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Freedom Approaches

Non-Territorial Approaches


Global Visions

Cyber Projects

In Cyberspace, but looking for territory Miscellaneous (space and marine projects, religious havens, etc.)

Independence Movements in America



US Mexico Colombia

  • ELN - National Liberation Front
  • FARC - Fuerzas Armadas de Columbia
Peru Brasil Argentinia, Chili, etc.

Independence Movements in Europe


UK, Scotland, Wales, Ulster, etc.

Italy Spain Miscellaneous Europe

Independence Movements in ex-USSR, Asia, Pacific, Africa


Independence Movements in what used to be the USSR

Independence Movements in Asia

Miscellaneous Independence Movements in Asia, Pacific

Independence Movements in Africa

Other Overviews


General Overviews

Other sites with Independence Movements


Note: this site displays independence movements and
non-territorial approaches, rather than political parties
and movements that support or condone the status quo!

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Freedom Approaches

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