© 1997, 98 Miro Sedivy |
This is the Guestbook all websurfers love so much...
- 10/19/98 12:51:20
- 05/19/98 13:54:12
Lynda Boggs - 05/06/98 12:07:59
My Email:lboggs@mail.fc.peachnet.edu
Dear Miro,
You are to be commended for your new work. This is exciting! Keep it up! You are topnotch!
Robert H.Ruebsteck - 05/01/98 16:29:38
My mother is slovak, so i am half slovak, I find the country of Slovakia, a wonderful country of hard working and strong people.Always hold your head up high and be proud to be Slovak.I also live in a suburb of Cleveland,Ohio U.S.A., the largest Slovak po
ulation outside of Slovakia-also if anyone has any information on the names:Svancer(Swancer) or Surovec, please email me-thankyou-long live democracy in Slovakia
Robert H.Ruebsteck - 05/01/98 16:28:03
My mother is slovak, so i am half slovak, I find the country of Slovakia, a wonderful country of hard working and strong people.Always hold your head up high and be proud to be Slovak.I also live in a suburb of Cleveland,Ohio U.S.A., the largest Slovak po
ulation outside of Slovakia
Jonathan Kibler - 05/01/98 06:30:57
My URL:http://www.stolaf.edu/people/kibler
My Email:kibler@stolaf.edu
Congratulations on a page well done! Long live
freedom and democracy and a free Slovakia!
- 04/29/98 16:39:22
June Hollis - 04/19/98 19:00:47
My Email:jhollis@intop.net
Very informative! Quite an accomplishment for a 19 year old! Keep up the good work.
June Hollis
Zak Klemmer - 04/18/98 16:26:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3956
My Email:zak-klemmer@free-market.net
My father was born in Cigelka, Slovakia on June 15, 1908. He immigrated to America in 1914. We are of Carpatho-Rusyn heritage. My mother is of English ancestry. I really enjoyed your page. Central Europe Online is one of my favorite pages also.
Frantisek Lanak - 04/18/98 03:03:53
My Email:lanak@earthlink.net
excellent site. I was born in Bratislava in 1942 and left with my parents in 49. Have only been back once in the early nineties and am returning for a visit next month. Your site has introduced me to the politics of Slovakia and more. It also gets me
o reading in Slovak. I need the practice.
Ann Marie Kavanaugh - 04/17/98 21:35:41
My Email:annkav@aol.com
I love your site and I have marked it so that I can return to it often. Very interesting. Thank you.
ANDERS LINDGREN - 04/17/98 09:48:09
My Email:anders.lindgren@mbox304.swipnet.se
i´m bac at your page looking for info on slovak politics. it´s been very helpful. perfect. hope you got my mail.
/ anders
Debi Griggs - 04/16/98 23:30:17
My URL:http://www.netcom.com/~dmgriggs/professor.html
My Email:dgriggs@bcc.ctc.edu
Nice web site. I worked in beautiful Slovakia twice--1994 and 1996--for several weeks each time. The Slovaks treated me like a friend, and I can't wait to come back this Fall. It is great to find a quick update on the Net.
Gregory Glova - 04/16/98 15:24:08
My Email:gregory_glova@ed.gov
Great site! My wife and I visit twice a year and
I enjoy it more each time. Did you ever hear of any books that teach Slovak to beginners?
Gregory Glova - 04/16/98 15:16:48
gene sheeley - 04/15/98 16:07:22
My Email:genesh@ix.netcom.com
Hi Miro, Congratulations on your splendid web site. I know very little about the Slovak Republic and will be visiting again for more info. Thanks, Gene (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)
- 04/14/98 13:12:49
Marek Bezak - 04/12/98 18:23:35
My URL:http://www.fk901.sk
My Email:bezak@gssr.sk
Thank you for your most complet and very nice looking page about our small european coutry which provides good service for everyone.
PS New design is really good
Sean M. Timmins - 04/07/98 18:41:13
My Email:timmi002@tc.umn.edu
After spending 4 years teaching English in Slovakia, I became quite interested in Slovak politics. Now, thanks to your great web site, I can stay informed even from across the ocean. Keep up the good work and good luck at college next year.
Sean M. Timmins - 04/07/98 18:01:55
My Email:timmi002@tc.umn.edu
Linda - 04/05/98 19:26:36
My Email:lindaj@mailcity.com
Thanks for providing the information. Very impressive for a 19 year old.
Lynda Boggs - 04/03/98 21:34:26
My Email:lboggs@mail.fc.peachnet.edu
Dear Miroslav,
I, too, wondered when the 18 would turn to 19. Congratulations on this milestone!
Spring is here in Georgia, USA, with flowers abloom and green fields fresh to see. It's a great season.
Wishing you the best on this birthday, Lynda Boggs
Lynda Boggs - 04/01/98 14:54:44
My Email:lboggs@mail.fc.peachnet.edu
Thank you for the view of St. Martin's Cathedral. I assume that Martin and Mark (English) are synonymous.
Snoopy - 03/30/98 20:02:20
My Email:snoopy55@usa.net
Ahoj Miro!
Rad by som s tebou spolupracoval. Politika,
hlavne slovenska patri medzi moje konicky.
