In the run up to the 1994 elections, the ANC promised, among other things, free and compulsory education for the first ten years. It promised more schools, books and teachers for all children. In a famous speech, Mandela stated: "Young lions of South Africa go to school and arm yourself with education, for it will be a necessity for the country's future". Inequalities affecting the poor in education were mentioned as a priority. But ANC has changed its party line. The current education reforms will worsen the inequalities of the past:
* Why did this happen? see article on "Has the ANC Sold Out?"
* What has happened in higher education, and how is the student movement responding? see article on "Bengu Tricks Students"
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* ONLY THE WORKERS CAN FREE THE WORKERS: an introduction to the politics of the WSF. A short, clearly written booklet which outlines our key ideas and aims. R1
* BREAKING THE CHAINS: A history of libertarian socialism (anarcho-syndicalism). A 70 page booklet that outlines our fighting tradition. From Bakunin to Barcelona, from syndicalism to Shanghai- it's all in here. R4
* WHAT WE BELIEVE: Outline of the politics and policies of the WSF. A 70 page booklet which outlines our politics and policies in some detail. R4
* ANARCHO-SYNDICALISM AND THE NEW SOUTH AFRICA: an interview with the WSF. 20 pages. R2
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