By M. Sabeheddin
"Ignorance...brought about anguish and terror. And the anguish grew solid like a fog and no one was able to see." - The Gospel of Truth, 17:10 Nag Hammadi Texts
"Humanity is asleep, concerned only with what is useless, living in a wrong world....Do not prattle before the People of the Path, rather consume yourself. You have an inverted knowledge and religion if you are upside down in relation to Reality. Man is wrapping his net around himself. A lion (the man of the Way) bursts his cage asunder." - The Sufi Master Sanai, teacher of Rumi, in The Walled Garden of Truth (1131 C.E.).
What role does conspiracy and cover-up play in the multifarious facets of life in the closing years of this twentieth century? Are powerful groups manipulating events as part of a long-range strategy to bring about a totally controlled global society? Does recognition of conspiracies lead to paranoia and delusion? Or does it actually explain events and thereby empower people?
It is not the purpose of this short article to examine the range of crimes, cabals and secret plots broadly covered by the word conspiracy. Nor do we intend to prove the existence of some international conspiracy at work in the crisis torn world of the 90s. What we want to touch on is the implications of conspiracy theories for personal transformation.
What we want to explore here is a different way of seeing the world. First let us define the meaning of that seemingly disturbing word: "conspiracy". Webster's International dictionary gives, as one connotation, "a combination of men for an evil purpose; a plot".
The Oxford Dictionary of English agrees, defining conspiracy as "a combination of persons for an evil or unlawful purpose; an agreement between two or more to do something criminal, illegal or reprehensible; a plot". If, as a significant number of researchers claim, it can be shown that influential - largely hidden - elites have knowingly combined their efforts in a plot(s) to manipulate and control people and events, then on the basis of the standard definition just cited, a conspiracy does indeed exist. Readers who are accustomed (or is it conditioned?) to automatically regard any mention of conspiracy as irrational paranoia, will find this very subject a 'problem'.
Jonathon Vankin, the author of two excellent books exploring a host of conspiracy theories, observes that, "The word 'conspiracy' may be a 'problem' for some, but only because it represents the unknown, mystery, and risk.
Those are the things that grip the human mind and bring it to life. These ideas can only be a problem for those who wish to keep our minds under control." Last century the British politician, Benjamin Disraeli, a man of wide political experience, declared that "the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."
This century U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt has been quoted as saying: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way." "Ruling elites will use conspiracy," states political scientist and activist Dr. Michael Parenti. "They will finance elections, publicity campaigns, publishing houses, wire services, and academic studies. They will use surveillance, mobsters, terrorists, assassins and death squads." Conspiracy researchers 'look behind the dark curtain' that shrouds history and the sacrosanct assumptions reinforcing contemporary society.
There really are, as investigative author Jim Hougan says, two kinds of history, the safe, sanitized "'Disney version,' so widely available as to be unavoidable...and a second one that remains secret, buried, and unnamed."
This "second" version of history, Jonathon Vankin and John Whalen argue, does indeed have a name: "conspiracy theory." According to the co-authors of 50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time the official, safe "Disney" version of history "could just as easily be called the 'New York Times version' or the 'TV news version' or the 'college textbook version.' The main resistance to conspiracy theories comes not from people on the street, but from the media, academia, and government - people who manage the national and global economy of information."
The structure of the modern world demands mass adherence to faith in the institutions that maintain the existing order and make it run. These institutions are innumerable: government, business, science, education, politics...and their survival is dependent on people's faith in authority.
"We have to believe the institutions are functioning in our best interests," wrote Vankin in his 1991 ground-breaking book Conspiracies, Cover-Ups and Crimes.
"We have to believe what the people within those institutions assure us to be true." This is why 'conspiracy theories' are universally anathema to the Establishment. They directly challenge the status quo, undermining the blind faith of the 'brainwashed' masses in society's machiavellian 'leaders'! Vankin quotes anthropologist Jules Henry as saying that "our civilization is a tissue of contradictions and lies." Henry used the term "sham" for the everyday deceptions that reinforce this malignant society. "Sham gives rise to coalitions because usually sham cannot be maintained without confederates." In other words, to keep the system afloat requires a conspiracy.
