Senior Financial Representative for (Sorry my brokerage firm made me take all
references to them off my site). Cincinnati, OH I have been with the Firm since the mid
90's. I have made it through 2 RIF's and am still very happy working here. In
this current life, I have enjoyed the fast, intensely frustrating markets and
the personalities involved in it. I have had the opportunity to rub elbows with
Dick Grasso (say what you will, he kept the NYSE together and created value for
them), nameless floor traders (now I understand why they wear those outrageous
jackets) and a host of other people big and small that make the market work. In
my current position I work with a small group of brokers (6 of us in the ENTIRE
firm)that specialize in working with a high net worth (or closet high net worth)
clients. I have also worked with this firm as a Sales Rep, Trader, Trading
Helpdesk Rep and have still managed to hold onto the most coveted position of
all.. chief smartass.
Text Editor with the
Center for Corporate Law
at the College of Law, University of Cincinnati, this is where I learned what
little I know of HTML, SGML and Perl. As it has been several years since I have
been involved with marking up language, my pages are not nearly as advanced as
they were once. Any tips are welcome here. I learned more at CETL than I have
nearly anywhere.
Technical Sales Manager at DTI... This job has more to it than I care to go into
here, but if you are an employer and want to know more, drop me a line and I
will enlighten you. During my experience there I learned how to apply telemetry
and PLC based controls to industrial and municipal control problems. My last
project there was to design and set up a remote operated
water plant
that was controlled from 5 miles away from a managers desk via an network
interface. Pretty cool applications of technology if you ask me.
Specialist with
Logicon Technical Services
in Dayton,
OH. My experiences there were great, I started
in the mailroom here... ended up doing support work for the contracts we had in
the early 90's (can you say Mid-East support? I knew you could). I was also
fortunate enough to be able to spend time in the lab where the real work was
done. Ask me how to procure a sheet of titanium in under 1 hr from request to
milling. Yes, it can be done if you have the open purchase order and a credit
rating that rivals GE.
Degrees, Certifications