Just Another BORING Politics Homepage ? - Read The Debates Before You Leave - If You hate me after reading this, investigate about me and wanted to destroy my job, my family or kill me - then you are no different from the old folks in BeiJing.

Calling all Chinese Students Studying in US : Try say this to any old white folks on the street in US, like what they did to old folks in BeiJing, -- "You are suppose to die earlier, but you didn't, those that are not suppose to die have died " "We are ashame of you, you are a garbage and burden to the society and country " then give him a stick or knife or shot gun to experience the human anger, while trying to explain to him philosophy of freedom of speech in a free country like America.

Oh, Great Democracy Warrior, If you are more adventurous, try chanting Pro-Saddam, Pro-Gaddafi, Pro-Khomeini or Pro-Castro Slogan in front of the City Hall of any US city, throw bricks on the face of approaching Police Officer, shit in front of the City Hall, resist arrest, break curfew, throw petrol bomb on Police car or army truck, and see what will happen to you in America ?
University Students -Try that on Soldiers ( with Primary Education only ) and with Sub Machine Guns, then tell them this is freedom of expression.

This is the political statement made in TianAnMen Square on 4th of June 1989, before the crackdown by the Red Chinese Communist Government.



We Want Deng XiaoPing To step Down,

We Want To Elect Our Own Leader Thru A Democratic Process !!!


What is Human Rights ?
The Elected People's Representative and Members of Parlianment Have The Right To Fight With Their Fist, Pull Hair at Each Other In Parlianment, Like The One In Taiwan Parlianment - see details below.. Our Future Leader Have The Right To Accept MONEY From ANYONE ANYWHERE in The World To Fund Their Election Campaign, Like The One In South Korea.... The student can demonstrate, throw stone and fight on the street every 3 months and the police have the right to hit them with their stick, why not in China ? We Have The Rights To Buy Votes, Like The One in All Other Asia Countries, ( every vote only around 50-100 yuan I heard, if I have 1 billion I can be a President, am I ? ) May be I can ask for Donation or Loan from Taiwan, and Recover The Cost Within 2 years like the Japan Elected Ex-Prime Minister ...( he was never fine or jail, just resign ) The DONATION GIVER Have The Right To Ask For Any Government Position In The Newly Elected Government, Including Embassador's Position, Like The One in America ( North & South ).
The RIGHT To Choose Our Jobs and Locations of Jobs and our place to stay - We DON'T WANT To Go Back To Our Hometown In The Villages, We Want To Stay In The City and bring all Our Family, To Work In Anywhere, Any Jobs We Want, This is Our Right !! No More Allocations of Jobs For Others. Don't Tell Me About MANPOWER SHORTAGES In AGRICULTURE & Rural Area, We Can Always Import Any Food From America. RIGHT ? STOP One Child Policy, We Have The Right To Have As Many As We Like...Don't tell me about STARVATION or POPULATION EXPLOSION.. The RIGHTS to Travel To Any Country - and We Want Our Passport & US Green Card NOW !!! - We Will Flood New York & The World ...Guess what will happen to the world ? 100 years from now, 50 % of world population will have Chinese family name ... TELL Me More About Basic Rights ....Right To have any Religion ( Include Satanic Worship ? ) Right To Have Own Political Believe ( Include Communism If I Live in Taiwan ? ) Right To Total Personal Freedom ( Right to Stay in US After Student pass Expired ? )
We Want A Liberal Society - Class III & IV Movies & Prostitution Like The One In Ginza - Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong , Taiwan, US or Thailand We Want A Strong & Rich Elected Leader Like President Marcos In Phillipines, or President Suxxxxx In Indonesia, Bxxxx in Pakistan ... They are all "Elected" by Democracy, Do They ? Are They GOOD ? Give Me A Role Model Democracy To Die For ...
Now That I have come to US, My Questions to the REAL World of Democracy ...
We have the right to condemn the Queen like the one they do in England, they Go To Jail do they ? If I want Hong Kong Governor Chris Paten to Resign Today , I go to the Hong Kong Street, Burn Some Buses, Break Some Glass, Resist Police Arrest, verbally F__K their mother and F__K their wife, and throw some bricks and stones at Armed Police Officer in Hong Kong, will They Shoot Me with Their Pistol ? Is Hong Kong Government To Be Blame If He Shoot Me ? Will I be a Freedom Fighter too ? Can I Condemn Any political Figures or Anyone Loudly On the Street in Singapore and Do Not Have To Go To Jail for Libel ?
Can I Condemn The Ruling Party on The Street of Malaysia with a Loud Speaker and Do Not Have To Go To Jail for Disturbing Public Order & Peace ? Can I Throw Stones at Police in Israel Without Getting a Few Machine Gun Bullet ? They Are ALL Elected Democratic Government, Are They ? How come Korean Ex-President have to go to jail for 30 years for bribery after accepting Political Donations but not in US ?
How come The US Army can SHOOT and KILL student in Campus for anti Vietnam War demonstrators resist arrest and turning into a "Riot " during the 1970's but not in China ? Who Is There To Say Right or Wrong ? How come So Many Democratic Government can outlaw Communist Party - Shoot & Kill Any Sympathiser Like in Saigon, Seoul or Manila but not The Other Way Round ? Even if they are wrong to follow the Stupid God-Damn Left-Wing Ideology, Don't they have the Basic Human Rights To have Different Political Opinion ? How many Left Wing Student was Shoot & Killed By Right Wing Government in China Civil War, Korean War and Vietnam War Combined - Compared to The Other Way Round ? Where Is Their Rights To Political Opinions ? Once labelled as "Subversive Elements" and "Terrorist Supporter" by The Government, Is it OK to shoot them, Like in TianAnMen Square ?
Any Overseas Chinese Student Study In US or Freedom Fighters Have Tried Taking a Loud Speaker To The Town Centre, and Start Condemning Bill and The Ruling Party , Now That The President Election is Over ? Will The Police come and STOP me ? If I Resist Arrest for Illegal Assembly and Put Up a Fight with Stones, Will The US Police Shoot me too ? WHAT ? IN AMERICA ? This is a FREE Country, RIGHT ? I am Expressing My Personal Political Opinion Only in a PEACEFUL way and Started My Speech With a Smiling Face Like In TianAnMen Square back in June 1989.. . Remember ? Can I have Political Assembly - Chanting Slogan, Waving Banners ( Illegal Assembly ) in ANY Democrartic Country without going to Jail or fine at all ?
///Message mirrored from email send to US Congress//////E Mail send to all US/UK/Canada Congress Committee Members & Federal Agency Relevant to China///