"In sham," Henry continues, "the deceiver enters into an inner conspiracy against himself." Acknowledging the conspiracies and cover-ups behind history and contemporary events means we can no longer lie to ourselves, like Colin Wilson's "Outsider" who "cannot live in the comfortable insulated world of the bourgeois, accepting what he sees and touches as reality." Modern civilisation is a conspiracy against Reality. R.D. Laing explains in The Politics of Experience how people are 'conditioned' and 'brainwashed' by modern society. Beginning with the children, Laing says, "It is imperative to catch them in time. Without the most thorough and rapid brainwashing their dirty minds would see through our dirty tricks. Children are not yet fools, but we shall turn them into imbeciles like ourselves, with high IQs if possible. "From the moment of birth, when the Stone Age baby confronts the Twentieth century mother, the baby is subjected to these forces of violence, called love, as its mother and father, and their parents and their parents before them, have been.
These forces are mainly concerned with destroying most of its potentialities, and on the whole this enterprise is successful. By the time the new human being is fifteen or so, we are left with a being like ourselves, a half-crazed creature more or less adjusted to a mad world. This is normality in our present age." In our conditioned environment we accept what we are told, largely without question.
Society, or more precisely the ruling elites, define reality. Central to every conspiracy is the suppression of specific information or the deliberate avoidance of certain key facts. Control of information is a mechanism of social control. If information is used by the ruling elites to programme and mentally enslave people, then information can be used to deprogramme and liberate them.
Knowledge is the key to freedom. According to the Sufis, the potential for clear, direct perception in man in his everyday life is largely frustrated by a distorting complex of sociopsychological conditioning factors. Often these appear in the seemingly innocuous forms of unfounded assumptions and expectations. Consequently man is ready mental putty in the hands of powerful manipulators.
Conspiracies are detected only by the exercise of unfettered perception and thinking. Thus, conspirators must propagate a necessary level of confusion in those whom they seek to deceive and control.
The mere realisation of the existence and activities of various 'conspiracies' orchestrated by powerful ruling elites, has a largely liberating effect on a thinking individual, disclosing to him as it does the vast magnitude of the lies and deception incorporated in the various layers of official culture.
The whole social structure, educational structure, economic and political structures are directly challenged. Once a person realises that there is a 'hidden history' behind our so-called history, they invariably start to want to break away from the futile human pattern of seeing reality as it is not and thereby living a lie. They want to abandon the anaesthetic of ignorance and suppression within which man cocoons himself and to embrace the intensity of reality - as it is. Conspiracies and cover-ups do exist.
However, their underlying root cause is our own irresponsibility, ignorance and inactivity. The world tells us what we want to hear, giving us justifications for different states of irresponsibility.
Civilization may well be destroying itself, but individuals don't have to destroy themselves with it. The modern world with its phobias, neurosis, contradictions and conflicts, is what we must overcome. We must break our links, sever our ties; plumb the depths of our unconsciousness, and cut the bonds with which we've bound ourselves. Confronted by the intrigue of conspiracy and cover-up, we don't react to the sham by constructing an equally dogmatic, paranoid worldview.
Nor do we become down-cast, depressed or consumed with red-hot anger. There is no point in hiding away or running wildly in the street.
Just be AWARE. From the inner certainty, clarity and calm of AWARENESS proceeds right and constructive action. Channel your anger, your fear, your hopes and dreams into TOTAL AWARENESS. By discerning society's true condition you are free from the bonds of ignorance and no longer a pawn in the game. Awakening from the sleep of conditioned existence we can appreciate the words of the Sufi teacher Al Ghazzali: "The higher one ascends a mountain, the farther one sees." Some radical students of the Bible identify the existing social, political and economic order as "Babylon".
A name synonymous with a system of total oppression and exploitation, taken from the Book of Revelation. The government, the bureaucracy, indeed all worldly authorities are mere instruments of Babylon. Babylon, built on falsehood and sustained by ignorance, will one day come crashing down because of fundamental untruths. Awakened to the actual nature of this world, one's life is that of exile.
