Was Adolf Hitler a NAZI?
By: gisle@ifi.uio.no (Gisle Hannemyr)
Why do "they" believe that Adolf Hitler was a nazi? Mainline historians are under considerable pressure from Revisionist scholarship and to address this blatant example of fraud and falsehood.
This great 20th century artist was never a member of the German nazi party. Hitler was an Austrian for Pete's sake. Untill Anscluss he couldn't even legally vote in Germany, so how could he have been a member of German nazi party!!!! Not a single shred of "hard" evidence as been brought forward to support this theory. No membership card, no nothing!!! There was a feeble attempt to link Hitler to nazi activities through the Hitler "diaries" -- but they were exposed as the fraud they where through the efforts of leading revisionist historian David Irving, perhaps the most widely read historian writing in English.
In a recent interview self proclaimed "expert" on nazi war criminals, Simon Wiesenthal and war criminals and nazism were asked if he could provide any real scientific evidence that Adolf Hitler was a nazi. His response were: "I am at loss". So we know now that everything that Wiesenthal has said and written in his entire life are lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
Adolf Hitler was the stage name for performing artist Adolf Shickelgruber. He adopted "Hitler" as a stage name because the high point of his performance was when everybody in the audience shouted "Heil Shickelgruber". Because the name was so silly, the shouting often ended with the audience audience convulsed with laughter, which wasn't the intended artistic effect. After a brief stint with "Harry" and "Herman", he ended up with "Hitler".
The fact is that Hitler was not into politics. He spent most of the war touring Germany with his act. He was a great admirer of the jew Charlie Chaplin, and had tremendous success all over Germany with live performances based on scenes inspired by Chaplin's movie: "The Great Dictator".
Very near the end of the war, Hitler and his jewish girlfriend, Ms. Eva Braun, had an engagement at the "Fuhrer's Bunker" -- the "Ceasar's Palace" of Berlin. In the middle of performing his act, the nightclub were attacked by communist bandits and everybody's Bratwurst and Lowenbrau Bier were stolen. Hitler and Ms Braun first starved to death and they were then murdered by the communists that had attacked Germany from the East. Because Stalin needed a fall guy for his own hideous crimes during the war -- he picked Hitler since he also wore a moustache. Hitler -- being dead -- could not defend himself. That's how this whole myth started!
Now, if we all can agree that Hitler was not a nazi, perhaps this thread can stop and this newsgroup move on to better times. If you don't agree -- I'll repost this twice a month until the chickens come home to roost...
This is humor, folks. I am not a White Supremacist or a Skinhead.
Document Source: Was Adolph Hitler a NAZI? written by Gisle Hannemyr (gisle@ifi.uio.no), reposted in hitler=socialist thread April 10, 1996 in newsgroups can.politics, ont.general, alt.politics.british, alt.politics.usa.newt-Gingrich, alt.politics.usa.republican, and talk.politics by Steve Meece (smeece@chat.carleton.ca).
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Last updated 3/24/97.