The following is for search engines only, do not read the first & last few lines : The Power of Internet Unlashed to counter Lies and Fantasy about Democracy, giving 1.1 Billion Super Smart Peoples Basic Human Rights to live, talk & condemn ( they are very very good in this, just see what is happening in cultural revolution and Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong Opposition Party Newsletter / Newspaper ), marriage, work & travel the world anytime anywhere is worst than invention of nuclear bomb, a crush to the shaky job market and cheap labour everywhere in the world overnight, imagine living with one third present salary and 12 percent annual inflation, Let the Giant sleep, because when he wake up, he will shake the world - by General Napolean----------Deng Xiao Ping XiaoPing Wei JingSheng Jing Sheng Harry Wu Beijing Spring Digest 1989 Democracy Movement Hong Kong Democratic Party Tung Chee Hwa CheeHwa Mao Tze Dong Peking World Food Supply Third World Starvation Urbanization Human Rights Violations United Nations Wang Dan WangDan Bill Clintons Bob Dole Politics Policy towards China One child policy People's Republic of china investment cultural revolution communist socialist republican democrats white house washington new york america free web sites free internet access free membership free downloads interesting page political statement Macau taiwan parlianment korea japan politics north korea iran iraq middle east issues china left wing CIA FBI KGB Secret Agent Chinese Embassy Body Guard Assassination Black List Politics in China 1989 Democracy Movement Pityful Young Tender Innocent Misleaded Student study in US dreaming about Ancient Greek Utopia Democracy when there is no real democracy in the REAL world.

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///"The Chinese Goverment is right to kill a few thousand students and

prevented a civil war where millions will die." is my opinion and opinion of many other

fellow political analyst, go to http://www.policy.com///

///Your reply :///

> You certainly do not realize that your semi-official message (it is authorized

> by State Security, I am sure), is the first public admission that thousands of

> students have beem murdered in Tiananmen Square and directly contradicts

> the statement made by the so-called minister of Foreign Relation of the

> so-called "People's" Republic of China a couple of week ago.