A stranger in a strange land. Conspiracy and cover-up is what we first encounter when we begin to perceive real life in Babylon. "It may be that mankind has been invited to participate in a bizarre kind of contest with some undeclared cosmic opponents," says Brad Steiger, a writer on the paranormal. "Man may have been challenged to play the Reality Game; and if he can once apprehend the true significance of the preposterous clues, if he can but master the proper moves, he may obtain a clearer picture of his true role in the cosmic scheme of things."
Fifty years ago, splitting the atom created the threat of global annihilation. Now scientists are splitting genes and creating new diseases, with equally alarming destructive potential. Could AIDS be one of them?
For much of the last decade, rumors have been rife that HIV, the AIDS virus, may not have had a natural, but rather a genetically engineered origin. Despite a nearly complete "conspiracy of silence" from the mainstream press, talk of AIDS as biowarfare (BW) continues to rise - like so much steam through our inner city streets and housing projects, all the way to the back rooms of our scientific, security, medical establishments, and perhaps even the Pentagon.
This is true despite a massive AIDS public "education" campaign conducted by the U.S. government and its mouthpiece that continues to point the finger of blame at Africa and more specifically the green monkey, as the culprit and catalyst of the pandemic despite (suppressed) evidence to the contrary.
If one looks hard enough, there aren't just rumors of AIDS as BW, there are facts, facts that shatter myths and create a sinister reality of circumstantial evidence so incriminating that after a while, more than just a few conspiratologists begin to take notice.
Invisible Germ Weapons Made-to-Order
When discussing the origin of the AIDS pandemic, one must be aware that not only was the advent of an AIDS-like virus predicted by certain scientists, it was actually requested. At a Home Appropriations Committee hearing in 1969, the Defense Department's BW division requested funds to develop, through gene splicing, a new disease that would both resist and break down a victim's immune system.
At those hearings, Dr. Donald M. MacArthur, Deputy Director of the Department of Defense (now the principle federal agency involved with AIDS research) provided the following information:
"Within the next five to ten years it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-carrying organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory [i.e., not responsive to treatment] to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease." (A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical and Biological Warfare, by R. Harris and J. Paxman; p. 266; Hill and Wang publishers)
The funds ($10 million) were approved and a virus appeared within the time frame specified and has the exact characteristics that were described.
In 1972, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a proposal similar to that of the Defense Department: "An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune infection, e.g., by ...affecting T-cell function as opposed to B-cell function.* The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral anti-gene." (Bulletin of the WHO, vol. 47, p. 257-274.) This is a clinical description of the function of the AIDS virus. * T-cells are white blood cells that participate in a variety of immune reactions. There are three basic types: helper, killer and suppressor, each having many subdivisions. B-cells in the immune system fight infection primarily by making antibodies.
AIDS in Africa
Despite the repeated claims by U.S. government doctors and scientists of an African origin of AIDS - that the disease-causing virus "somehow" jumped species from the green monkey to humans (a feat unknown in biological history) - there is no substantive evidence to prove what is, in reality, only theory and not the fact it is often purported to be.
Another well-publicised explanation for AIDS (promoted by Drs. Robert Gallo and Max Essex, the top two government AIDS "experts") claims that HIV has been dormant in Africa for decades and has only recently been activated. But in Queer Blood, author Dr. Alan Cantwell cites a 1986 study supervised by J.E. Carswell. The scientific team tested the blood of old, sexually inactive people living in rest homes in Kampala, Uganda's largest city and epicenter of AIDS in Africa. The elderly people's blood was compared to that of 716 healthy, sexually active adults living in the same city. Fifteen percent of the younger people tested positive, while all of the elderly people were negative for HIV. Cantwell asks, "If AIDS was in Africa for decades, where was it?"
The researchers concluded: "The results presented here do not support previous suggestions that the virus might have originated in Uganda; on the contrary if interpreted correctly they indicate it arrived in the country only recently." (Queer Blood, p. 74.)
