Publications and Articles
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The Unofficial Joint Medical Officers' Handbook
Joint Publications 
Joint Pub 1-01.1, Compendium of Joint Publications (abstracts)
Joint Pub 1-02, DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
Joint Pub 4-02, Doctrine for Health Service Support in Joint Operations
Joint Pub 4-02.1 , JTTP for Health Service Logistic Support in Joint Operations
Joint Pub 4-02.2, JTTP for Patient Movement in Joint Operations
Joint Pub 5-00.2, Joint Task Force Planning Guidance
Joint Pub 5-03.2, JOPES: Planning and Execution Formats & Guidance (This document has been removed from the JEL, temporarily I hope.)
AFJI 48-104, AR 40-11, SECNAVINST 6201.2A, Quarantine Regulations of the Armed Forces
AFJI 48-110, AR 40-562, BUMEDINST 623.15, CG COMDINST M6230.4E, Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis
Other Joint Pubs from the Joint Electronic Library
DoD Publications
DoD Fact File 
DoD Medical Readiness Strategic Plan (MRSP) 
MRSP Evaluation Tool
DoD Organization and Functions Guidebook
DODD 6000.12, Health Services Operations and Readiness
DODI 6480.4, Armed Services Blood Program Operational Procedures
DODI 6490.2, Joint Medical Surveillance
DODI 6490.3, Implementation and Application of Joint Medical Surveillance for Deployments
Other DoD publications from the DoD Directives and Records Branch to include:  
  • DODD 3025.1, Military Support to Civilian Authorities 
  • DODD 6205.2, Immunization Requirements 
  • DODD 6205.3, Immunization Program for Bio-Warfare Defense 
  • DODI 1000.1, Identity Cards Required by the Geneva Conventions
  • DoD HA Policy 96-019, Medical Surveillance for U.S. Forces Deploying in Support of NATO Peace Implementation in Bosnia
    DoD HA Policy 97-004, Tick-Borne Encephalitis Preventive Measures for Department of Defense Personnel Deployed to Endemic Areas
    DoD HA Policy 97-017, Post-Deployment Mental Health Screening in the Bosnian Theater
    DoD Anthrax Vaccination Program, Assorted Documents
    Other DoD HA policies
    Partnership for Peace (PfP) Activity Report, Disaster Medicine Workshop
    Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program (CCEP) for Gulf War Veterans, OSD-HA, August 1995 
    Other Gulf War Illness Documents
    Service Publications
    Air Force
    AFDIR 41-317,  Compendium Of Aeromedical Evacuation Terminology
    AFI 41-301, Worldwide Aeromedical Evacuation System
    AFI 41-302, Aeromedical Evacuation Operations and Management
    AFI 41-305, Administering Aeromedical Staging Facilities
    AFJI 41-315, Patient Regulating to and within the Continental United States
    AFI 44-153, Critical Incident Stress Management
    AFI 48-117, Public Facility Sanitation
    AFJMAN 44-151, NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC Defensive Operations
    Other Air Force publications at the USAF Departmental Publishing Electronic Products web site. 
    FM 8-9, NATO Handbook on Medical Aspects of NBC Operations
    FM 8-10, Combat Health Support (formerly Health Service Support in a Theater of Operations)
    FM 8-10-3, Division Medical Operations Center
    FM 8-10-5, Brigade and Division Surgeon's Handbook 
    FM 8-10-6, Medical Evacuation in a Theater of Operations
    FM 8-10-7, Health Service Support in a NBC Environment 
    FM 8-10-8, Medical Intelligence in a Theater of Operations (Distribution is limited to U.S. Government Agencies.  You must first establish an account with ADTDL to view this file.)