///If you think anyone who speak out for against lies is somehow link to

the "State Security", your mind is too narrow to accept other political opinion,

imagine if you are ruling China and I say this in TianAnMen Square thru the loud

speaker...Will you feel the anger to crush me .. Can you still be rational ?///

///Am I right to say that you are working for CIA ? Not a very smart logic

isn't it ?///

Your reaction :

>According to your message, your family is part of the criminal exploiters who

>keep the Chinese nation in slavery.

///Is that from my statement : "If your family is not one of the

potential victims, you won't know the taste."

( My family live in BeiJing )

What a fast conclusion about my family is a government servant, good

logic and IQ. (for a M.Sc) ////

> By the way, there is only one legal governmnet of ALL China and that is

> Goverment in Taipeh, Taiwan.

///MY GOD, You mean the : The Devil's dictator, Taipei Old Folks that is also responsible for

///See the book " Dark Civil War Ages in China 1935-1955" London Press 1988 ///

/// The 99.9999 % populations - Peasants and Workers of China abandon them many years ago, REAL Losers. ///

/// The Old Folks also run away with the Federal Treasury and Gold Bar which they used to start their

business in Taiwan, e.g. Brothels for the US Army during the Korean war ///

///Welcome to the Fist fighting, Hair grabbing, Shouting, Shoe throwing, Pushing

event in Taiwan during the Parlianment session, the next best thing happening to the Chinese

Civilization after the stupid Cultural Revolution. Not to miss out the dine & wine and vote buying

during the election campaign, funded by Local Businessman gaining important Convenience and

"Civil Servant" position after the election ///

/// Most of them are connected to The Triads running Brothels, Massage Palour, Casinos too -

see Taipei Daily News in Mid Dec 1996 ///

/// Should I put up an archive of pictures in Internet too to tell the world what happen to the "Slaughtered and Jailed Without Trial" of Millions of Left Wing Students, Communist Subversive Elements, Factory Workers and Labour Union Activist in Right Wing Asian Country during the 1950s to 1980s ? ///

/// Can get some donations and tears, you know...

When is this going to end ? How about treatment, harassment and day light robbery to Peasants and their family by Capitalist Landlords in China during 1400-1960, or the 120 + Pretty Suzhou Villages Ladies kidnapped to Shanghai and raped by Nationalist Right Wing KuoMingDang during 1948 ? ( Some of them end up in Taiwan.., and one of them is my grand auntie ) Why not, too old a debt you mean ? Who is 100 % right or wrong ? who can be the judge ? All This are Silly Revenge Cycle ...isn't it ?


///Agree, tell me 1 good example of Good Democratic Government on Earth, if any ... ///

///Additional points : ..To Serve the needs of the Majority ( Who needs basics of Staying Alive )- not the minority ( Who wanted Hong Kong Liberal Society and Taiwan Parlianment overnight )///

> Any idiot who believes that ANY government has the right to kill ONE person in

> order to keep the privileges of those in power is a *lower life* form who does

> not deserve any kind of dialogue on democracy.

/// Should be .... In order to keep the majority 99.9999 % of the population Stay Alive and Well ///

/// Tell the Vietnam War Policy Makers about this too when they support Ex-Saigon Catholic Government ... and kills millions Civilians & Communist ( They are Human too.. ) to stay them in power ///

///Any government who kill students during campus demo for anti-Vietnam

war is a "Higher Life Form" who can teach others what to do, after labelling others as

"Lower Life form" ?////

//// Any one who cannot stand political debate and keep on using words like

** lower life form** ** idiot** **do not deserve**and suppress others to exercise their human right to

express political views openly, was not different from that Iron Fist in BeiJing, or Rangoon.///

> You are right to fear for their security. The ruling class will be destroyed

> in the coming civil war that is just a few monts away (you can quote me on

> that). They will be destroyed because they are too stupid to understand that

> the only way to survive is to support a peaceful transition to a freee

> society, as requested in Tiananmen Square.

///Lets wait and see, Extremist Christian tell me 12 years ago tomorrow isDooms Day ....///

///What will disappear on earth is the DD - Democracy Dreamer, when they

see the REAL faces of Democracy, Will China be better when it is a democratic country ? Are YOU SURE ? ///

> I hope that the State Security officers who monitor the Internet mail

> intercept this message and send you to a "reeducation camp" for divulging

> "state secrets" to a foreign government.

///.....Good TRY....///

> I shall inform the Red Cross organization in Geneva what kind of individuals

> are on their payroll in Beijing...

