The National Socialist Comedy Hour

I was recently priviliged to hear a radio show on l9.33 megahertz SW which was a roundtable discussion by all of our favorite nazis and revisinazis. This is an accurate transcription of the discussion.

Rev. Ron: Welcome to National Socialist Week In Review, where all the burning questions of our day are freely discussed. My name is Rev. Ron Schoedel and I will be your host for the following discussion. And don't forget to visit my new Christian ID WWW Store for all your holy nazi needs. And remember to make all checks out to "Ron Schoedel" that's spelled S-C-H-O-E-D-E-L.  All funds will of course go to furthering the noble aryan race, which will include the purchase of a new American made Jeep to keep our poor white workers employed.

We are fortunate to have with us today the leading stars of the netkreig against ZOG, the mudders, and those despicable race traitors, Hi Hotlips!, who are preventing us from having our "White Christmas!" Praise to Aryan Jesus! Heil and Amen!

Lester: Cut the Christian crap, I'm a nazi thru and thru. Screw your Jew God!
Crusader: Now, now Les, Jesus was no Jew. We're the real Jews didn't you read the pamphlet?
Baron: That's right! I've proven in my research that the Jews now are the spawn of Satan, and we're the true Yids.
Muscles Mckinstry: That's right. Petrified bagels were discovered in N. Zealand proving that the white folks are the real kikes of today.
Wyatt Pagan: Screw Jeeesus! Lets sacrifice a virgin to Wotan.
Vic Noble: I've got a big supply of black candles!
Marlow: Virgin Aryan girl! Wow you guys are radical hee hee. I'll bring the burgers and beer!
Sylvie: Over my dead body!
Rev. Ron: Gentleman! We must show a united front! You should all be ashamed of yourselves!!
All: Heil! Heil! Heil!
Rev. Ron: And now a word from our sponsor.

Are you tired of debating with your friends about ZOG, black ape like creatures, inferior Asians, and deluded race traitors, Hi Mike!, without the proper documentation? Just visit Schoedel's one stop nazichristian web store for all your aryan needs. Never again will you foolishly burn your fingers while lighting that cross! Get our free cross burning guide included with every order over fifty dollars! And you get more! With every order we'll include our free 3-D glasses that let you spot a Jew from blocks away! And remember: All checks are made payable to Schoedel, that's spelled S-C-H-O-E-D-E-L. This is a non-profit organization and will be fully audited by his holiness Ron Schoedel to make sure all funds go to aiding the white Jeep, er............race.

Rev. Ron: Well Les, how's things going over at the National Alliance?
Lester: Just great Rev. We sure shoved it up the butt of those libs who like rock music. The polka is now the official dance of the movement.
Burdi: Now just wait a god damn minute. Are you calling me a race traitor?
Lester: If the jackboots fit.
Crusader: Do we really have to gas Barry Manilow? I always wanted a pet Jew.
Kleim: No doubt he will be convicted of crimes against the Aryan race. And besides rock has negroid beginnings.
Burdi: No way I'm going to a nazi skin concert and playing some Polish Polka! The Poles are just non-white slavic scum anyway!
Griswold: Your a jerk Burdi! We killed the Poles last time. But now we call them white! Read the latest revision of our ideas before you spout off Zippy!
Rev. Ron: Gentleman, gentleman, we must be united under a single banner!
All: Heil, Heil, Heil.
Rev. Ron: Now lets talk about a subject that we're all expert in. Let's discuss the Joooish Question. What do you all think should be done with them?
Baron: I for one have nothing against Jews. Just make it a painless death. Unless of course they're rich Yids. Don't worry, I'll forgive you afterwards.
Burdi: Shoot them, and then torture them!
Griswold: Gas em, torture them, and then interrogate them. We got to find out where the money is hidden. To help the white race of course!
Rev. Ron: Yes, yes, to help the white race! That's spelled S-C-H-O-E-D-E-L.
Crusader: But couldn't I just keep Manilow?
Kleim: Burn em!
Wyatt Pagan: At the stake!
Marlow: Yea, next time will have steaks and beer! I hope Angie will be there. What an aryan babe! She looks like she could have loads of babies, hee hee.
Sylvie: Shut the fuck up you loser. You couldn't get laid if you had a pre-paid coupon from a legal Nevada whorehouse.
SexNazi: Let Reuben keep Manilow. You know how moody he gets.
Muscles Mckinstry: We could use my new "Jewish Pressure Cooker" it's almost ready!
Griswold: Nah, we'll just ship em off to the next Burdi concert. That will kill em for sure!!
Burdi: Eat it polka pinhead!
Griswold: Wait till we ship out the partial southern Italians, no white man has that many pimples! Let's see you blush I-talian boy.
Rev. Ron: Holy Aryan Mary! Dignity above all else ChristianNazi Gentlemen!
All: Heil!, Heil! Heil!
Rev. Ron: Well thanks for listening, and remember, the correct spelling is S-C-H-O-E-D-E-L. And always repeat the 14 words!

"If National Socialism couldn't fool the white losers the last time, try try again!"


This is humor, folks. I am not a White Supremacist or a Skinhead.

Document Source: "The National Socialist Comedy Hour" posted August 26, 1995 to newsgroups alt.politics.nationalism.white, alt.skinheads, alt.revisionism, alt.politics.white-power by Charles Freedberg.

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