The White Man's Plight in the Americas

It was 1492 when the lamentable plight of the Whiteman began in the New World. Whitemen had to work very hard destroying the indigenous cultures and eliminate the natives. Not only was it a big job taking many years, but it was often dangerous precariously sitting atop large horses running down stone-age men, women and children and lopping off their body parts. Animals were known to rear and old fashion muskets and cannon would often backfire causing serious injuries to the Whitemen. Neither was it an easy chore whipping and overseeing the human caravans of thump lined natives hauling all that gold the long distances back to the ships under the hot topical sun.

The story was repeated a few centuries later in the Northern climes. Soon Whitemen had killed or caused the death by disease of 90% of the indigenous population there too, and they didn't even find any gold. This was not always as much fun as it sounds as sometimes Whitemen got hurt and a few even got killed when some natives had the audacity to fight back. It was an awful time for Whitemen.

Soon the Whitemen had to import slaves to do all the work that they themselves didn't like doing but soon found being a slave owner was not all it was cracked up to be. Some Africans resented being slaves, which is hard to imagine as the Whitemen shelled out a lot of time and money feeding them and building hovels for them to live in; believe it or not, many of the slaves actually complained about free room and board! And sometimes, when the Whitemen needed cash, they would have to suffer the loss of some of their laborers by breaking up slave families and selling them off. On occasion, having one's children or spouse sold away would upset some of these three-quarter humans to the extent that they had the impudence to run away! The Whitemen would then have to take time off to chase them down with dogs, capture them, shackle them (shackles were not free) and punish them by whippings or sometimes having to crush their feet so they could not run away again. This physical punishment was dirty sweaty menial work for the Whitemen and as it was usually quite hot and muggy where the slave owners lived, they often got dirty, winded and dizzy doing God's work. Hanging disobedient slaves was not a common occurrence, it was used only to instill fear to the serious retribution involved in becoming a runaway, but when dictated it was very hard on the Whitemen's pocketbook. So here again, Whitemen suffered the mental pain and anguish of deciding whether to whip, cripple or kill their slaves, not always an easy decision.

Another unattractive business for the Whitemen was having to force the female slaves to have sex with them. They would have to go down to the dirty slave quarters to have their fun so their wives, children and neighbors wouldn't know. Remember, these were the days before air conditioning so Whitemen often perspired profusely under the physical stain.

Speaking of wives, the Whitemen also had to make their women understand that they too were slaves, and having no rights must submit to sex on demand. It just added insult to injury for a Whiteman to have to come home from a long day of slapping slaves around to have to do the same to his womenfolk.

Soon a great civil war forced the Whitemen to disband slavery and start paying for labor or doing it themselves, so for the next hundred years they had to keep these newly declared five-fifths human African-now-Americans in poverty and squalor to make sure they understood who was boss no matter what the government or anyone else had to say about it. Whether urban or rural, it was hard work keeping such hopeless people in line, but with persistence and good planing the Whitemen accomplished it for a hundred more years.

In the 60's it got real scary for Whitemen as the now humans were burning things down. It was lucky that they did it where they lived rather than where the Whitemen lived, but it was still painful to the Whitemen's sense of security. To make matters even worse, sometimes the now humans would sneak out of their ghettos and actually steal and rob from the Whitemen themselves!

There is no doubt the Whitemen suffered great harm for centuries nor that things have gotten worse for them in recent times. A small percentage of now humans and even some women were getting a small degree of special treatment in education and job opportunities; entering Whitemen's schools, police forces, fire departments and bureaucracies to make up for past and present discrimination. This unfairness has so upset Whitemen that they often do the only thing they can do to alleviate the pressure. They get damn big guns and go to workplaces, restaurants, and post offices to shoot down who ever happens to be around. It is a terrible burden to be Whitemen in this society, and don't kid yourself, you have to be White to understand the pain.

(c) CONSERVATIVELY INCORRECT 1993-96 -- Published in the Fall '96 issue of OUT OF BOUNDS.

I suppose I can understand the selfish callous disregard,
it's the pride in it that passes me by.
Conservatively Incorrect -

This is humor, folks. I am not a White Supremacist or a Skinhead.

Document Source: WHITE MANS PLIGHT IN THE AMERICAS posted August 12, 1996 in newsgroups talk.politics.misc,,,, alt.discrimination, alt.politics.white-power, and alt.politics.nationalism.white by "Jack Rite" ( Used with permission.

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