If you're here reading this and you have not yet taken my survey, please do. You can't do wrong. Either you will give me balm and succor in my time of philosophical crisis or you will give me an interesting funny quote to spice up my page. So it's a win-win situation! Go to The Other Side of the Drain now and take the survey. Come on!
VWMurray is still alive, hardly ever thinks about death, and is not religious. VW has some fascinating things to say, which I think show a more zen-like approach to death than old Reardenmetal has attained:
The truly good citizens become worm food. I personally can't think of anything more satisfying than being discovered as tiger poopee.
Once upon a time I dreamed that the whole universe actually cared what the dustpot was up to.
I don't suppose you would let me have your liver, would you?"
A pioneering (my first!) respondent, Henry, admits he is obsessive about death and not very religious. He says that "We are worm fodder." So, you know, I find that comforting.
The other early respondent, Buster Crabbe, says he is already dead and he likes it. He says "I still wear tights and pretend I'm Flash Gordon every chance I get." Methinks he's not for real, but who am I to say? Anything's possible.