Nevedel som na stranke najst tvoj email, tak mi
prosim napis cim skor. Som z BA, 19 /rocny
student piateho rocnika Obchodnej akademie.
lboggs - 03/20/98 12:24:35
My Email:lboggs@mail.fc.peachnet.edu
I had checked Smetana's "My Country" from the library prior reading that it is a choice of yours as well. Quality and beauty!
Martin Steinmeyer - 03/19/98 11:58:29
My Email:Martin Steinmeyer at CCSMTP
Hello Miroslav,
My name is Martin Steinmeyer, I am a dutchman of 40 years old. I have a wife, a daughter of 1 year old, and 2 dogs. We live in Enschede. I earn my living as a chemical engineer.
I was interrested in Slovakia. I don't know much about it. Maybe I will visit it some time during holiday's.
You have a nice sight. It gives very good information about your country.
I have a question : Has the situation in your country improved after the split up of the Czech Republic and Slovania ? How do you feel about the Czechs ?
Please try to send an E-mail to me. I am curious if the adress is right. It is a company E-mail adress, I don't have internet at home.
I don't know much about this stuff, the adress may not be correct.
I will visit your sight again, maybe you can leave a little message there if it does'nt work.
If you are interrested I can tell you more about us, or the Netherlands.
Best regards,
Carla Manchester - 03/14/98 18:02:09
My Email:manchesterc@platte.unk.edu
I am a 20 year-old college student doing a report about Slovakia for my Political Science class. I just wanted to let you know that I found your site both informative and helpful! :-)
Geoff Ondercin-Bourne - 03/14/98 15:36:04
My Email:onbourne@interlynx.net
Greetings from Canada! I've enjoyed reading your web page, Miro. We don't get a lot of news about Slovakia here. My wife and I were in "Czechoslovakia" in 1985, and we hope to return to Slovakia soon. I was wondering how Slovakians feel about the spli
now, given that many aren't happy with the current government. Was the split a mistake, in your view? Or is it just the people who are in power at the moment who are the problem? Do some Slovakians hope for a reunion? These are some questions I have b
en thinking about since reading your web page. Thank you again for your informative cyber-newspaper.
Don Merritt - 03/13/98 05:53:46
My Email:merit@internet.sk
This is an amazing service to English readers in Slovak who are not able to figure out what's going on from watching the news on Markiza. By the way, consider attending City University (the US one) in Bratislava when you graduate. All classes are condu
ted in English, and the computer program could use your help!
Frank Cingel - 03/10/98 08:52:30
My Email:www.erkcinfra.aol.com
Dear Compatriots.
Loved your articles, very good!!!
Keep up the good work.
Thanks again.
Martin H. Lewinski - 03/10/98 08:00:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/xcampaign/
My Email:madila@loop.com
The freedom of speech is in Slovakia something really fragile. I hope that slovak state propaganda can't breake this web page...
Very well done ! Keep going.
Bonnie Jeanne - 03/03/98 01:42:10
My Email:zmrzlina13@aol.com
Very happy to have found this page! I am researching Slovak politics for a paper in my International Relations class. This is just what i need ot build my understanding! Dakujem!
Prof. J Fogarty - 02/23/98 21:54:08
My Email:Jfogarty@aero.edu
Well Done !!! In the U.S.A. we need to know
more about every day life and expenses in Slovakia
Susan Prichard - 02/19/98 12:09:57
My Email:prichars@nca.bbc.co.uk
really useful stuff! there is not much information on slovakia anywhere else unfortunately
I am a world affairs researcher with the bbc in london
Robert Laurent - 02/10/98 17:03:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/7112/
My Email:freechina@geocities.com
Very nice and informative website. You're doing a great service for the Slovak Republic.
Keep going!
roque vela - 02/10/98 04:25:40
My Email:rvela@hsutx.edu
great job! Very informative. Thanks for the info.
Charles Larkin - 02/05/98 21:55:51
My Email:clarkin@fsc.edu
I found that article on the year 2000 from 1922 most interesting. Thanks for sharing that with all
of us. It's amazing how close yet how far we are
from some of those predictions, and how some of them never came true.
Martina Ivanicova - 02/05/98 21:30:25
My Email:mivanicova@smcvt.edu
What can I say, I love it! I think you are doing a great job; real stuff not the junk. Keep up the good work. You are the source of information I am looking for. Thanks a lot.
Jano Rohac - 02/04/98 21:59:58
My Email:rohac@spark.sk
Velmi dobre. Drzim palce !
Jozef - 02/02/98 16:07:47
My URL:http://vtipy.home.ml.org
My Email:jpurdes@drew.edu
A great page! The graphics are getting better and better. I like your new logo - very simple but clear :-))
Peter Nitransky - 01/27/98 22:41:44
My URL:http://verbatoria.com
My Email:nitran.vercon@verbatoria.com
Very nice site. If you know also other sites about Slovakia (Verbatoria), please let us know.
Stacey N. Jones - 01/27/98 20:37:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/8141/
My Email:stacnic@unforgettable.com
This is a great place! Your page is laid out nicely and is very informative. This is one page that I will be coming back to often. Thanks for having it!