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Nancy Moran
Independent Prisoner Advocate

550 Saint Mary Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Voice (410) 225-0697 -- Fax (410) 225-3584

Email address:

Mission Statement: To promote the well being of prisoners in Maryland and, to a limited extent, those released from prison, being mindful of the causes and prevention of crime and ultimately enabling prisoners and ex-prisoners to attain success in their lives.

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About the Webmaster
Sketch of Qualifications - 1991
Prisoners Aid Association Job Description - 1992
Why I don't have any handouts anymore - 1999

Women's Pre-Release - BPRUW - 1991
MCI Hagerstown - 1992

Go to Website Main Index and Directory

Links to Relevant Maryland and Other Criminal Justice Websites

Latest and Greatest - But Look to "Issues and Sources" for past newsletters and other history

Letter to the Baltimore Sunpaper - December 3, 2000

Death Penalty - Colvin-El - Letter to the Baltimore Sunpaper - May 29, 2000

Memorandum on Criminal Commitment Documentation, Transmittal and Recordkeeping

Spring Hasn't Totally Sprung Newsletter, 1999

Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services "Revised Structural Paradigm"
(i.e., improved, proposed - Phase I - Organization Chart)

The Most and the Best Mailing Addresses of the 1999 General Assembly Interim Session

ESSAY: One Victim's Odyssey in a Maryland District Court -
Coming to Grips with the Front-End after Coming to Grips with the Back-End

Lifer Issues: Lifer Newsletters

Lifer Coordinating Council at MHC

The Connection Newsletter (OACC - all regions)

Issues and Sources

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