Friends E-Mail Links
Elam Leed - my roommate who is an avid outdoorsman who plans on majoring in physics. He took a wild ski trip this winter. His page is linked at the bottom of this page.
Valerie LeGrand - she is at IU and is in a sorority now. Her apartment situation was ok, but who knows. Haven't talked to her in awhile.
Kamran Sajadi -  He attends dUKe and you may see him on The Hill. His web page is hilarious, take a look. It is linked at the bottom. He is going to work at the DUKE hospital this term if he has to stalk the lady who refuses to talk to him about employment.
Tim Anderson - is a friend that attends Belmont. Tim likes sports, backpacking and almost anything. He is living in an apartment with his roommate from Freshman year. He is off to camp this summer. The perfect job for him.
Chris Fike- is my cousin and is attending Wittenberg in Ohio. He has a new roommate, thankyou. He is majoring in science and is doing well. His school makes him take field trips to ponds.
Leslie Moyers- is a friend at Transy and she is an awesome soccer player. Haven't heard from her in a long time. I guess she is doing well.
The Hardings- this is where you can e-mail my family.
 Stacie Smith- a good friend from Centre, actually, my butt-buddy (something larger than best friend or brother), who is off to camp for the summer.
Shea Esterling- a friend who has a secret crush on another friend of mine.  I'm not telling!
Molly Haynes- ORANGE is all I have to say. She is off to camp as well. Then off to London. Watch out world, here she comes.
Rose Rengel- a friend who gave me two of the coolest magnets ever.
Sarah Gardiner- my girlfriend who is going to be a psychologist. She lives in Belgium. However, she is staying in the states to do research this summer.
Mark Furlow- a friend who will be a broadway lighting designer someday. He is starting early here at Centre. He needs sleep this summer!!!

Other Links
Central Kentucky Lift Truck
This is my Dad's business. Check it out. This site has a a lot of great deals for material handling products and services.
Kamran Sajadi's Homepage
This is Kamran's homepage. He is a good friend of mine and his page is under construction. I am sure that it will have great links when it is finished. You should visit it. Ask him whatever happened to FU Productions and Entertainment Company.
Elam's Place
This is Elam's homepage. It has a lot of links to outdoors interests. There are some cool pictures. Take a look at the Philmont section. He is an Eagle Scout. He also likes theater and does tech work. He also does some acting. Engineering seems to be his future.
Centre College
This is the small liberal arts college in Kentucky where I attend college. It is a wonderful school academically. One of the best and the experience that you receive here is one that will last a lifetime. There is more to college than academics and Centre allows one to experience the full college experience.
Email: Todd Harding
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