    FM 8-10-9, Combat Health Logistics in a Theater of Operations
    FM 8-10-18, Veteriniary Service Tactics, Techniques, and Services
    FM 8-10-25, Employment of Forward Surgical Teams
    FM 8-42, Combat Health Support in Stability Operations and Support Operations
    FM 8-51, Combat Stress Control in a Theater of Operations
    FM 8-55, Planning for Health Service Support
    AR 40-5, Preventive Medicine
    AR 40-13, Medical Support - Nuclear/Chemical Accidents and Incidents
    AR 40-538, Property Management During Patient Evacuation
    USAMRMC's Go Book (Medical Products for Supporting Military Readiness)
    CALL Handbook No. 94-4, Handbook for the Soldier in Operations Other Than War (OOTW)
    DA PAM 600-4, AMEDD Officer Development and Career Management
    Publications from the Army Medical Department Center and School (AMEDDC&S) including The Army Medical Department Journal, The Army Medical Department Observer, and The Medical Soldiers' Outlook 
    Other Army publications from the Army Doctrine andTraining Digital Library
    Other Army publications from the U.S. Army Publishing Agency
    Order Army publications from the National Technical Information Service.
    Marine Corps
    MCWP 4-11.1, Health Services Support Operations
    Other Marine Corps publications from the Marine Corps Doctrine Center
    BUMED Instructions have apparently been taken off-line.  They should be available at this link.
    Other Federal Publications
      Department of State Background Notes
    Federal Response Plan (FRP) for Public Law 93-288
    FRP Emergency Support Function # 8 Health and Medical Services Annex to the FRP
    Field Operations Guide for Disaster Assessment and Response, U.S. Argency for International Development, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
    Related Articles
    Abstracts, Medical Operations Research - Naval Health Research Center
    "Army Surgeon at the Bulge" by Lynn Grisard Fullman - Military History
    "The Biological Weapon: A Poor Nation's Weapon of Mass Destruction" - Air War College Studies in National Security No. 3, Battlefield of the Future: 21st Century Warfare Issues
    "Combat Health Support Planning" by S.D. Sobczak - Army Logistician, July-August, 1996
    "Crew Rest is Not a Dirty Word" by D.A. Welch 
    "Debugging the Battlefield: Winning the War Against Insect Bites and Related Diseases" by J.M.Gambel - Military Review, Vol LXXVI, Nov-Dec 1996 (Unfortunately, it appears that Military Review has taken its 1996-7 back issues [temporarily?] off-line.)
    Disaster on Green Ramp: The Army's Response by M. E. Condon-Rall
    "Doctor, Can I Have This Agency Removed?" by Jessica Gavora - Policy Review: The Journal of American Citizenship, January-February 1997, Number 81
    "The Doctors Trial," Excerpts from the Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Council Law No. 10, October 1946- April 1949
    "Falklands,15 Years On: Surgeons Under Stress" - The News, 1997
    "Fighting Reformers: The Debate over the Reorganization of the French Military Medical Service, 1870-1889" by W. B. McAllister - Essays in History, Volume 35, 1993, Corcoran Department of History, University of Virginia.
    "Handling the Wounded in a Counter-Guerrilla War: the Soviet/Russian Experience in Afghanistan and Chechnya" by L.W. Grau and W.A. Jorgensen - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, January - February, 1998
    Humanitarian and Peace Operations: NGOs and the Military in the Interagency Process by L.W. Davidson, M. D. Hayes, and J.J. Landon - National Defense University Press Book, 1996
    Level One CHS for the Light Infantry Deliberate Attack by S.D. Sobczak and J.R. Freshour - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, September - October 1997
    "Logistics Training for Medical Support" by D.J. Kelly - Army Logistician, March-April, 1997
    "Making the Most of UN Logistics" by D.J. Saar - Army Logistician, September-October, 1997
    "Maximizing MEDEVAC" by T. Carroll - Army Logistician, November-December, 1996
    "Medical Dimensions of Joint Humanitarian Relief Operations" by L.M. Randolf, Jr. and M.W. Cogdell - Joint Force Quarterly, Spring, 1996
    "Medical Intelligence: A Case Study in Azerbaijan" by G.S. Wolowicz - Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, January-March, 1996
    "Medical Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield" by Joe Laundree - Joint Military Intelligence College Thesis (I haven't loaded this document to the site, but if you send Joe an e-mail requesting a copy, I'm sure he will send you a zip file of it.) 
