A Fak - o Web Counter page!!


You Are Visitor No.

Featuring the ability to pass off any amount of web counts you could possibly feel like creating!!!

The ultimate Fak-o Counter Gallery.

Dedicated to making you look much bettter


Uncooperative Web counters


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The ultimate Fak-o Counter Gallery.

You can steal any counter from here. From time to time I will make new ones and add to the Gallery.
How to steal a counter (instructions for Netscape users, the others are kindly invited to get a life):

  1. Put the cursor on the counter you like.
  2. Right click with the mouse and keep the button pressed. A menu will appear.
  3. Choose "Save this image as.." and release the button.
  4. Decide where to save the file on your hard disk.
  5. Push this button (push the button ONLY if you have downloaded a counter and ONLY ONCE!!!):
    Send me e-mail with the homepage where you will install your Fake Counter®©. You will enter the Fake Counter®© Hall of Fame.
  6. Put in your webpage a link to www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/7767

In addition, you can make your own counter by using any of the fonts you find at Digit Mania or The Digit Collection

To the Fake Counter®© Homepage

  • Try to understand the author www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/7767/toben.html