PEACE to Man, Woman, & Child. This page was constructed so I can do my duty... to civilized the uncivilized. I am a caucasian that has been studying ISLAM for wisdom years under various teachers. And until I get this page together I'd like to just like to present a preview of what's to come in my Just Ice page's Science section: EUROPEANS DIDN'T START CIVILIZATION. The first bones every found were in Kenya. This means that the oldest person ever found was black or shall I say ORIGINAL. But civilation dates back before history was recorded, before the cave men and ice age. Back then it was original people. This is pertinent because when everyone realizes that the ORIGINAL (black) man was the first civilization that ruled for many years as civilized kings and queens then everything will be looked at differently and thus have a better understanding of how things were instead of what the majority would like it to be. In Christianity, God says man is made in God's image, so if this is true than the first people on earth, replicas of God's image. Well if you do the knowledge, that would mean God is black. But many people seem to have a problem with this. Now let's go a bit further, these same people don't seem to mind that the pictures of Jesus are white, even though Revelations states that he has hair like wool and skin like burnt bronze which is evidently the traits of a black man. Now seeing all of this, we can conclude that: GOD IS A MAN. He is not a mystery spook like religion makes him out to be. GOD is an anagram for the Greek words Gomer (Wisdom), Oz (Strength), Dabar (Beauty). These are all physical attributes that only a man can possess. Yet when we do not know what is the cause for something we assume it is a ghost that causes it, instead of knowledging the power within ourselves. The freemasons have a symbol that is widely known as a compass and ruler with a "G" in the center. The G supposedly stands for Geometrist which is comparable to God, the master Geometrist, who designed the UNIverse using math and science. It's funny though because G is the 7th letter of the alphabet which is known as the divine letter, Jesus's number for it's perfect. Also it is good to note that the symbol is a grafted Seal of Solomon (Star of David) and can be found on the dollar bill above the eagle but I'll build on that later on my Just Ice page. Basically, what I'm saying about the masons is they know the truth about God but they keep it from the masses. So if God is a man then what is his role? GOD IS BLACK. God is supreme because he is the first and has the most dominant genes, which is where everybody came from. A black mother and father can have a white (albino) child but two white parents can never have a black child. There are two genes, black and brown, black being dominant. Brown is recessive, red after that, then yellow, then white. White being the weakest. This doesn't mean bad but most people don't want to accept this so racism is used to keep these falsehoods in tact. Thus nothing is achieved. Religion is spread where we "Rely-On-A-Jinn". Jinn meaning genie or spook. But if we go on the basis of mathematics and science then we would know that the original man is black and is god. Caucasian is derived from Caucus Mountains, located in Russia, and this is where the Cave Men were located. Uncivilized until Moses came and civilized these savages. But you can notice that a lot of black people are acting as the savages now, all in the city killing each other like animals. Or DOGs, the opposite of GOD, the highest life form where all originated to a DOG, which is man's (caucasian) best friend because he licked the sores of those that had leprosy as well as his own ass. Note man follows GOD, but DOGs follow man. The UNIverse is out of order, we see this but don't know what is wrong. We assume the world is coming to an end because the Bible says so, but the Bible is the white man's salvation..."if we spread it around maybe we can hang out longer until the New World Order kicks in. Then we'll have the black man in check." That's how the devil's mindstate, the government's mindstate because our 6000 yrs are almost up and GOD will reclaim his throne.

I study from the root of civilization, which is ISLAM (I SELF LORD AND MASTER) and I am a 33rd degree mason but you can call me JUSTICE. I'll build on that later.

Check this site out! Nation Of Gods & Earths--Learn Something.

Just Ice is my other page with a little more.

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