Native American Indian Research Project

Resources For Information

This ongoing project is dedicated to the acquiring of knowledge in order to benefit the inter-relationship of the tribes with the current melting pot of national groups and ethnical backgrounds in the United States. Our attempt is only to collect resources of information and not to express opinions. Our opinions are stated elsewhere on this web site. This location is for informational purposes only, to conduct research into the problems that American Indians experience each and every day and to find solutions to those problems.

Last Updated by John Barradale, Wednesday, February 18, 2004 12:34

Local and International Law and Treaty Sources

Aboriginal and International Law at Bloorstreet

Multilaterals Project at Tufts University

The Human Rights Law Centre at The University of Nottingham, England

The US House of Representatives, Internet Law Library, Indian Nations and Tribes.

Treaties with the Continental Congress, Library of Congress

Treaty Collection, Native American Rights Fund (NARF)

The Constitution of the United States

US Code, Title 25, Indians

US Code, Title 25, Indians

This is not yet finished, but will be a summary of the USC 25, rather than each section being a separate file, they will be merged together and notes will be included as we research the reasons for enacting and for repealing these laws. Notes will also be included as we see if some of these laws can be used for our BENEFIT rather than for our detriment as has been the case in the past.

Indian Tribes and Organizations

Abenaki Home Page

Traditional Abenaki of Mazipskwik & Related Bands

Abernaki Indian Center, Incorporated

American Indian Chamber of Commerce

American Indian Chamber of Commerce - Oklahoma

Anishinaabeg Today - White Earth Nation

Cherokee Observer

Chickasaw Nation Official Home Page

Cowboy Net - Native American Resources

Delaware (Lenape) Tribe of Indians : Federal Recognition Again

Delaware (Lenape) Tribe of Indians - Home Page

Fourth World Documentation Project Home Page

National Congress of American Indians

Native American Christian Fellowship

Network Services Tribal Coalition - Delaware Tribe

The Rankokus Indian Reservation

San Jaun Intertribal American Indian Council

US Government

Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior

Bureau of Indian Affairs, US Net

HUD's Homes and Communities Home Page

National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC)

25 USC Sec. 1 (01/24/94)

Educational Institutions, Research Sources for Indian Affairs

AIAN-CIC - American Indian and Alaskan Native Census Information Center

Santa Clara University - Reference Sources--Native Americans

Stanford American Indian Organization

These sources have not yet been checked for content, but are included for reference to other possible sources that we may have missed.

Other Miscellaneous Links and Links to Lists of Links

Indian Country - Tuscon, Arizona

Aboriginal Web Links

Indian Budget Cuts May Weigh Heavily on States and Counties

NABANet: The Native American Bar Association Network Website

NABA's Gateway to Indian Law Sites on the Internet

Nativetech: General and Meta-site links to Native American Resources

Native American Rights Fund (NARF) Web Site * Main Menu

Native American Rights Fund (NARF) Web Site * Treaties and Other Resources


New Hampshire Department of Cultural Affairs


Rising Moon Genealogical Services Home Page


U.S. House of Representatives - Internet Law Library - Indian nations and tribes

25 USC CHAPTER 1 (01/24/94)

American Indian Gambling and Casino Information Center


FindLaw: American Indian Law: WWW Sites and Other Internet Resources

FWDP -- Treaties, Agreements, and Other Constructive Arrangements

Aboriginal Law and Legislation Online

Virtual Law Office: Royal Proclamation of 1763

Aboriginal Law and Legislation Online

Tribal Directory by Tribe


The Naragansetts



Innerspace - The Writings of Julia White

International Indian Treaty Council Home Page

First Nations, Organizations

American Indian Research Opportunities

The Rankokus Indian Reservation

The Rankokus Indian Reservation

Native American Bookstores and Maps

Indian Law

Native American Genealogy

Mt. Greylock, Massachusetts

National Indian Law Library

Native American Powwows

International Agencies and Information on the Web

JOHNCO:First Nations Directory

Adams, Massachusetts 01220 - Berkshire County


GUIDE to Native American Legal Sources



U.S. House of Representatives - Internet Law Library - Indian nations and tribes

Oneida Indian Nation - Treaties Project

American Indian Program Council Home Page

Amnesty International On-line

First Nations Histories

Web Pages and Other Computer Resources for American Indian Teachers and Students: Indian Education Funding

New England Powwows

Eastern Native American Tribes

Historical Maps of the United States

Contact Information