Hungry Aryan Needs Your Help!!!!!

Growling Stomach Heard Over Internet

Rube, a malnourished, racist skinhead, reveals to the world:

My friend, I am a working class White and due to Zionist usury I have been denied the funds to enjoy a midday meal. However, I do enjoy coffee and cigarettes as a meager substitute . . .

Chuck, a sensitive liberal, responds by writing:

Poor little Rube! Zionist usury prevents him from having lunch. This is terribly sad. (boohoo, boohoo, 15 minutes of tearful sobs deleted) What's the matter Rubie? Did you buy that Uzi on your credit card? Now all weighted down by those Jewish interest payments? I got it! Another pathetic loser who blames all of his problems on the Jews! Mighty original too! Who would have thought to blame all their problems on the Jews? Go figure! So here is the solution.

The Save a Rube Fund

Post your address and I'm sure many sympathetic people will box up some food and mail it to you. You might even end up being famous. Soon mamas the world over will be telling their children: "Finish your lunch!, don't you know the Jews are starving poor Rube in Austin!"

Ramon, a self-sufficient, take charge kind of guy, offers the following suggestions:

A wonderful humanitarian idea! We can raise the consciousness of the American masses yet! I've a couple of cans of old cat food I'll send right over -- we can't have the Rubes of the world going hungry because of the evil Jewish usurers.

On the other hand, isn't this a form of . . . welfare? (Gasp!) Oh no! How will the starving Rubes of the world come to grips with this cruel dilemma -- driven to the point of starvation by the satanic Jewish conspiracy, yet certainly eager to avoid becoming the recipients of (gasp!) social welfare and thus indistinguishable (except of course for their tattoos) from the mongrel peoples of the world?

Answer: Good old Aryan Self Help! Get out there, Rube, and hunt up your nourishment on your own. Don't allow these bleeding heart liberals to create some welfare fund in your name -- why, on a good rainy night, you can find *tons* of nightcrawlers, loaded with protein and many important vitamins. And they're *free* for the taking!

Perhaps the Jewish conspiracy has also forced you to live in ramshackle, vermin-infested housing -- a careful eye and a quick hand is all you need then to rustle up a constant supply of roaches and rodents for your dinner plate! It's also more than likely that stray dogs and cats roam the streets in your oppressed, white working class (crushed by the Jewish oligarchy) neighborhood -- barbecued over an open trash can, these strays can provide a feast fit for an Aryan King! And when things get really bad, show some of that mythological Aryan resourcefulness and pluck -- instead of flushing fecal matter down the toilet, why not save it for future meals? There are still a few nutrients left in there, and it'll at least fill your stomach up while you plan the Aryan Revolution.

This is humor, folks. I am not a White Supremacist or a Skinhead.

Document Source: Donate to the 'Save a Rube Fund' thread, posted July 25, 1995 to newsgroups alt.revisionism, alt.politics.nationalism.white, alt.politics.white-power, alt.skinheads by Charles Freedberg and Ramon. The "Rube" refers to Reuben Logsdon aka Aryan Crusader, White Knight, and plain ol' Hate.

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