White Aryan Resistance
What Is It?

White Aryan resistance is the amount of resistance that a white Aryan displays when a current is passed through his or her body. This is usually measured in Ohms, as it is with standard resistors. Since each white Aryan has a different resistance potential, it is advisable to start a program to identify white Aryans and test their resistance potential with high voltage low amp cables and an Ohmmeter.

Each white Aryan will then be painted with a series of color bars, indicating their resistance capability, as with standard resistors. This color bar code should be displayed prominently on the forehead to avoid confusion.

A detailed analysis of white Aryan resistance values will soon be released. The data gathered thus far will accompany a proposal for "White power plants" to be opened as soon as possible.

This is humor, folks. I am not a White Supremacist or a Skinhead.

Document Source: This message was posted on Usenet on January 12, 1995 by Bill Stuart (ah787@FreeNet.Carleton.CA).

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