The System Sucks
The System Sucks

The school system sucks. After grade school, the administration just gets corrupt and awkward. In grade school you seem to get better grades and a lot more respect. I think one of the reasons is that because they don't try enforce a lot of useless rules up the students, so you end up focusing more on your grades then school policies. School is supposed to be about learning, and if I want to wear Co-Ed naked shirt, it's not going to keep me from learning, no matter how much they'd like to think it will. Just because they think it's gross doesn't make it wrong. Personally, I think most of the staff at McCutcheon is more interested in playing with their walkie talkies and trying to make themselves sound and look important. Although we all know that the administrators get paid way more than they deserve, sitting in their offices and doing god knows what. What do they actually do anyways that is worth getting paid? I think they just stand in the hallway and talk with their walkie talkies, but they might sign a letter or two during the year.

I know that McCutcheon High School is being more and more corrupted every day, and the it just gets worse. The intentions of education began well, and in my opinion, even though I didnt' attend school 50 years ago, was a well thought out system and was ran well. Then it went wrong somewhere down the line, and money and power hungry nerds that got beat up in high school and were out to seek revenge took over. The education system is no longer about teaching students, it seems more like power demonstrations by administrations and teachers. I'm sorry, but giving a lot of homework is hardly the answer to teach somebody. I realize that there are good teachers that really do care, and there are a FEW good principals out there somewhere. But as far as I can tell, the school I attend right now, McCutcheon High School, is corrupt without a doubt. For one thing, if my parents want to get me out of school, it's none of the schools business what I'm leaving school for. My parents are my guardians and have the right to pull me out of school when they see fit. They have to approve the parents reason for pulling them out of school, as if it's any of there business. I don't know if anyone has noticed, but the education system seems to be evolving into a system of parenting and rasing kids rather than teaching. Our Corporation (Tippecanoe School Corporation) for the past year has been considering the idea of drug testing students who drive to school, I think this is a violation of rights. I've even heard of corporations that call your employer if they miss a day of school and ask them to send them home if they come to work that paticular day. That is without a doubt, none of their business
I know the school system changes through every state, and that mine may be different from yours, but for the most part I think most are the same. I live in Indiana, if your state or corporations have some weird policies please let me know.