Tired of just ranting?

Want to join an organization
of proud RACISTS
just like yourself?

Want to put your White Power (TM) ideas to good use?

Then YOU TOO can join the International Association Of Really Bitter Racist White People! For the low, low fee of $50, you too can join an organization of stupid, bitter racists just like you! And if you join TODAY, you'll receive one of the following fantastic prizes:

  1. A year's subsription to the "National Enquirer,"
  2. A framed picture of Adolf Hitler fighting the Russians in Berlin in April 1945 (he didn't commit suicide, honest!) or,
  3. A Berlin tour guide of ALL the homes of top Nazi officials of the Second World War!

To join today, fill out this handy-dandy application form!


Association Of Really Bitter Racist White People

First Name:____________________ Last Name: __________________________

What You Wish Your Name Would've Been Had You Been German: __________

Address: _________________________________________________________

Registration Number Of Trailer: _____________________________________

Age: (Use hash marks if Arabic numerals are beyond you) _________________

What would your occupation be if you weren't an unemployed ass?

  1. Clerk at a military surplus store
  2. Private detective investigating the INTERNATIONAL ZIONIST CONSPIRACY!
  3. Professional drunk
  4. Circus freak

What is your education background?

  1. I failed high school because of a Zionist conspiracy
  2. I failed elementary school because of a Zionist conspiracy
  3. I failed kindergarten because of a Zionist conspiracy

What is your household's annual income? (In U.S. funds)

  1. Less than $15,000
  2. I made a million dollars, but the Jews stole it from me
  3. I made two million dollars, but the Jews stole it from me
  4. I made a million dollars, but the blacks stole it from me
  5. What does "annual" mean?

Where do you think the INTERNATIONAL JEWISH CONSPIRACY is headquartered?

  1. Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Washington, D.C.
  3. Tel Aviv, Israel
  4. Across the street. I swear that bastard Goldsmith is in on it!

For our Book Of The Month Club selections: What authors do you enjoy the most?
(An "author" is someone who writes things.)

  1. David Irving
  2. Adolf Hitler
  3. The guy who writes those "Curious George" books
  4. Books are a Jewish conspiracy

Once you've got your application filled out, just send it right in! We'd tell you where to send the application to, but the INTERNATIONAL ZIONIST CONSPIRACY might find out where we are. After all, the Jews use gamma rays to scan the brains of good white people, didn't you know?

This is humor, folks. I am not a White Supremacist or a Skinhead.

Document Source: Read this! Very important! posted June 21, 1995 in newsgroup alt.politics.white-power by Rick Jones.

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