Among additional evidence that AIDS did not originate in Africa is cited in the 1989 German film documentary, Monkey Business: AIDS, The Africa Story, which notes that until 1985, not a single case of AIDS could be found among South Africa's black population. Whites alone were infected from contacts in the U.S. Neither could the AIDS virus be found in the blood of central Africa's pigmy population, the group of Africans with the closest proximity to green monkeys. Instead, AIDS became pandemic in Central Africa's cities, not in the countryside or "jungles", when the green monkey lives.
Epidemiologically, there is compelling evidence that the AIDS virus actually had multiple origin points, that the virus appeared in several different locations at about the same time.
The eruption point of HIV infection in Africa coincides exactly with the time and locations of the massive WHO smallpox vaccination program in the mid to late 70s (London Times, May 11, 1987). Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN assignment to Central Africa were also covered in this inoculation campaign. This would explain why Brazil, the only South American country covered in WHO smallpox programs, also happens to be the epicenter for AIDS on that continent.
AIDS in the U.S.
The U.S. epicenter was New York City, where in 1978 a Hepatitis B vaccine study was conducted on gay men. The government recruited male participants for their study through ads in gay publications. The requirements were that participants be between 20 and 40, homosexual or bisexual, healthy and promiscuous (emphasis added).
After screening the blood of almost 10,000 men, a final group of 1083 were selected to participate in the study. Characteristics of the gay men who were selected for the final experiment included the following:
* the average age was 29
* the men were healthy
* more than half had no history of venereal disease
* most were white and college educated
In January 1979, two months after the New York City hepatitis vaccine trials began, the first case of AIDS was discovered in a young gay man there.
The western vaccine trials on gay men (with the same specifications) began in Los Angeles and San Francisco in March 1980. Seven months later, the first cases of AIDS were detected in those cities.
A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report in August 1981 contained the following data on the first 26 AIDS cases:
* All the cases were homosexual/bisexual men
* 20 were from New York City
* 6 from Los Angeles and San Francisco
* The average age was 39
* Most were well educated
Most people are unaware of the experiments on these men that preceded their mass deaths in New York City, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The details of the experiment, and its effect on the health of these men, are contained in the records of the trials. However, since 1984, when 64% of the men who got the vaccine already had full-blown AIDS, no additional reports have been released. (Waves Forest, "Designer Diseases", Open Road, Fall 1988, p.3). The U.S. Department of Justice is keeping this information classified and "unavailable" for public consumption, research and investigation. (The definitive report of this study can be found in two books by Dr. Alan Cantwell, AIDS and the Doctors of Death [1988] and Queer Blood [1993].)
Suppressed History, Censored Research
Never before in the history of medicine has an epidemic been so peculiarly confined to people of color or specific sexual groups.
Dr. Wilber Jordan, a noted L.A. epiodemiologist has cited epiodem-iological reasons which weigh heavily in favor of AIDS being a man-made phenomenon. His conclusions were recognised by researcher Brett McCabe in her remarks at the AIDS War Conference in San Francisco in September 1990:
"Dr. Jordan notes the 'retroactive' discovery of AIDS, meaning that the disease was 'discovered' after it appeared in 500 cases and then it was 'traced' back to Africa. Dr. Jordan said that makes no sense epidemiologically, especially with a disease as lethal as AIDS, which is the most dangerous disease in the history of mankind. He also pointed out that in Africa, the disease is spread heterosexually, while in America it was initially called a gay disease. Dr. Jordan said diseases don't act like that. Blaming the 'gay lifestyle' also seemed to him a spurious argument, as gay men are not doing anything particularly different now than they have throughout history. Dr. Jordon said in connection to trying to trace the roots of the AIDS epidemic back to Africa, that that is basically a racist assumption, especially in light of the fact that Africa has good doctors and research facilities and a disease like AIDS would have been recognised."
Using BW agents to attack specific groups is not unique to AIDS. "Ethnic weapons" that would strike certain groups more heavily than others have been a long-standing U.S. Army BW objective. (Harris and Paxman, page 265).
The U.S. has the largest arsenal of chemical and biological weapons in the world - enough by some estimates to kill everyone on the planet 5,000 times.
There have even been covert BW experiments conducted against U.S. citizens by various government agencies, particularly the CIA and the military. Previously classified data obtained through the Freedom of Information Act have revealed over 300 experiments directed against civilians and military personnel. (Queer Blood, page 35.)
