record of violence and loved his mother did such a terrible thing. Drugs always are suspect in a case like this. Knives and garden tools should be outlawed! :)

There are thousands more of these stories that show total disregard for the present laws on the books. Conclusion: It is a BEHAVIORAL PROBLEM WITH TOTAL DISREGARD TO LAWS AND LIFE! Get it straight - - -This is the TRUTH!

When checking with our local police department I was told that everyone that applies for a concealed weapons license, are instructed to keep the gun on themselves at all times. A safe gun is on the owner and not where someone else can have access to it.

Additional Irresponsible Socialist Propaganda Gone Wrong

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Republican Leader Dick Armey of Texas blasted filmmaker Spike Lee again Sunday for his "totally outrageous" comment that the president of the National Rifle Association Charlton Heston should be shot.

"Charlton Heston does not deserve that kind of a cheap shot from this second-rate movie producer," Armey told Fox News Sunday.

Lee, asked what he would do to combat violence in the United States, was quoted in Saturday`s New York Post as saying the NRA should be disbanded and Heston should be shot ``with a .44-caliber Bulldog`` magnum pistol.

He made the comment last week, at a screening of his new movie, "Summer of Sam," at the Cannes Film Festival in France.

Heston, a veteran Hollywood actor known whose roles have ranged from Moses to cowboys, and his pro-gun organization have come in for fierce criticism in recent weeks after school shootings in Colorado and Georgia.

"It seems Spike Lee is obviously more stupid than you can be by accident. He doesn`t have a bit of an idea of what he`s talking about. His comment on the president of the NRA was totally outrageous," Armey said.

Armey, in a statement Wednesday, demanded Lee "apologize immediately" to Heston and the NRA and called on "liberal elites" to condemn Lee`s "embrace of violence."

"Spike Lee must know that many youth look to him as a role model," Armey said. "I hope no child in America takes his comments as an encouragement to use violence to settle disagreements."

The Republican-controlled Congress is debating a number of gun control measures in response to the school shootings.

(Editor's note: We at TruthNet agree with Dick Armey that Spike Lee should retract and appologize for his irresponsible comments. We urge people to boycott his movies until he does.)

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