///........Informing My Employer ? ... what a Democratic Debate with aFreedom Fighter.....I Thought Beijing Folks did the same to peoples opposing them ///

> xxxxx M.Sc.

> Freedom Fighter

////Do you know what Freedom means ? That means Anyone can say AnythingAnytime Anywhere to express their Opinion in public... ( Such as Teaching Kids how to make bomb over the internet or promoting Child S-x in US ) and That is what is happening inTianAnMen Square but raise the anger of people like you ....There is a limit to freedom, Why don't you try anti-Clinton graffiti on exterior wall of whitehouse to see what is Freedom in US ?... ////

////Freedom & Human Rights are like Budget or Tax Cut or better Welfare Promise, it is just a tools to get themself to power or GREEN CARD in US////

////It is not necessary to have a M S or PhD to be able to express their

feelings about Dirty Politics////

> > > From wangdan@xxxx.com Fri Jan 10 07:27 PST 1997

> > From: "wangdan"

> > To: "0000-Admin(0000)"

> > Subject: Re: (no subject)

> > Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 23:31:26 +0800

> > X-Msmail-Priority: Normal

> > X-Priority: 3

> > Mime-Version: 1.0

> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> >

> > There is nothing wrong with China, Don't listen to those horror story from

> > the student or dissident seeking GREEN CARD, I am a resident of BeiJing working for UN

> > Red Cross, Thanks for the ticket.

> >

> > I know what is democracy by working in Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia,

> > Phillipines, Japan ( during the time of their elections ) and India,come

> > experience it yourself, the REAL democracy.

> >

> > I was a student in TianAnMen Square too, but Finally more and more bad guy ( small

> > businessman, farmers, tugs from Hebei, Anhui, Hunan ) join in for the

> > fun of it, SHIT around the square, try to rape young female student sleeping in

> > the square, Started to use abusing words against the watching guard like

> > Fxxx your mother, sleep with your wife etc. I leave on 1st June because

> > I cannot stand them turning it into an ugly and violent event. Those who stay are

>> the mindless hard core student, who enjoy the fun of throwing stone at the police and get

> > themself on TV.

> >

> > The Goverment is right to kill a few thousand students and prevented a

> > civil war where millions will die. If your family is not one of the

> > potential victims, you won't know the taste.

> >

> > keep the debate going please.

> >

> > updated web site, email send to all US congress reps., whitehouse and

> > politicians around the world.

> >

> > ---------- > > > From: 0000-Admin(0000)

> > > To: wangdan@xxxxmail.com

> > > Cc: mci0212.42@internetmci.com

> > > Subject: Re: (no subject)

> > > Date: Friday, January 10, 1997 9:45 PM

> > >

> > > Why don't you move to communist China to get a first hand taste of what

> > life is like over there?

> > > I am sick and tired of people who enjoy all benefits of freedom

> > (including the right to be a failure) and write apologies for a

> > socio-political system based on slavery of our fellow man...

> > > I'll be happy to help you buy a one-way ticket to Beijing....

> > >

> > > MO, M.Sc.

> > > Freedom Fighter

> > > > From wangdan@xxxxail.com Fri Jan 10 01:05 PST 1997

> > > > Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 17:09:09 -0800

> > > > From: wangdan

> > > > Mime-Version: 1.0

> > > > To: root@xxxx.org

> > > > Subject: (no subject)

> > > > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> > > >

> > > > Can we have democracy in China ?

> > > > Can we afford human rights in China ?

> > > >

> > > > Can we give them freedom to travel, place of work freedom ?

> > > > What will happen to the world If we give them ?

> > > > Is there REAL Democracy in Asia countries ?

> > > >

> > > > Is there any in US, Korea or Japan ?

> > > > Is corruption unique to China ?

> > > > Reason to overthrow them because of this ?

> > > > How about Indonesia, Phillipines, Malaysia, Korea, US, Myanmar,

> > > > Thailand, Taiwan ?

> > > > Are they Clean ?

> > > > Money Politics ???

> > > >

> > > > Do we need democracy when we have no food, no

> > > > clothing in winter like Russia ?

> > > > Give me one example of REAL democracy in the world without money

> > > > involved, or is democracy just a dream ?

> > > >

> > > > Worth dying for this word ? worth suffering for this ?

> > > >

> > > > Wei JingSheng, Harry Wu, May be you can tell me is this for

> > > > your own gain ( Fame or Green Card ) or for your home country ?

> > > >

> > > > Can Anyone be the Police to implement democracy when they


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