Hi! I'm Reardenmetal.
You might ask, "WHY Reardenmetal?"
"Rearden answered quietly, 'I'll tell you. You won't understand. You see, it's because Rearden Metal is good." --from Atlas Shrugged
If you're supposed to be working right now (heh heh! RIGHT!) you'll want to interrupt this wav file. You have ample time while it loads.
Hello, and welcome to my page. I'm delighted to be setting up virtual housekeeping here at GeoCities. Thanks for stopping by. Please note that while I am very vocal, I'm mostly harmless.
My friend Zorak would like some gum...do you have any? Just extend a stick of Juicyfruit toward your monitor--but be careful of his mandibles--ARGH! I'm so sorry about that!
Cool--so let's go...
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