Western Australia has various pre and post assessment support organizations that will help you assimilate into the Australian workforce and way of life. These include: |
Migrant Resource Centres
These Centres have been established to assist migrants and refugees with settlement problems. Services include employment and training programs, housing, health, English language classes and legal advice
Northern Suburbs Migrant Resource Centre U12, Sudbury Place, Mirrabooka, WA 60061 Phone: (08) 93455755 Fax: (08) 9345 5036
Catholic Migrant Centre 25 Victoria Square, Perth, WA 6000 Phone: (08) 9221 1727 Fax: (08) 9221 3793 Fremantle Migrant Resource Centre 241-243 High Street, Fremantle, WA 6160 Phone: (08) 9335 9588, Fax: (08) 430 6352 Website: http://www.fmrc.asn.au/ North Perth Migrant Resource Centre 66 Angove Street North Perth WA 6006 Phone: (08) 938 2699 Fax: (08) 9227 7638. |
Dept of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs For translation of documents and interpreting services, contact: Translating and Interpreting Service, Ground Floor, 45 Francis St, Northbridge WA 6003. Phone: (08) 9131 450 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Fax: (08) 9321 3187. Website: http://www.immi.gov.au/ Go back to the top |
Migration Agents A Migration Agent is someone who uses a knowledge of, or experience in, migration procedures and gives immigration assistance. The immigration assistance can include giving advice in relation to visa applications, preparing for proceedings or representing an applicant before a court or review authority. They may also give information on and direct applicants to the relevant employment and training authorities. Migrant Agents must be registered with the Australian Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. Trade Unions Trade Unions represent workers to collectively protect and improve the quality of their working life. They are governed by elected representatives who implement the wishes of the members, and who employ the union’s resources to provide services to the members. The Unions in trade based occupations can be a useful source of information for skills recognition procedures. Go back to the top |
Career Reference Center The Career Reference Center provides current information about careers, relevant courses and provides individual counseling. The center also has videos, handbooks, directories and other publications. The Career Reference Center is located at: The Ground Floor, Durack Center, 263, Adelaide Terrace, Perth, WA 6000 Phone: (08) 9425 4670 Fax: (08) 9324 2726. |
Disadvantaged Youth and Mature Workers and Disability Access Support. For details call (08) 949 3888 Go back to the top |
Joblink Projects
Joblinks are community based projects which aim to assist small business and industry to operate more effectively by efficiently matching job seekers to employment opportunities. Joblink also aims to improve the employment options of job seekers by providing encouragement and information on self employment and local enterprise development. To locate a joblink in your area contact (08) 9 235 6111. Skillshare The skillshare program is designed to assist job seekers with significant or multiple barriers to employment to secure work or enroll in further education or training. The program offers skills training, employment related assistance (including personal support and referral) and enterprise activities provided by community based organizations. There is an Australia wide network of Skillshare projects and three special Skillshare programs. Go back to the top Commonwealth Employment Service (CES) This service provides services to job seekers and employers through a network of offices. The CES provides information on job vacancies, undertake education and training programs and assist long-term unemployed through personalized case management services. In the future this service is to be provided by Centrelink. Phone 131 021 for more information or to make an appointment For other details about CES call (08) 9429 3888. Adult Migrant Education Service The Adult Migrant Education Service (AMES) provides courses for newly arrived migrants and refugees who are permanent residents in Australia and registered job seekers through individually purchased places or CES referrals. For further information contact: The Adult Migration Education Service, 4th Floor, 12 St. Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 Phone: (08) 9220 1600 Fax: (08) 9 325 6075. Go Back to the Top |
Some more useful resources |