Details of many of these experiments can be found in A Higher Form of Killing by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman (1982).
Cantwell describes the maniacal gene-splicing experiments conducted at Fort Dettrick, Maryland, first by the Army's BW Unit, then - as a way of white-washing the projects - under the National Cancer Institute:
"Utilizing what were the latest techniques of genetic engineering and laboratory cell culture, the cancer virologists learned how to 'jump' animal cancer viruses from one species of animal into another. Chicken viruses were put into lamb kidney cells. Baboon viruses were spliced into human blood cells. The combinations were endless. In this transfer process, new forms of cancer, immunodeficiency and opportunistic infections were produced in the animals." (Queer Blood, page 37)
More recent examples of questionable BW activities can easily be found, even in the mainstream press. There was a "rodent" virus mysteriously killing Native American people in the U.S. southwest. CIA-funded research on using a variety of animals to spread disease is cited in Jeanne McDermott's book The Killing Winds (1987). One of the "discoveries" at Fort Dettrick was the development of "bird-bombs" and other disease-carrying germ missiles.
In Cuba there is a mysterious virus blinding people, suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere, leaving doctors baffled. Those familiar with the CIA's covert operations against Third World countries, know that Cuba has long been a target for destabilisation in order to overthrow the Castro government. For example, in the early 70s all the pigs on the island had to be killed because they were "somehow" infected with African Swine Fever Virus - an operation which had the tacit backing of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), according to a report published by the Boston Globe, 9 January, 1977.
A Call to Action
To become as fully informed as possible we must make an effort to educate ourselves beyond network television, mainstream newspapers and radio. Controlled by corporate interests, the commercial media is not going to present a serious discussion of the AIDS BW story. It's too explosive. Because of this, some conspiratologists believe that the media's suppression of the AIDS BW story makes it even more credible.
Mae Brussell, the late political researcher and radio commentator said, "Only when people recognize their past can they ever account for the present or figure out the future... Once you open up the wounds of political assassination, then people can get together."
Thirteen years into the AIDS pandemic, it is essential that we recognize present realities and how they relate to past events. We cannot be so naive as to passively watch history unfold, assuming world governments, health organizations, the intelligence apparatus and scientific establishments always have our best interests at heart. We must instead re-examine history ourselves, ask some serious questions, speak out, read, write, educate and re-educate and eventually come to our own conclusions based on evidence and fact - not myths put forth by "experts" who often have agendas of their own.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome has the potential for destroying 99% of the world's population - and perhaps even more. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all of us to become as aware as possible, to understand where this invisible threat is coming from, and thereby empower ourselves to do something about it. Readers are encouraged to obtain and study the references cited and demand a full inquiry.
Eden Felt, longtime political activist and researcher, studied political science at Boston University and is currently active in ACT-UP Tampa Bay and Emergency Times Network. He would like to thank Paul Bernadino, Dr. Alan Cantwell and Regi Alsin for providing information related to his research.
Suggested Additional Reading:
A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical and Biological Warfare, by R. Harris and Jeremy Paxman (1982). Covert Action Information Bulletin, Issue #28. Bio-Attack Alert by Robert Strecker, 1501 Colorado Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90041. AIDS and the Doctors of Death (1985) and Queer Blood The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot (1993). Aries Rising Press, P.O. Box 29532, Los Angeles CA 90029. The Killing Winds by Jeanne McDermott (1987). Clouds of Secrecy by Leonard Nicole. Conspiracies, Cover-ups and Crimes: Political Manipulation and Mind Control in America by Jonathon Vankin (1991). Former CIA officer John Stockwell, Phillip Agee and Victor Marchetti have each written books about covert operations of the CIA and U.S. Government against the Third World as well as U.S. citizens and dissident organizations. Network Against War and Fascism, c/- Paul Bernadino, 747 Ellis St. #4, San Francisco, CA 94109. Emergency Times Network, P.O. Box 7151, Tampa FL 33673.
Reprinted from an Emergency Times Network leaflet.
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