Master Race Claims that Jews
Control It All

One dreary November afternoon, Brian Smith checked under his bed and inside his closets and, after finding nothing but dustbunnies and mouse droppings, he slipped on his double-strength tin foil hat to write:

The reality is that Jews control the media. The media is the greatest and most influential force on earth for molding people's opinions and attitudes. And the media continually pushes pro-diversity, race-mixing politically correct propaganda in virtually every sit-com and movie, and continually pushes the multiracial line.

Andrew Carol immediately began to confess the truth:

You don't need to present 'evidence'. We Joos own everything. We own you. We are toying with the white race before we crush you under our feet.

The only vestage of the white sub-race which we will preserve are your women. We will do this because we want to ravage them and to make the christian babies which are so vital to our secret dark rituals.

Every other race is in on our plan. All of the senior Black and Hispanic leaders are members of our top leadership group, and all are sworn to destroy the filthy white race by every means possible.

The holocaust? We fooled you!!! It was actually Joos who were murdering innocent Nazi's in huge camps. The Joo leaders would stand in the rags we prefer to wear, while we forced poor good Nazi men to spend hours goosestepping around the camps in fancy uniforms carrying plastic fake guns. Oh they begged us to let them sit! Never! We'd yell. Keep marching! We would even force them to give us haircuts. They would cry and plead, but we'd say, "The goy are hardly worthy to cut our locks, but do it!".

Poor mister Hitler was just trying to feed his people before we invading his peace-loving country with the communist forces of our friend Mr Stalin.

Today we keep it going!

The rise of Socialism? That was us! The fall of the eastern powers? Us. Space shuttle disaster? Yup, the Joos! High price of gas? You guessed it, us Joos. Specificly you losing your job? Joos! Your wife running around on you? We planned that!

Clintons re-election? Da Joos! Republicans in congress? You had to ask?

Waco, Ruby Ridge, TWA-800? Us Joos! We are everywhere and we are watching you. Yes, you! Only you and your white brothers stand between us and world domination!

You are 100% right about us! Too bad we have all the money!

Andrew Carol "Could be worse. Could be raining."

This is humor, folks. I am not a White Supremacist or a Skinhead.

Document Source: Too bad we have all the money!!!!!! HA! article, posted November 10, 1996 to the newsgroups alt.politics.clinton,, alt.discrimination, alt.politics.white-power, alt.politics.nationalism.white, alt.politics.immigration, alt.skinheads, and alt.conspiracy by Andrew Carol ( in response to Brian Smith (

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