Neighbors and The Newcomers" - A story you might enjoy!
A story about the indigenous people and the nations that converged upon
the "New World" on up to the present day. A different perspective
from the standard way that historians write about the history of the United
statement from the Grand Chief, Chief David A. Hill - Wawanolette!
Some of the many things that are happening to our people and to our
Chief. The way the people in power view us and treat us, their method to
their madness.
International Sovereign Nation Has Recognition!
Here is an interesting article that was printed in a newspaper, "The
Eagle", which was a reprint from "The Fourth World Bulletin".
It shows a lot of interesting facts.
Native American
Links and Resources
Here are some search engine results relating to the Native Americans
in this land.
of our Archaeological and Historical Research
Here are the results of our research as we continue to collect different
things from various sources. These include photographs of Indian Carvings,
histories of cities and towns written by white men that show contradictions
in their own versions of the histories and show evidence of our occupying
the land prior to them.
We are in need of your help. We are a tribe that is not federally
recognized as a separate nation by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the
government of the United States, even though they have made such statements
in the past and recognize our tribe as being a tribe. If you would like
to offer assistance, please contact us at:
Wabanaki International Sovereign Nation
Chief David A. Hill
Hereditary Grand High Chief/Prince
498 Highland Avenue
Newport, Vermont 05855
Also you may contact the following:
Copyright © 1997, 2004
John Barradale
P.O. Box 12696
Cleveland, Ohio 44112