SAFER: Scientists Advocating Fusion Energy Research
Political Action Home Page last updated 22-Jan-97
SAFER's Mission:
SAFER (Scientists Advocating Fusion Energy Research) consists of individual
scientists, engineers, and others who advocate renewed investment in fusion
science research. We believe that fusion energy can provide an abundant
supply of safe and clean energy and that research and development of this
technology must be pursued agressively now. SAFER was formed in 1996 and
is independent of any professional organization, scientific institution,
industry, or political party.
Why Do This?
Very simply, "...the primary responsibility for making the case to
Congress and the American people belongs to the science and technology
community." [ John H. Gibbons, Assistant to the President for
Science and Technology ] That's us, whether we're physicists,
engineers, technicians, office staff, janitors, dishwashers,
or even merely graduate students. It's up to all of us who
care about science and technology to make a difference. After
all, if we don't - who will? So get involved!
(Besides, it's actually sort of fun!)
This site is dedicated to distributing information on SAFER's
advocacy in the political sphere. We also have a site for
energy information and general outreach.
1997 SAFER Activities:
- SAFER is currently drafting a letter asking to testify in front of
the House Appropriations Committee's subcommittee on Energy & Water.
- SAFER members will ensure that everyone they know writes to Congress
this year. We'll be out roaming the halls and pestering friends
and loved ones to sit down for 20 minutes and JUST DO IT!
- SAFER members will arrange for 10-15 minute visits with their
Senators and Representatives on behalf of SAFER and their home
institutions, to discuss the importance of supporting fusion energy
- SAFER as a group will accumulate the information needed to
support these activities here (see below) and on the
information/outreach site.
- Jan. 17 - 21: SAFER members contacted their representatives
to support the Gramm Resolution to double federal non-defense
research spending over the next ten years.
(Sample Letter)
SAFER Political Information Exchange (SAFER PIX):
Know who your representatives and senators are, learn how to contact
with them, and build a good relationship so they will support our cause!
- Physics and Government
(tools from the American Institute of Physics)
- Order of Preference for Working With Congress:
- meet face-to-face (at home in district if possible, otherwise in D.C.)
- letters (the nice, polite, brief, paper kind - see a Sample)
- fax (also the nice, polite, brief kind)
- phone call (nice, polite, brief - a pattern forms...)
- email message (nice, polite, brief, include your postal address)
- Senate contact info
- Tentative 1997 Congressional Calendar
(AIP, 1997 FYI#5)
- Relevant Information Networks to Plug Into:
- Other Online Resources:
Note - It may well be illegal to use government resources
(e.g., email accounts, computers funded by DOE, etc.) to lobby Congress.
If you have a personal account through a service such as GeoCities or AOL,
use that instead.
SAFER is open to any individuals willing to contribute independently of
their institutions. SAFER is currently very informal so to join you
simply need to send an EMAIL to with the following
text in the BODY (not subject) of the message: subscribe outreach YOUR NAME
More information about SAFER and additional useful links will be added
to this page as we develop our site.
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P.S. Here are some names we rejected, provided for your amusement:
- Independent Researchers Advocating Thermonuclear Energy (IRATE)
- Support Under-Funded Fusion Energy Researchers! (SUFFER!)
- Fusion Outreach Opportunities for Laboratory Scientists (FOOLS)
- Scientists Troubled by Reduced Investment in Fusion Energy (STRIFE)
This Webspace maintained by Robert F. Heeter, SAFER cofounder.