    Medical Organizational Design and Experimentation for Force XXI by J.M. Harmon III - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, July - August, 1996
    "Medical Support in a Counter-Guerrilla War: Epidemiologic Lessons Learned in the Soviet-Afghan War" by L.W. Grau and W.A. Jorgensen - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, May-June 1995
    "Medical TDA Augmentation Teams: Force Multipliers for War and OOTW Operations" by Dale R. Brown and William T. Cross - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, September - October, 1997
    Medico-Military Academy of St. Petersburg 1996 Research Articles.  Information on how to obtain all of the articles in one huge .zip file.
    "Meeting Women's Needs During Deployments" by Laurie J. Davis, Diane Scherr, and Teresa Parsons - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, July - August, 1997
    "Mental Health Support of Peacekeeping Operations" by D. P. Hall, E.D. Cipriano, and G. Bicknell - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, May - June, 1997
    Military Applications of Telemedicine and Advanced Medical Technologies by R.M. Satava, MD, and S.B. Jones - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, November - December, 1997 
    "Military Humanitarianism and the New Peacekeeping" by Hugo Slim - Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, September , 1995
    Military Medic: The Original Expanded-Scope EMS Provider by R.A. DeLorenzo - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, July - August, 1996
    "Military Telemedicine" by Scott Lemme, Southern Methodist University, Anthropology 5390, Medicine and New Medical Technologies
    "Mobile Medical Augmentation Readiness Teams" by R.J. McCormick-Boyle - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, September-October, 1996
    New Roles for the Reserve Forces and Alliance Medical Military Infrastructure, NATO Subcommittee for the Future of the Armed Forces, May, 1994
    Nonlethal Weapons and Peacekeeping Riot Control by J. B. Becker and C. Heal 
    "Nonlethal Weapons: Technologies, Legalities, and Potential Policies" by J.W.Cook, D.P. Fiely and M.T. McGowan - Airpower Journal, Special Edition 1995
    "Planning for 21st Century Military Medical Readiness" - Defense Issues, Volume 10, Number 38, 1995
    Refugee Crisis in Guantanamo Bay Cuba: Manifestations and Treatment of Stress by B.A. Rowe and D.P. Hall  - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, March - April 1997
    "Reflections on Community Development in Latin America" by D.W. MacCorquodale, MD - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, March-April 1996
    The Role of the Army Medical Service in the Dominican Republic Crisis of 1965 by D.G. McPherson
    "Self-Mutilation & Malingering among Cuban Migrants at Guantanamo Bay" by T.C. Andrews,  - The New England Journal of Medicine, April 24, 1997
    "Some Newsgroup Thoughts on Bioweapons" from sci.military.moderated, April 10, 1997
    "Training Medical Units to Support the Full Range of Military Operations" by Lawrence J. Cook - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, September - October, 1997
    "Twenty-First Century Germ Warfare" by Robert Kadlec - Air War College Studies in National Security No. 3, Battlefield of the Future: 21st Century Warfare Issues
    "Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences," The Princeton Review's Best Medical Schools
    "Viral Hepatitis and the Russian War in Chechnya"  by L.W. Grau and W.A. Jorgensen - U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, May-June 1995
    "Weather Support to the Warfighter" by Richard J. Szymber - Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, July-September, 1996
    The Marine Corps Research Center maintains a large list of military publication links, many of which occasionally publish medically related articles.
    You can search the library catalogs of the schools associated with the Military Education Coordinating Council (MECC) at the Military Education Research Library Network (MERLN) website for military medicine holdings.
    An alternate way of searching library catalogs is to use telnet. You can use telnet to search both the Marine Corps Research Center's Marine University Library (login and password are both "chui") and the Army War College's Carlisle Barracks Total Library (login and password are both "cats"). 
    If you know of other on-line publications or articles of interest to medical planners, please let me know.
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