You're a right-wing, paranoid wacko, if ...

HUMOR is a rule-governed internet mailing list. There is no fee for a subscription. There are two classes of membership: readers and contributors. Contributors follows rules which protect the readers from excessive mail and provide only humor (no public flames or discussion). There is no censorship and contributors agree to provide warning when sensitive material is included. It is an international list with members from over 60 countries. The default mail option is DIGEST. The daily average is 8-18 contributions. To subscribe to HUMOR send the command SUB HUMOR Firstname Lastname (in the text field) to LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU (no subject line needed). The LISTSERV will acknowledge your subscription request by asking you to confirm. Re-distribution of HUMOR to local bulletin boards and newsgroups is encouraged. Bill Edwards, Listowner, BEDWARDS@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU

This is humor, folks. I am not a White Supremacist or a Skinhead.

Document source: Posted on July 15, 1995 in newsgroups alt.politics.usa.newt-gingrich and alt.politics.white-power by Bill Edwards (BEDWARDS@UGA.EDU).

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