Rotary Club Franca-Sul

District 4540 Governor:

Antonio Aparecido Agostini e Terezinha

Antonio Aparecido Agostini, born on September 08, 1942, in the city of Jaboticabal, State of São Paulo, son of Emílio Agostini and Modesta Grascioli Agostini, married with Terezinha Maria Trindade Agostini, on January 04, 1980, of whose marriage had three children: Gustavo, with 17 years; Gisele, with 15 years and Giuliana with 13 years. It resides Monte Alto city, state of São Paulo. Personal formation: He was formed in Technician in Accounting for the Technical School of Trade of Monte Alto, in 1969. It concluded the course of Magistério, for the Colégio São Luiz, of Jaboticabal, in 1968. Professional formation: It began bank career close to the Banco Bamerindus S/A, in Monte Alto, in the year of 1960, where it stayed up to 1989. It went by the several inherent positions, culminating in the Titular Management, staying in that position for more than 23 years. He entered in the Banco Bamerindus S/A, also in Monte Alto, in 1989 até1990, when then he retired. He lives now for the family, for the several activities the one that is part. Activities Rotarian: He entered in Monte Alto’s Rotary Club in 1968, having occupied all the positions inside of the Club and presided all the Commissions of Services. He presided the Club for three times: in the years of 73/73, 77/78 and 98/90. He presided the Commission distrital and national Exchange of Youths, begun in 1973/74, having accomplished a Exchange of students with the city of Corumbá, in the State of Mato Grosso. It participated of the commemorations of the fiftieth anniversary of Rotary in Brazil, accomplished in Rio de Janeiro, in 1973, as well as of the International Assembly accomplished in São Paulo, in 1981.

Oficial visit of Rotary's Club Franca-Sul governor in 3rd November 1998.

District 4540:

Rotary International President
James L.Lacy

District 4540 Governor
Antonio Aparecido Agostini
Rotary Club de Monte Alto
Rua Tenente Mendes Jr., 719
Tel/Fax: (016)342-2053
15910000 - Monte Alto - SP

District 4540 Governor elect in 99/2000
Wanderlei Cintra Ferreira
Rotary Club de Franca-Norte
Rua Pasteur, 1300 apt.102
Tel: (016)722-6119
14400-650 - Franca - SP

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